Anti-Racism, Intersectionality and Diversity

Anti-Racism, Intersectionality and Diversity

Images of mirrors and windows with text about anti-racism, intersectionality and diversity

Acknowledgment: StFX resides on Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people, and it has directly and indirectly benefitted from the historic and current marginalization, erasure, and assimilation of the Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian peoples. As a community of teachers, learners and workers, we strive to eliminate oppressive discourse and practices, to critically examine settler colonialism within our pedagogy and our institutional structures, and to be intentionally intersectional in our approaches and analyses.

As a result of ongoing work and assessment of St. Francis Xavier University’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategic Research Plan, and support from the Canadian Research Chairs EDI institution stipend. We invite you to explore our Anti-Racism, Intersectionality, and Diversity website. 

This website has been developed through the Anti-Racism Pilot Project to engage administration, faculty, staff, students, and community members with learning opportunities and resources, to help deepen an understanding and commitment towards equity, diversity, inclusion, and research working in an academic environment.

Fundamental to achieving results is the need to identify and address systemic barriers, particularly those experienced by members of underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. Advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion is a shared responsibility that requires dedicated resources and strong leadership at all levels.


Human Rights and Equity

424C Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5