Gender & Sexual Diversity Advising

Person smiling

Aimee MacDonald
Gender and Sexual Diversity Advisor
434 Bloomfield Centre
(902) 867-3870

Office Hours: Drop-in office hours will be from 9:30am-3:30pm Monday through Friday and will be on a first-come first serve basis. Appointments are available and can be made by by emailing the GSDA or using the booking system.

About Gender & Sexual Diversity Advising

StFX offers 2SLGBTQIA+ students the service of an advisor to encourage, guide, and advocate on their behalf in order to support them succeeding both academically and socially. 

The Gender and Sexual Diversity Student Advisor offers 2SLGBTQIA+ students assistance in the following areas: 

  • Making the transition and adjustment to the challenges of university life. 
  • Acting as a liaison and advocate for 2SLGBTQIA+ students on issues such as discrimination, harassment, residence life, and academic life. 
  • Providing guidance and assistance to 2SLGBTQIA+ student organizations and societies such as X-Pride. 
  • Hosting educational events or campaigns on equity, heterosexism, cissexism, homophobia, transphobia, and related matters.  

For more information about programming, events, and Positive Space Training opportunities, follow the GSDA on Facebook and/or Instagram.

Linktree: @GenderandSexualDiversityatX

Pride Videos

January is PRIDE MONTH at StFX! 

Remote video URL
Remote video URL

For more Pride videos, visit the StFX Human Rights & Equity YouTube Channel

Positive Space

The 2SLGBTQIA+ community is a diverse group of individuals with one thing in common – they are members of the Queer and Trans* Community. The Positive Space Program celebrates queer and trans individuality, and recognizes our collective responsibility to create a safe and accepting environment for persons of all gender identities and sexual orientations. More than ensuring a safe and equitable university, this program hopes to see the creation of a genuinely inclusive community. The goal of this program is to reduce the climate of disapproval and fear of same-sex attraction and the ostracism of variable gender expression, as well as to draw attention to the oppressive systems of hetero- and cisnormativity. 

Contact the Gender and Sexual Diversity Student Advisor ( for more information.  

X-Pride Student Society
Equity-X Pride 2019_Logo WithCircle ClearBG

The X-Pride Student Society comprises an executive team of student volunteers who work together to create student-led programming and initiatives, as well as draw attention to and mobilize against issues of social injustice at StFX. These programs and initiatives serve to:  

  • recognize the diversity, strength, and resilience inherent to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community;  
  • provide opportunities for students to engage in activities that are not geared towards the majority groups on campus; and  
  • develop tools to engage in activism and advocacy on campus and within the wider community. 

The X-Pride office is located on the second floor of the SUB (room 215), right across from the Golden X Inn. Check out the door to the Space for this year's Exec's office hours, and stop by to chat and check out the resources available! Visit and join the X-Pride Facebook page or Instagram to learn more about the society and upcoming events. 

Sign up to receive info from the GSDA and X-Pride
Equity-GSDA Xpride List serv


Scan the QR Code or click here: GSDA and X-Pride Sign-up

This link will allow you to sign up and select who you would like to receive information from. We encourage everyone to sign up to be the first informed of any and all events through the GSDA and X-Pride!   

Helpful Resources 

Pride flag

The Trevor Project

Pride flag

Youth Project NS

Pride flag


Pride flag

International Transgender Day of Visibility


Human Rights and Equity

424C Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5