Interim Action Plan August 2024

External Review of Sexual Violence Policy 2024: Interim Action Plan August 2024

StFX is committed to continuous improvements to our policies and support systems related to sexual violence. Since the release of the 2024 Watershed Independent Review, key stakeholders have provided initial input on the implementation and resourcing of its recommendations. Staff members across relevant departments have begun the process of action planning to implement the recommendations, including identifying areas of clear consensus and recommendations from the report that require further discussion.

To keep the campus community informed of our progress, below are the actions related to each recommendation. Please note the number in the lefthand column corresponds with the recommendation number published in Watershed’s report.

To be actioned

 These recommendations will be actioned:

 RecommendationResponsible VP(s)Action/Interim Action
2 A structure be implemented to ensure an annual rotation of men’s and women’s games as the headliner at the StFX Homecoming. VP Finance and Administration Implemented
10 The Athletics webpages and resource documents should clarify that the primary contact for all confidential disclosures of sexual violence is the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advocate (SVPRA). VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Services will collaborate on actioning this recommendation 

A second full-time SVPRA staff person should be hired, whose focus in the first few years should be prevention and education, including education with respect to the Policy. The SVPRA position should, like the first position, require expertise in sexual violence and trauma-informed practice, as well as skills or experience in education, communications, and training.

VP Students Implemented – position posted August 2024
23 The President attend the President’s SVPR Committee meeting at least once per year, to receive and discuss the SVPRA’s annual report and prioritize resources and initiatives, including implementation of the recommendations in the IRP report.   Implemented (Fall 2024)

The IRP recommends that s.14.12 of the Policy be amended as follows:

14.12 A failure to disclose Sexual Activity with a student in accordance with s.14.6 and 14.7 of the Policy, constitutes sexual misconduct by the Teaching Staff. The failure to disclose will also be relevant to whether the student consented to any of the Sexual Activity

VP Students (executive sponsor) Refer to Sexual Violence Prevention Committee: Policy Subcommittee to consult as needed and develop recommendation for Executive
Supported with possible modifications

These recommendations are accepted in principle, recognizing that some may require modifications in recognition of considerations or logistics of which the External Review Committee would not be aware. Rationale for modifications will be provided with the action plan. 

 RecommendationResponsible VP(s)Action

The Athletics Equity and Safe Sport Committee (or initiative) consider:

a. The implementation of a concrete strategy to ensure the hiring of one or more women head coaches at StFX in the next three years, as well as a concrete strategy to ensure the success of that coach in the critical first few weeks of her arrival, as well as thereafter;

b. Develop a proposal to present to the AUS leadership to revise AUS

schedules/timetables to divide ‘prime time’ game times evenly between men’s

and women’s sports in the AUS;

c. Undertake a detailed analysis of scholarships, including AAC and AFAs at StFX, to provide a rigorous review of the comparative funding of men’s and women’s teams.

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration

The recommendations have been referred to VP’s/Co-Chairs Athletic Equity and Safe Sport Working Group. The Athletics Equity and Safe Sport Working Group has a mandate to recommend an action plan in accordance with their mandate and timeline of June, 2025 

The Women’s Basketball Program successfully secured a grant to support female coach development initiative, 2024


Waves of Change Training be mandatory annually for both varsity and club coaches, trainers and assistant trainers for the next five years, to be completed in the fall term. The training may be modified or updated for staff who have taken the training multiple times.

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Services will collaborate on response to recommendation and recommend an action plan

Waves of Change Training be mandatory for club athletes once per academic year, and for varsity athletes twice per academic year; once in August/September and a second time in the Winter term.

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Services will collaborate on response to recommendation and recommend an action plan

For the next three years, the University administration require that the Director of Athletics and head coaches meet with the SVPRA, Human Rights and Equity Advisor, Black Student Advisor, Indigenous Student Advisor, and Gender and Sexual Diversity Advisor, and their relevant Directors, three times per year (summer, fall, and winter) to integrate these other University experts and services into the leadership training and development of student athletes, and to identify issues and their solutions. The meetings should be minuted with action items and follow-up.

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Services will collaborate on response to recommendation and recommend an action plan
8 The SVPRA, Human Rights and Equity Advisor, Black Student Advisor, Indigenous Student Advisor, and Gender and Sexual Diversity Advisor be integrated into the delivery of leadership training in the “Leadership Academy” for athletes. VP Students and VP Finance and Administration

The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Life will collaborate on response to recommendation and recommend an action plan as applicable.

Note: the Dept of Athletics prefers that all student athletes receive related training in these areas, and not just the Leadership Academy students

11 StFX should continue to disrupt traditions and behaviours that contribute to exclusion and incidents of harm, including revolving around conquests of women, naming traditions, and grooming first-years in upper-year partying. VP Students VP Students and Director of Student Life will advance response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan

In implementing Recommendation 11, StFX should invest in staffing and programming, including programming targeted at creating new forms of community-building between upper-years at StFX and the first years in residence.

