
StFX Centre for Biofouling Research Publications

Purvis, K., Curnew, K.H., Trevors, A.L., Hunter, A.T., Wilson, E.R., and Wyeth, R.C. 2022. Single Ultraviolet-C light treatment of early stage marine biofouling delays subsequent community development. Biofouling 38(5): 536–546. doi:10.1080/08927014.2022.2095906.

Wilson, E.R., Murphy, K.J., and Wyeth, R.C. 2022. Ecological review of the Ciona species complex. The Biological Bulletin 242(2): 153–171. doi:10.1086/719476.

MacKenzie, A.F., Basque, K., Maltby, E.A., Hodgson, M., Nicholson, A., Wilson, E., Stuart, R., Smith-Palmer, T., and Wyeth, R.C. 2021. Effectiveness of several commercial non-toxic antifouling technologies for aquaculture netting at reducing mussel biofouling. Aquaculture 543: 736968. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736968.

MacKenzie, A.F., Maltby, E.A., Harper, N., Bueley, C., Olender, D., and Wyeth, R.C. 2019. Periodic ultraviolet-C illumination for marine sensor antifouling. Biofouling 35(5): 483–493. doi:10.1080/08927014.2019.1616698.

Ware, C.S., Smith-Palmer, T., Peppou-Chapman, S., Scarratt, L.R.J., Humphries, E.M., Balzer, D., and Neto, C. 2018. Marine Antifouling Behavior of Lubricant-Infused Nanowrinkled Polymeric Surfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10(4): 4173–4182. doi:10.1021/acsami.7b14736.

Smith-Palmer, T., Lin, S., Oguejiofor, I., Leng, T., Pustam, A., Yang, J., Graham, L.L., Wyeth, R.C., Bishop, C.D., DeMont, M.E., and Pink, D. 2016. In Situ Confocal Raman Microscopy of Hydrated Early Stages of Bacterial Biofilm Formation on Various Surfaces in a Flow Cell. Appl Spectrosc 70(2): 289–301. doi:10.1177/0003702815620539.

Ells, V., Filip, N., Bishop, C.D., DeMont, M.E., Smith-Palmer, T., and Wyeth, R.C. 2016. A true test of colour effects on marine invertebrate larval settlement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 483: 156–161. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2016.07.011.

Filip, N., Pustam, A., Ells, V., Grosicki, K.M.T., Yang, J., Oguejiofor, I., Bishop, C.D., DeMont, M.E., Smith-Palmer, T., and Wyeth, R.C. 2016. Fouling-release and chemical activity effects of a siloxane-based material on tunicates. Marine Environmental Research 116: 41–50. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.02.015.

Pustam, A., Smith, C., Deering, C., Grosicki, K. m. t., Leng, T. y., Lin, S., Yang, J., Pink, D., Gill, T., Graham, L., Derksen, D., Bishop, C., DeMont, M. e., Wyeth, R. c., and Smith-Palmer, T. 2014. Interactions of protamine with the marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. NCIMB 2021. Lett Appl Microbiol 58(3): 225–230. doi:10.1111/lam.12177.


Centre for Biofouling Research

4130 University Ave
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5