Limited Bursaries in Alphabetical Order by First Name
2024-25 applications are now under review; successful applicants will be notified of awards via their StFX email account by mid-March.
2SLGBTQIA+ Student Bursary
This bursary has been established by the StFX Students Union in recognition of 2SLGBTQIA+ students attending post-secondary education at St. Francis Xavier University. It is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time diploma or degree program at StFX and have shown leadership or made a positive impact in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. All students enrolled in undergraduate, B.Ed. or graduate studies at StFX who meet these criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
Angus and Margaret (MacDougall) MacPherson Memorial Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student in an undergraduate degree or diploma program at STFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application and be from the Port Hood or Judique areas of Nova Scotia. Award Value: up to $500
Andy Gunn and Jean Gunn Bursary
This bursary is available to current university students who are graduates of a high school in Pictou County, NS. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application and may be in any year of study in any academic degree or diploma program at StFX. Award Value: up to $3000
Anne McCaig Bursary
This bursary will be awarded to a full-time student enrolled in an undergraduate program at StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $1000
Anne McCaig Business Administration Bursary
This bursary will be awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program at StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $2000
Atlantic Central Credit Union Dave MacLean Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students registered in at least 24 credits and who demonstrate high financial need. Applicants must have graduated from a high school in Atlantic Canada and self-identify as Aboriginal Canadian or African Nova Scotian. Applicants must also be members of a Credit Union in Atlantic Canada and able to provide the name of their Credit Union in their application. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership in their communities and are able to make a valuable contribution to student life at StFX. Award Value: up to $1000
Ada MacNeil Wallace Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time female student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $1000
A.G. Hamilton Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student. Applicant must demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $350
Albert and Mary Sampson Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time senior student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $450
Alexander J. MacKinnon Bursary
This award is in memoriam of Alexander Joseph MacKinnon (1935-2014) of Pictou, County. MacKinnon, the youngest of five children raised by a widowed school teacher, worked hard to lift himself out of poverty. He put himself through university (B.Comm, Class of ’58), then moved to Ontario, where he established a career at Revenue Canada’s taxation data centre, and raised a family. MacKinnon, who retired in 1990 as manager in the computer systems directorate, always had a soft spot for the underdog and believed in treating people fairly. This award is available to full-time students who can demonstrate financial need. Students must have attained a minimum average of 70%. Preference will be given to students from Pictou County, followed by those from Nova Scotia, then the Maritimes, and finally, all of Canada. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. This bursary may be renewed, provided the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria. Award Value: up to $1000
Alexander Moore Chisholm Bursary
This award is available to a full-time undergraduate student in their third year of study. Student must be majoring in mathematics. Award Value: up to $1000
Alex and Mary Kell Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student in their final year at StFX who is intending to enter a seminary for the purpose of studying towards the Catholic Priesthood. In the event that in any given year there is no qualifying student, the funds are to be distributed to any senior student in financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Allard Tobin Travel Award
Allard Tobin graduated from St. Francis Xavier University in the early 1960’s and hailed from Bras D’Or, Cape Breton. Mr. Tobin had an interest in the performing arts and while at StFX sang in the choir and performed in plays. Right after he graduated, still not sure what he wanted to do with his life, he had an unexpected opportunity to travel to Europe. There he met like-minded individuals and embarked on a very successful career in theatre, film, dance and costume design. Mr. Tobin divided his time between the UK, France and Australia and became a true citizen of the world and a respected member of the international arts community. This fund has been established in his name to provide the same opportunity to a graduating student from Cape Breton to travel to Europe following their graduation from StFX. Applicants must be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degree in May 2020 to be eligible. This bursary requires a special application, available directly from the Financial Aid Office by request. If you feel you meet the criteria to be considered for this award, please email to book an appointment to discuss your candidacy Award Value: up to $9000
Ambrose-Allen Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time American students who are members of the StFX Varsity Football Team, demonstrate financial need, exhibit leadership qualities, and are involved in campus activities. They must be in good academic standing. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $1000
Ambrose-Allen Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time American students who are members of the StFX Varsity Football Team, demonstrate financial need, exhibit leadership qualities, and are involved in campus activities. They must be in good academic standing. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $1000
Angus F. and Jean A. Young Award
This award is available to full-time Engineering students in their second year of study. Students must demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $400
