
Recruit. Hire. Retain.

Our program allows employers to recruit undergraduate students from nine different undergraduate degree programs, one masters, and four post-baccalaureate diploma programs. We provide a flexible hiring model that helps infuse fresh talent and a bright innovative perspective into corporations, government departments, and non-for-profits without recruitment deadlines or ranking. The role of the work term supervisor as mentor and coach influences the student’s transition from their academics to the workplace.

Our students are confident and dynamic individuals with a passion for success. Organizations which choose to become StFX co-op employers experience first-hand the many benefits of hiring one of our talented and professional students.

Employer Requirements
  • Provide safe working conditions, supervision, training, and evaluation for your co-op student.
  • Provide an orientation/onboarding and staff introductions to your new co-op student hiring.
  • Assume responsibility for the co-op student, as you would for any other full-time employee.
  • Ensure the student is engaged in paid, relevant, and meaningful work.
  • Designate one main supervisor for the co-op student who will oversee the student's workday and be able to provide guidance and feedback.
  • Communicate with the StFX Co-op Office if an issue does arise during the work term.
  • Participate in some student co-op work term assignments, such as the learning objectives and worksite evaluation. When a supervisor reviews a student's learning objectives, the supervisor becomes aware of what the student would like to learn and can share with the student based on the role if there are other learning objectives the student may want to consider.
  • Participate in a worksite evaluation around the mid-point of the work term (virtual, telephone, or in-person). Monitoring and evaluating a student's work term performance is key in the student's development learning while enrolled in the co-op program. Typically, the work site evaluation takes 30-45 minutes.
  • Complete a final work term student performance evaluation with the student.
Work Term Components

While on a work term, co-op students are responsible for completing the following assignments:

  • Learning Objectives: Outline what the student would like to learn and/or accomplish during the work term. Learning Objectives are discussed with the student's supervisor. It is important that the student's supervisor is aware of the student's learning objectives as this can help facilitate learning opportunities. The co-op student submits their learning objectives to the Co-op Office. Students are also encouraged to include a brief organizational chart that outlines where their co-op position fits within the organization.
  • Work Site Evaluation: At the mid-point of the work term, the Co-op Coordinator will conduct a "check-in" to see how the work term is progressing. The Co-op Coordinator will speak with the student and supervisor separately. The check-in/evaluation provides the opportunity for the Co-op Coordinator an opportunity to learn more about the student's work and to learn more about the employer.
  • Student Performance Evaluation: This occurs at the end of the work term and is a final evaluation for the student. Through conversation, the student and supervisor will review the student's performance during the work experience. The completed performance evaluation is submitted to the Co-op Office.
  • End of Term Student Assignments. This will vary between our undergraduate, master's, and post-baccalaureate co-op programs. At a minimum, co-op students complete a reflection essay that provides students the opportunity describe, examine and articulate students’ learning, growth, and development during the work term.
Job Requirements

A co-op work term is a minimum of 13-16 weeks of full-time (35 to 40 hours per week) of paid employment that is relevant to the student's degree. Work terms can run from January to April, May to August, and/or September to December. Our undergraduate co-op students can work 4, 8, or 12 months starting in January, May, or September. Our MACS co-op students can work 8 months (summer and fall semester or winter and summer ) and PBD Co-op students can work for 4 months in the summer semester only. Currently, co-op students are paid between $17-$30/hr. This is dependent on the number of work terms the student has completed, industry, field, and location. We track co-op salary. If you have a question about co-op student wages, please contact the Co-op Office.

In addition, the job description must be reviewed and approved by the Co-op Education Office. To be approved, the Co-op Office is looking for meaningful and relevant duties that provide the student with learning opportunities, the role is full time and is paid a competitive wage. Once the opportunity has been approved, the employer has accepted that they will monitor and evaluate the student's performance and maintain communication with the Co-op Office. Finally, the Co-op Office will also monitor and evaluate the work term.

Send us a co-op job to post!

Why you should hire our co-op students
  • Small and optional program. Students who choose to complete their degree with co-op are motivated and driven to develop their skill set and employability.
  • Flexible program. If you are happy with your co-op student and would like to keep the student for another term, it is possible to extend the work term. Just contact the Co-op Office and also ask your co-op student.
  • Willingness to relocate. StFX co-op students come from around the world and are open to relocating for their co-op work terms.
  • Accredited co-op programs: Most of the StFX co-op programs are accredited by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada.

Employer Handbook (Revised January 2023)

As part of your hiring process, employers are strongly encouraged to confirm that the student you hire for your co-op position is a co-op student. Contact the co-op office before providing the student with a letter of offer. Additionally, students can provide an employer with a confirmation of enrollment letter from the StFX Registrar's Office. This letter will indicate if the student is a co-op or non-co-op student.

Degree Program Information

If you are interested in learning more about our academic programs, please visit our Academic Calendar for course descriptions.

Disclaimer: Employers are encouraged to submit the co-op opportunities early to access a larger applicant base. The StFX Co-operative Education Program does not guarantee employer-student matches. We do not release student demographic information. We do not guarantee student availability. Ethical recruitment practices are expected and followed. We encourage all employers recruiting at StFX to express their commitment to employment equity.

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada)

CEWIL Canada provides resources for employers, which include recruiting ethics, interview information, and supervisiting students.

If you are interested in hiring StFX students for summer or new graduate opportunities, contact the StFX Student Career Centre at jsmacdon@stfx.ca.