New Student Registration: Computer Science

Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science offers four 3-credit courses at the 100-level (see course descriptions below):
  • CSCI 128 – Computing Literacy and Coding for Problem Solving
  • CSCI 135 – Computer Application Technology
  • CSCI 161 – Introduction to Programming
  • CSCI 162 – Programming and Data Structures

CSCI 161 and 162

CSCI 161 and 162 are the foundation courses for students intending further study in Computer Science.

CSCI 161 is a required course for students completing an advanced major or honours program in mathematics; CSCI 162 is also recommended (though not required).  CSCI 161 is also required for students completing a major, advanced major, or honours in physics.

CSCI 161 and 162 are minimum prerequisites for all upper-level computer science courses, other than 215, 255, 277, and 335, for which there are alternate prerequisites.

CSCI 128 and 135

CSCI 128 and 135 are usable in any program, except the Diploma in Engineering.  Students intending the BSc with advanced major or honours in computer science may use these courses as approved or open electives only.

Course Descriptions

128  Computing Literacy and Coding for Problem Solving
This course introduces coding for everyday problem solving. Coding is introduced through multimedia computing including manipulation of images, sound and video. Intuitive programming languages, constructs and environment are used to introduce basic coding structures. The prevalence of computing in modern society is discussed. Students from all disciplines can develop their powers of coding for problem solving. B.Sc. Advanced Major and Honours students may only count this course as an approved or open elective. Students who have received credits for CSCI 161 or equivalent are not permitted to enrol in CSCI 128. Three credits.

135  Computer Application Technology
This course enables students to use a variety of software tools to assist in their postsecondary studies and future careers. The course covers a broad range of information and communication tools essential for analyzing and presenting data, communicating information, organizing and writing papers, and preparing talks, slide presentations and posters. Webpage management is introduced. Topics covered support students in education, business, humanities and the health/social/physical sciences. B.Sc. Advanced Major and Honours students may only count this course as an approved or open elective; there is no such restriction for students in Arts or Business programs. Credit will be granted for only of CSCI 135 or CSCI 235. Three credits.

161  Introduction to Programming
An introduction to computers, algorithms and programming. Topics include problem analysis, algorithm development, data representation, control structures, arrays, and file manipulation. Credit will be granted for only one of CSCI 161, CSCI 125, ENGR 144, 147 or INFO 255. Three credits and a two-hour lab.

162  Programming and Data Structures
Continuing from the material in CSCI 161, this course covers memory management and data abstraction via classes and objects, and introduces the linear data structures lists, stacks, and queues. Structured programming is encouraged via modular development. Credit will be granted for only one of CSCI 162 and INFO 256. Prerequisite: CSCI 125 or 161 or ENGR 147. Three credits and a two-hour lab.

Please refer to Section 9.11 Computer Science in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Computer Science subject webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5