Why is there a Chapel on Campus?
The University Chapel serves to provide a place for spiritual worship for students, alumni, faculty, staff, administration, and the local community.
The Chapel is open to people of all faiths and for all those searching for meaning in their lives.
The Chapel is open every day for students to use for quiet reflection, prayer and even for studying during exam preparations. In keeping with our Roman Catholic faith tradition, Mass is offered every Sunday with most students attending the 5:00 PM "Student" Mass. Daily Mass is also celebrated. For a complete list of times see Chapel Services.
A complete history of the Chapel, including a tour of its artwork, can be found here.
Why do the bells ring?
You will hear the bells ringing to announce the beginning of a Roman Catholic liturgical celebration. They normally ring on Sundays (at 11:00am and 5:00pm) as well as during the week.
The University Chapel bells (basilican bells) were presented by Malcolm F. MacNeil and his family to StFX University in August 1957.

What is the Xaverian Prayer?
This prayer was written for students and alumni of StFX. The purpose of the prayer is to ask for spiritual guidance and strength to seek the University motto "Quaecumque Sunt Vera - Whatsoever things are true" (Phillipians 4:8).
Why is there daily Mass?
The Roman Catholic faith tradition believes that the Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) is life giving - a loving time of prayer and thanksgiving for all of God's many blessings. Daily Mass is offered so students can continue to grow in their spiritual lives during their time at StFX.
For Mass times, please see Liturgical Celebrations on Campus.
Who can go to Mass?
All are welcomed to come to Mass. Students of many different faiths come to celebrate together at the Chapel. You are invited to join in the singing and praying and the sharing of faith.
In keeping with our spirit of Welcome, all are invited to come forward during communion. Those who are new to the Mass, can come with arms crossed and receive a blessing from the Eucharistic Minister; those who are full members of the Roman Catholic Church can receive Eucharist as usual. We welcome all!
Who can be married at the Chapel?
Marriages of StFX Alumni are celebrated in the Roman Catholic tradition and arrangements are under the direction of the University Chaplain. Marriages are registered at the Cathedral parish of St. Ninian.

Wedding of Mike Cahill ('10) and Liana Dupré ('09)
StFX Chapel June 9th 2011
Where are the churches in Antigonish?
There are many churches and places of worship in the Town of Antigonish and the surrounding Antigonish County.
For a full description of places of religious worship please see the Town of Antigonish website or our Worship in Antigonish page for further information.

306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5