StFX has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. Click here to access the REES Online Reporting Tool.
Reports submitted anonymously through REES will not result in an internal investigation automatically, but will be considered anonymous disclosures under the Sexual Violence policy.
How to Report
REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, Report to Police, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services. REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to https://reescommunity.com/campus and select from the drop-down list.
Create a Record
You can Create a Record without choosing a reporting option. Your Record will be securely stored in REES until you are ready to report. Records stored in REES cannot be accessed by REES or StFX. Only you can access your Record unless you choose to send it as a Connect to My Campus.
Anonymous Report
Anonymous Report allows an individual to share information about an incident of sexual harassment, misconduct or assault without identifying themselves, or identifying the person who has harmed them. Anonymous Reports will include only the multiple-choice questions and gender questions from your Record. Anonymous Report data will be provided by REES to the StFX to measure the incidence and identify patterns of sexual violence on campus, with the goal of improving policy, supports or responses to sexual violence on campus. Because an Anonymous Report does not include any identifying information about the persons involved, it cannot initiate an investigation, and the StFX does not have the ability to follow up with you directly.
Connect to My Campus
Connect to My Campus allows you to reach out to the StFX Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advocate. You can receive support, resources, and information, or discuss the formal reporting/complaint processes. There is no time limit to Connect to My Campus.
Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI)
Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI) is a feature of REES that helps to identify a person whose behaviour has harmed multiple people. You provide identifying information about the person that is stored in a database. If more than one individual identifies the same person has harmed them, a match is made and StFX is notified.
Reporting refers to a victim/survivor sharing information about an incident of sexual violence for the purpose of an investigation by StFX and/or an external investigation by the RCMP.
To have a report submitted to the REES online reporting tool investigated internally please select "connect to my campus" on the REES platform and the SVPRA will contact you.
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