VP Students  VP Students and Director of Student Life will develop response to this recommendation, recommended action plan

Further to Recommendations 16 and 18 below, an expanded SVPRA office should assist with residence by engaging in targeted follow-up, prevention and education at residences where harmful traditions persist and in better training and supporting CAs

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan

StFX should have one consolidated policy prohibiting hazing, rather than separate Senate and Athletics policies. The Hazing Policy should expressly incorporate other relevant StFX policies. Hazing that would be captured by the Sexual Violence Policy should be disclosed to the SVPRA and processed under that Policy; other hazing should be disclosed to a representative in Student Services identified by StFX and addressed under the Community Code of Conduct (in consultation with Athletics where a student athlete is Involved)

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Life will collaborate on response to recommendation, and recommend an action plan

Assign the new SVPRA the role of working with communities, such as CAs in a residence, a residence community, or the athletics community, to de-escalate, and educate in response to, or in the context of, incidents of sexual violence

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, recommend an action plan

Require RLCs to include the SVPRA in residence staff meetings, at least once per semester to educate, debrief and provide support.

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, recommend an action plan

Assign one or more members of the counselling team to meet at regular intervals with student residence staff of each residence as a group to debrief and provide support.

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan

Establish a Sexual Violence Internal Review Team to meet at regular intervals to share anonymized information and to discuss, with a focus on procedure and practice, what issues/incidents have arisen or been disclosed, the nature of the incidents, the presence of any existing or emerging risk factors or trends on campus, and whether communications or procedures need to be refined, considered or addressed

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan

StFX prioritize publishing annual data on sexual violence disclosures and reports, detailed to the extent possible while complying with privacy legislation.

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan

The definition of incapacitated under the Policy should be amended as follows:

Incapacitated: Includes a person who does not have the capacity to give consent because they are, for example, unconscious or asleep or their judgment is impaired, such as by alcohol and/or drugs, to the extent that they cannot appreciate the risks or consequences of the sexual act. In addition to obtaining affirmative consent, it is the responsibility of the person initiating or continuing sexual contact with a person who has consumed alcohol/drugs or who may be intoxicated or impaired to ascertain and confirm that the latter individual is capable of: voluntarily agreeing to the act, understanding its sexual nature and with whom they are engaging in it, understanding that they can withdraw consent at any time, and appreciating the risks and consequences of the sexual act.

VP Students (executive policy sponsor) Refer to Sexual Violence Prevention Committee: Policy Subcommittee to consult as needed and develop recommendation for Executive

In order to reach and train faculty on key aspects of the Policy, the IRP recommends that agenda time be devoted at other scheduled faculty or University meetings for the SVPRA to deliver targeted training

VP Students, VP Academic Refer to VP Academic, VP Students and related committee chairs to develop response to the recommendation, and recommend an action plan
28 Build on and develop Waves of Change training, as delivered at StFX, to better incorporate diverse experiences, in particular, those of 2SLGBTQIA+, racialized and Indigenous students. VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation and recommend an action plan as applicable. This is a Provincial Curriculum however, there may be options for local adaptation that will be further explored.

StFX reduce the number of broad communications issued to the community related to reported incidents of sexual violence, and develop a principled framework for such communications that furthers the objectives of the Policy

VP Students (executive sponsor) and VP Advancement Refer to Sexual Violence Prevention Committee: Policy Subcommittee to consult as needed and develop recommendation for Executive with consultation with Director of Marketing and communications

The REES platform be evaluated on an annual basis, to consider its benefits and disadvantages, as well as whether to invest resources in promoting it at StFX

VP Students

Student Union President

VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts together with the Student Union who co-sponsor the platform will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action plan
Requiring further consideration

These recommendations require further discussion and assessment among key stakeholders, potentially budget resources, and action plan developed, if applicable. Rationale will be provided for recommendations not actioned. 

 RecommendationResponsible VP(s)Action
1 The Athletics Equity and Safe Sport Committee (or initiative) be chaired or directed by an external person, on a one-year timeline, to review relevant documents and create a plan of action. The resulting report, like Watershed’s, should be transparent, public and delivered to the President. VP Students and VP Finance and Administration Refer to VP Students and VP Finance and Administration who will develop response to the recommendation, recommend an action plan as applicable

An equity initiative be immediately implemented in which the university imposes a requirement that a percentage of donations to men’s “top three” teams must be used to promote equity initiatives in athletics.

VP Advancement Refer to VP Advancement who will develop response to this recommendation, and recommend an action as applicable

For the next four years (one generation), the football team be required to participate in the Waves of Change training in their residences, in order to redress the actual or perceived entitlement of these students within the residence community.

VP Students and VP Finance and Administration The VP Finance and Administration, VP Students and Directors of Athletics and Student Life will collaborate on response to recommendation, and recommend an action plan as applicable

StFX should continue to increase its staff complement of professional staff in residences, particularly RLCs.

VP Students The VP Students and Director of Student Life will collaborate to develop response to this recommendation, recommend an action plan as applicable

For the next two years, StFX should establish a summer student position of no fewer than 20 hours per week to support the work of the SVPRA, including to develop and deliver the Waves of Change training commencing in August and September of the following term.

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, recommend an action plan as applicable

An additional counsellor be hired at StFX who specializes in sexual trauma, with priority to be given to someone who identifies as racialized or Indigenous. The counsellor should be a full-time position, and available to students and staff in the summer months, in addition to the academic year.

VP Students VP Students, Directors of Students Services and related subject matter experts will develop response to this recommendation, recommend an action plan as applicable