Angus R. MacDonald Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students at StFX from the parish of St. Margaret of Scotland, Arisaig, N.S. or members of the mission church of St. Mary's, Lismore. Preference will be given to those who express a desire to study for the priesthood and to students who are relatives of the late Angus Ronald MacDonald. This award is based on financial need and limited amounts are distributed each year. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1000
Antigonish Diocese CWL Bursary
This bursary is available to a full-time female student of StFX who is a member of one of the Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Antigonish. Award Value: up to $300
A. P. Beaton Scholastic Award
This bursary is available to full-time students in third and fourth year enrolled in 30 credits or more in the Gerald Schwartz School of Business and Information Systems who demonstrate financial need. The recipient must be an outstanding student with a strong academic performance preferably named to the Dean's List. Preference will be given to those studying international business or business ethics. The recipient should have a record of leadership and participation in university and community service. Award Value: Junior Award up to $2000 / Senior Award up to $2500
Arleen Power Corey Memorial Award
This award will be paid to a first year full-time female student from Newfoundland with preference given to students from Stephenville High School. In the event there is no qualified candidate from Stephenville High School, female students from anywhere in the greater Western Newfoundland region will be considered. The student must demonstrate a strong scholastic standing and have attained a grade average of 70% or higher. Award Value: up to $500
Arthur P. Tully Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time male student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to those who are considering entering the priesthood or other theological employment. Award Value: up to $1000
A. W. Chisholm Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time first degree student who is a resident of Heatherton or St. Andrews, Antigonish County, in good academic standing, and who has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students studying mathematics. In the event there are no qualified applicants from Heatherton or St. Andrews, students from Antigonish and Guysborough counties will be considered. This award is renewable upon application. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1000
Barbara Helen Fraser McKenna 62' Memorial Bursary
This award is in memoriam of Barbara Helen (Fraser) McKenna. Barb graduated from the Secretarial Science program at Mount Saint Bernard College in 1962, which later merged with St. Francis Xavier University. She cherished receiving her X-ring in the 1990s, wearing it proudly every day. Known for her kindness, warmth, and ability to make friends easily, Barb was actively involved in the Catholic Women's League, the Aberdeen Hospital Auxiliary, and many other community organizations. A strong believer in education, healthcare, and community service, she would have been proud to support students from rural Nova Scotia in their pursuit of post-secondary education at StFX. This bursary is available for first-year female students enrolled full-time at StFX, who demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to Nova Scotia residents from Pictou or Colchester Counties, especially Westville. If there are no qualifying applicants are from these areas, it may be awarded to students from other rural Nova Scotia counties, or the Maritimes. Award Value: up to $1500
Bauer Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to relatives of Fr. Bauer. This bursary may be renewable if the applicant continues to meet the criteria, but they must apply for it again each year. Award Value: up to $1000
Black Student Leaders Bursary
This award will be paid to a full or part time undergraduate student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. The student must be a self-identified African Nova Scotian from within the local communities of Antigonish or Guysborough counties. Applicants must complete a 500-word essay describing how they demonstrate community leadership or intend to use their university degree to be a leader in their local community. Award Value: up to $1000
Bonnie (MacIsaac) Hale Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established to encourage and support students who are returning to university to pursue a new career in the field of Nursing. This award is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are studying in either the traditional 4-year or one of the accelerated option Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programs at StFX. Students must have enrolled after having some work experience in the paid labour force first, direct from high school entry students are not eligible to be considered for this bursary. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $500
Brian O’Brien and Florence O’Brien Bursary
This bursary is open to Christian students who have exhibited leadership ability, enthusiasm, goodwill and service to his or her fellows. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, be in their first year of study at StFX and be of Celtic heritage. Award Value: up to $2500
Cecilia Brennan Bursary
This award will be paid to a part-time or full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Christopher Amirault Memorial Award
This award is available to students in their second, third or fourth year of study with preference given to students in their second year of study from Harrison Trimble High School, Moncton, NB, Moncton High School, or North Nova Education Centre (formerly New Glasgow High School) with demonstrated financial need, who are involved in extra-curricular activities, particularly intramural sports. Awarded to a student in good academic standing, with preference being given to a student named to the academic Dean's List. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1500
Clarence and Helen Chadwick Bursary
This award is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are from Nova Scotia with preference to those from Antigonish. Recipients must be in good academic standing but not necessarily the top of their class. Award Value: up to $500
Class of '55 Bursary
This award will be paid to a full or part-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Recipient must be in good academic standing but below the minimum level needed for a StFX academic scholarship. Award Value: up to $1000
Class of '62 Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time senior student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $1000
