Tenant Responsibilities


Damages, theft and/or loss in a common area which cannot be identified as the responsibility of specific individuals will be the responsibility of the Residents living in the residence section, house, staircase, or floor in which the damage, theft and/or loss occurred. The cost for repairing damage to common areas or the replacement of University property stolen or lost from common areas will be prorated among the Residents living in the residence section, house, staircase, or floor in which the damage, theft and/or loss occurred. In the case a student inflicts excessive damage in a residence room, residence section, house, staircase, or floor the decision to evict the Resident will be at the discretion of the University. 


You will have two containers in your residence room. 

1) Recycling (small blue container) - for recyclable materials, such as paper, pop cans, jars, bottles, and plastic. 
2) Garbage (wastebasket) - for all other waste products that are not recyclable. 

Students in Apartment Style Living

Students are responsible for removing all garbage, recycling, and compost from their rooms/apartments. The bins are located outside the building, facing Memorial Field. Clear bag items (regular garbage): drop outside in the black garbage bin. Blue bags for paper recyclable items: drop outside in the blue recycling bin. Please use the green compost container for any compostable items. 


University Housing

Morrison Hall
4500 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5