Limited Bursary Program

2024-25 applications are now under review; successful applicants will be notified of awards via their StFX email account by mid-March.

Limited bursaries are available in the fall and winter terms to all students in good academic standing in an academic undergraduate or graduate program who require financial assistance and meet the criteria of the program. Students studying at the doctoral level are not eligible to apply. Students complete one application for the academic year (September – April). If you have any questions or concerns about your application, please book an appointment with the Financial Aid Office. Bursaries will be adjudicated by groupings each month beginning in October through until February. 

This is a needs-based bursary program; applicants who do not demonstrate reasonable student related need will not be considered for funding. Many bursaries include additional criteria that may be a requirement or a preference for selection. All required criteria must be met by an applicant before a preference criterion will be taken into consideration. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office if they are unsure of any of the criteria outlined in the bursary description. 

Please note: 

  • Applicants reporting $0 in resources for their studies will not be considered for funding. All students are expected to have come to university with a sound financial plan to address the cost of attendance. This program is meant to assist students with small gaps that may exist in their budgets, it is not meant to be used as a main source of funding for post-secondary study.
  • Due to the volume of applications expected, only those approved for a bursary will be notified following the closing date. 
  • The Financial Aid Office will make every effort to adjudicate applications and notify recipients of awards within 21 days of each grouping's closing date.
  • All notifications will be sent to recipients' StFX email accounts. 

For a list of Limited Bursaries in alphabetical order, click here.


Financial Aid Office

204/206 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5