Class of '63 Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, is enrolled in second, third, or the final year full time (30 credits or more), and is academically a good student with an average of above 70% and below the minimum average required for an academic scholarship. The student must be involved in some non-academic activities. Award Value: up to $1000
Class of 1968 Bursary
This award is available to Canadian or International students studying full or part time in an undergraduate program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $1000
Class of '71 Bursary
This bursary has been established by the Class of 1971 to support full-time students studying in an undergraduate degree or diploma program at StFX. Applicants must be in good academic standing, demonstrate financial need in their application and be involved in student activities at the university. Award Value: up to $1500
Class of 1981 Bursary
In recognition of the Class of 1981's strong connection to St. Francis Xavier University and in memory of those classmates who have passed, this award has been established to support full-time undergraduate students at StFX. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at St. Francis Xavier University, demonstrate financial need, and maintain good academic standing while continuing to progress in their program. Award Value: up to $1000
Class of 2007 Bursary
This bursary has been established by the Class of 2007 to support students studying full or part time in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing 4-year or accelerated option degree programs or in the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health degree program. Applicants must identify as African or Indigenous descent from any region and demonstrate financial need in their application. In the event there are no African or Indigenous descent applicants who meet these criteria, any students otherwise meeting the criteria may be considered. Award Value: up to $500
Class of 2018 Refugee Student Bursary
This award is available to full-time students demonstrating financial need and studying in an undergraduate degree or diploma program at StFX. Applicants must have come to Canada as a refugee. Award Value: up to $500
Class of 2022 Textbook Bursary
This funding opportunity is available to assist full time students to address the cost of textbooks while studying at StFX. Students must demonstrate financial need in their application to be considered.
Award Value: up to $1,000
Colin Russell Goodall Literature Award
This award is available to third- and fourth-year students completing a Bachelor of Arts degree at StFX with a major in English. The recipient must be an academically good student but not necessarily at the top of their class. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be involved in student activities or volunteer work in their home or school community. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1000
Colleen M. Kennedy Memorial Bursary
This bursary will be given to a full-time Education student who is in good academic standing and demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to relatives to Colleen M. Kennedy. Secondary preference will be given to students from the Antigonish area. Award Value: up to $500
Daniel and Mary MacNeil Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who is considering entering the priesthood or other theological employment. Award Value: up to $1000
Dennis MacKay Memorial Bursary
This award will be paid to a part-tome or full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is in good academic standing. Award Value: up to $250
Development Studies Internship Bursary
This award is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled in Development Studies 412 having completed the introductory 200 level Development Studies course. The student must have a high academic standing. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in the Development Studies Program. Award Value: $500
Dolores Parent Memorial Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time Indigenous students registered in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. This bursary may be renewable in each subsequent year of the degree so long as the recipient maintains an average of at least 65%. Award Value: up to $2000
Dominic Joseph Campbell O’Halloran Bursary
This bursary will be paid to a Canadian citizen who graduated from a high school in Cape Breton. Preference will be given to students registered in the Bachelor of Arts program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, have a minimum academic average of 70% and be enrolled as full-time students in 30 credits or more. This bursary may be renewed in subsequent years or study for recipients who continue to meet all of the required criteria. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1500
Donald B. MacKay ’57 Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established to honour Donald B. Mackay, StFX Class of ’57. Don was a proud member of the “X-Men of Note” and supported himself through school with his trusty saxophone. This bursary is available to support students studying full time in the Bachelor of Music program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $500
Dorothy Doyle Bursary
This bursary will be paid to a Canadian citizen who graduated from a Canadian high school. Preference will be given to students registered in the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition program at StFX. The student must demonstrate financial need, have a minimum academic average of 70% and be enrolled as a full-time student in 30 credits or more. This bursary may be renewed in subsequent years or study provided the recipient continues to meet all of the required criteria. Award Value: up to $3000
Dougher-Levesque Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX in good academic standing. Applicant must demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Douglas P. Furlott Award
This award is available to full-time students in second, third or fourth year of study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, be in good academic standing, and show leadership ability. Preference will be given to those applicants studying in Geology. Award Value: up to $1000
Dr. Burton MacDonald Memorial Bursary
This funding opportunity is available to students studying within the Faculty of Arts, with preference given to those majoring in anthropology or religious studies. Students must demonstrate financial need in their application to be considered.
