Welcome to Intramurals at StFX

There really is something for everyone when it comes to Intramurals. You don’t have to have any experience; we can find a level of play, or an activity that works for you. 

Mini Leagues, Tournaments, and Special Events
Fall 2024

Mini Leagues


Special Events

Winter 2025

Mini Leagues


Special Events

  • Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex - Day Trip, Sunday January 26, 2025 
Registration and Event Details
  • In-person Registration open until January 22, 2025 at the Saputo Guest Services
  • $15, includes transportation to and from event
  • Helmets, skates, and hockey sticks available for rent
  • Activities:  Outdoor skating and stick and puck, indoor gymnasium for basketball, shootaround, other activities
  • Hot chocolate, board games in common area

Questions?  email xrec@stfx.ca

Basketball Leagues
  • WXBL (Women's Xavier Basketball League) - Register
  • XBL (Highly Competitive Basketball League) - Register
  • RXBL (Mid-Level Basketball League) - Register
Hockey Leagues
  • WXHL (Women's Xavier Hockey League) - Register
  • XHL (Highly Competitive Hockey League) - Register
  • RXHL (Mid-Level Skill Hockey) - Register
Homecoming Fun Run/Walk

Start your homecoming morning off with a run/walk around STFX lower campus and trails. After the run there is refreshments and prize draws for participants. Are you an alumni? Alumni have a chance to WIN football game day tickets! 

Run/Walk Options

Pick your distance! Distances are "give or take" for a 2.5 km and a 5km.  Some people even come for a quick stroll just to meet other students and alumni.

Registration Fee

This year we are asking Alumni and Students to make a donation to Kevin's corner (non perishable food donation or cash donation)

Alumni registration fee: FREE (non-perishable food donation or money)
STFX Students: FREE (non-perishable food donation or money)

Residence teams: New this year!  Do you live in residence?  Register online with your residence (encourage a few friends to join) and wear your house shirt to the run. If you have a minimum of 4 participants you get house points!  Which residence will have the biggest food donation pile for Kevin's corner? 

Registration Link


Friday, October 4
- online registration closes at 3pm for Alumni and Students.  
- In-person registration 2nd floor Keating Centre 3pm to 6pm during the Alumni Check in.
- Race kit pickup and submission of donation from 3pm to 6pm Keating Centre (save yourself some time on Saturday morning).

Saturday, October 5
7:30am - Registration for Alumni re-opens from 7:30am to 8:30am.

9am - FUN RUN/WALK begins.

10:15am - Refreshments and prize draws.



Quick Links

Click the link below to go to the Self-Service Registration Portal, where you can create a team, join a team, or join as a free agent.

Intramural Registration Sign-UpIntramural League & Tournament Schedule


StFX Intramurals

1140 Convocation Blvd
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5

Hours of Operation

Fitness Centre
Monday - Friday  6am-10pm
Saturday - Sunday  8am-9pm

Aquatics Centre
Monday - Friday 6am - 9pm  
Saturday - Sunday 8am - 8pm  

StFX Stadium Outdoor Walking Track
Monday - Friday  6am - Sundown

Keating Centre Indoor Walking Track
Monday - Friday  7am-4pm
Saturday - Sunday  CLOSED