Employer Information

The StFX Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning and the Student Career Centre is committed to offering the EDGE Program (Engage, Develop, Grow Your Employability) which is an inclusive service for all students with a disability who are registered with Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning. 

What is the EDGE Program?

The EDGE employment program assists students with disabilities to secure employment, gain volunteer experience, and develop their professional skills and competencies. This program is offered in the fall on a part-time basis and in the summer for full-time work terms. 

Click here for the Employer Application Form.

What is the Student Employment Wage Subsidy?

This funding is received from The Nova Scotia Provincial Government's Post-Secondary Accessibility Services (PSAS), a division of Advanced Education. 

Employer Eligibility & Responsibilities: 

  • Must be a registered business or charitable organization with the Registry of Joint Stocks, Canada Revenue Agency and are up to date with source deductions 
  • Confirmation of no layoffs to hire an EDGE Program student 
  • Orientation and training for the EDGE Program student  
  • Accommodate a Mid-Point Site Visit 
  • Responsible for all employee-related costs (EI, CPP, etc.) 
  • Responsible for all necessary invoicing and paperwork 

Benefits of Participation 

Receive a subsidy of $9 per hour of your new employee's hourly wages, with a required minimum wage of $16.00 per hour. 

This is a great opportunity to create meaningful job opportunities for qualified students. 

For additional information, contact Danielle Fraser, Career Transition & Employment Coordinator, defraser@stfx.ca 


Student Career Centre

194 Gerald Schwartz School of Business
3090 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5