Award Value: up to $2,000
Dr. Dan Belliveau Bursary
Dr. Dan Belliveau graduated from StFX with a Bachelor of Science with honours degree in 1988 and returned to the university in 2020 to serve as the Dean of Science. This award has been established in his memory to support science students. Applicants may be studying in any undergraduate science program at StFX, must be enrolled in at least 24 credits per academic year (September – April) and maintain a minimum average of 65%. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application, as well as a willingness to contribute to student life. This bursary may be renewable in each subsequent year of study so long as the recipient maintains an average of at least 65%, a renewal application will be required each year. Award Value: up to $2,000
Dr. Louis Connolly Bursary
This award will be paid to worthy and deserving students who have demonstrated financial need and who are members of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Stellarton, N.S., and who are full-time students at StFX. Award Value: up to $1000
Dr. G. Brian Ferguson Memorial Bursary
The bursary was established by the family of Dr. G. Brian Ferguson ’75 to honor his legacy. Dr. Ferguson, a proud Cape Bretoner born in Sydney and raised in Cleveland, came to StFX in 1973 before continuing his medical studies at Dalhousie University. He enjoyed a 37-year career as a family physician in Amherst, NS, where he was known for his dedication to patients, often providing care at all hours. He was also active in his community, volunteering with the Amherst Fire and Police Departments and helping establish a Level 2 Emergency Department at the Cumberland Regional Healthcare Center. He was deeply committed to his family and community, always prioritizing patient care. This award has been established in his memory to financially support a student from Cape Breton who is pursuing a career in healthcare. This Bursary is available to students from Cape Breton in any year of study who demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in full-time or part-time studies in a degree program that leads to a career in medicine or healthcare. The award also requires students to show academic balance alongside extracurricular activities that develop leadership skills. If no qualified applicant from Cape Breton is found, students from other parts of Nova Scotia may be considered. Award Value: up to $1500
Dr. Robert 'Bob' M.MacDonald Memorial Bursary
This award was established by the family of Dr. Robert (Bob) Michael MacDonald, BSc ('59), to honor his legacy and deep connection to St. Francis Xavier University. His family, with strong ties to the university, created this bursary in recognition of Robert's profound impact on his alma mater, his community, and the field of dentistry. Applicants must be a full-time 4th-year student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science and Arts program at St. Francis Xavier University, with plans to pursue further studies in dentistry or medicine. A Nova Scotia resident, with preference given to students from Guysborough County, Cape Breton, or Halifax. If there are no qualifying applicants are from these areas, it may be awarded to students from Atlantic Canada. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Additionally, applicants must provide a 300-400 word response explaining their desire to continue in the fields of dentistry or medicine, their future career plans, and an overview of their involvement in university life at StFX, as well as their passion for helping others and contributing to their community. Award Value: up to $2000
Dr. William S. Shaw Bursary in Earth Sciences
This award will be paid to a full-time student at StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is in the second, third, or fourth year of study in the BSc Earth Sciences program. The recipient must be in academic good standing and intending to pursue a career in the Earth Sciences field. Preference will be given to students from Cape Breton. Applicants should have a record of leadership and participation in university and community activities. Award Value: up to $1000
Duncan Hugh and Millie MacLellan Bursary
This bursary was established by Hugh and Pat Maccagno in honour of Pat’s parents. Duncan Hugh and Millie MacLellan lived exemplary lives. Besides raising 8 children, they organized and participated in sports, community and church activities. They helped many in need, including preparing and serving suppers for society’s lost people. They had a love of Celtic music, especially as played at Cape Breton “Ceilidhs” by local musicians. This tradition and culture flowed from Duncan’s parents, Angus Y. and Maggie MacLellan. Angus Y., during his spare time as Margaree Island lighthouse keeper, wrote wonderful poetry and songs in his ancestral Gaelic. Some of his songs have been recorded by celebrated Nova Scotia musicians. These awards are available to two full-time students per year who have earned a minimum average of 75. The students must demonstrate financial need. One bursary will be awarded to a 3rd year student majoring in Celtic Studies with the second award going to a first year Science student. These awards will be renewable if the applicants continue to meet the criteria. Preference will be given first to students from Nova Scotia, then Atlantic Canada. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $2500
Edward Patrick Delaney Endowment
This award is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are from Nova Scotia. Preference will be given to those from Cape Breton. Award Value: up to $1500
Ellen Costello Women in Business Bursaries
Established by StFX alumna Ellen Costello ’76, the Ellen Costello Women in Business Bursaries have been created to support female students studying business at St. Francis Xavier University. Ms. Costello, who has had a remarkable 40-year career in business, established these bursaries to support the next generation of women business leaders. Two bursaries will be awarded annually and are open to female students in any year or study, enrolled full or part time in the Bachelor of Business Administration program at STFX. One of the two bursaries is specifically for a student who identifies as either African Nova Scotia, Mi’kmaw or Wulastoyik. Should there be no qualified applicants from these communities, then this bursary will be awarded to a student who identifies as Black or Indigenous from anywhere across Canada. The second bursary may be awarded to a Canadian or International student. All applicants are required to demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $3,500
Elmer and Pauline King Atlantic Canada Bursary
This bursary will be paid to a full-time student in the Bachelor of Business Administrative program who has demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be from Atlantic Canada, with a preference for students from Cape Breton. Award Value: up to $1700
Emerson Mascoll Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time African Canadian student of StFX who is in academic good standing. Award Value: up to $1000
Faculty Staff Scholastic Award Endowment Fund
This award will be paid to a full-time student at StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is in his or her second, third or fourth year of study. The student must be involved in extra-curricular activity, on the Dean’s List, demonstrate leadership ability and be actively involved in student life. Previous recipients who still meet the criteria can reapply. Award Value: up to $1000
Farrell and Edna McCarthy Bursary
This award has been established at St. Francis Xavier University to support students pursuing studies in Celtic Studies. Farrell McCarthy's strong interest in Irish studies stems from the significant number of Irish immigrants who arrived in Canada during the 1800s. He was also the founding president of the Irish Canadian Cultural Association of New Brunswick, which was created in 1983. To be eligible for the Farrell and Edna McCarthy Bursary, applicants must be enrolled as full-time or part-time students in any program and year of study at St. Francis Xavier University. They must be taking a Celtic Studies course and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be in good academic standing to qualify for this bursary. Award Value: up to $500
Fiset Bursary
Awards from this fund are given to the relatives of Father Fiset, upon identification and verification. Award Value: up to $1000
Fr. Edward Grant Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students at StFX who have demonstrated financial need and are from the Halifax Regional Municipality, with preference given to students from Dartmouth and Bedford. Students should be involved in extracurricular activities and demonstrate that they are doing their best to put themselves through university. Award Value: up to $500
Francis "Peg" McNeill Memorial Bursary
Established by Janice Bruni (’74) is in honor of her late Father, Francis “Peg” McNeill (’36), who was a proud Xaverian and community leader who made a significant contribution to the field of education on Prince Edward Island. This bursary has been established to support students who are strongly connected to their communities. To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate students at St. Francis Xavier University, in any program or year of study. This bursary is specifically for students who identify as African Nova Scotian or Mi’kmaw communities in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or New Brunswick or Wulastoyik communities in New Brunswick. Award Value: up to $3000
General Motors of Canada Company Women in Science Bursary
This award will be paid to a female student in science who has demonstrated financial need. Priority will be given to women in Engineering. The recipient should demonstrate leadership potential and be in good academic standing. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Students studying in the Bachelor of Arts and Science Health program are not eligible for this award. Award Value: up to $5000
General Romeo Dallaire African Leadership in Education Award
This award is for international students from the continent of Africa who are enrolled full time (minimum of 24 credits or more) in an undergraduate program leading to a degree. The student must be in good standing and have demonstrated financial need. While this bursary is valued at up to the differential tuition paid by international students, the recipient is responsible for all other StFX tuition, fees, and expenses. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to the differential tuition paid by returning undergraduate international students which for the 2024-25 year is $10,135.
George D. Anderson Business Award
This award is available for fourth-year students enrolled full-time in the business program at StFX. Students should exhibit leadership qualities, be a resident of Nova Scotia, be in good academic standing at the conclusion of their first year of study at StFX, and should demonstrate determination, varied interests and stand out as a person who will make a positive impact in the community through leadership. Students must demonstrate financial need and that they otherwise might not be able to attend university without this support. Award Value: up to $10,000
Gerard MacKinnon/Paul Dole Bursary for First Year Students
This award will be paid to a first-year student at StFX demonstrating financial need. Preference will be given to students enrolled in 18 or more credits for the academic year. Applicants must be willing to make a commitment to give back to society in some form later in life and sign an acceptance commitment which states the following:
I, (Bursary Recipient), as a member of the StFX community, continue to commit myself to the pursuit of excellence in our academic, social and spiritual lives. I shall exemplify the Xaverian spirit of honesty, respect in my treatment of others, and generosity in my contribution to the community. As a Xaverian, preparing myself for a life of thought and service, I shall strive to embody the words of St. Paul, and dedicate myself to the pursuit of “whatsoever things are true, noble, good, and worthy of praise.”
Award Value: up to $2500
Gerald P. Coleman, Q.C. Award
This award will be paid to a full-time student from Nova Scotia who has maintained an average of 65%, and who can demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to single parents or children of a one-parent home. The student must be involved in extra-curricular activities/sports and show leadership ability. Award Value: up to $1000
Gisela Keck Outstanding Achievement Award
This award has been established to celebrate the life of Gisela Keck. Ms. Keck was a native of Germany, as well as an independent woman who exhibited resolution, thoughtfulness and courage. She was concerned about the treatment of women and their lack of opportunity in many societies. Gisela Keck died in an accident on July 27, 2008. This award will be granted in honor of recognizing the achievement(s) of female students at StFX. It is available to a full-time female student enrolled in an undergraduate program at StFX currently in her 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of study. The student must be completing all of their degree studies at this university and maintain a minimum average of 75%. The student must have entered StFX as an international student in their first year. She must have exhibited leadership skills and/or initiative, social awareness and concern, and creativity during high school or her studies thus far at university. This award will be applied directly to the student’s account. This bursary may be renewed, provided the student reapplies in each year of study and continues to meet all of the criteria. Award Value: up to $1500
Glen Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students attending StFX at the undergraduate level and who are in good academic standing, in the following order of priority after demonstrating financial need:
- students who are native or current residents of Glenville, Inverness County, Cape Breton
- students whose parent or parents were once residents of Glenville
- students who are members of Stella Maris Parish, Inverness, Cape Breton
- students who are current residents of Inverness County, N.S.
In the unlikely event that no undergraduate students fit into the categories listed above, students in the same categories who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program may be considered for the award. Award Value: up to $500
Glenneth M. Anderson Environmental Bursary
This award is available to full-time students in any year of study who are keenly interested in the environment. Eligible students are those pursuing a BSc degree in Environmental Sciences with a concentration in chemistry, biology, biochemistry or climate and water or a BSc degree in Earth Sciences with a concentration in geoscience or environmental science. This award is limited to those from the provinces of NS, NL and PE. Award Value: up to $1500
Heaslip/MacDonald Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time Canadian student at StFX who has demonstrated financial need. The award is renewable, on the condition that all years of study must be at StFX. If the student does not pass all of their courses, the award will be revoked. The student should meet the requirements of the University leadership awards. The award will not be made on the basis of academic merit alone, but the students should demonstrate determination, varied interests, and stand out as people who have made a positive impact on their community, either through athletics or community leadership. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $5000
Harry and Martha Bradley Bursary
This award is available to students who demonstrate financial need and are from the town and county of Antigonish. Award Value: up to $500
Helen and Cyril Ross Bursary
The recipient must demonstrate financial need and be a full-time female student from New Brunswick who is enrolled for 30 credits. The recipient must be in good academic standing, but not necessarily at the top of their class. The award may be renewed if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $2500
Holly E. Bartlett Memorial Bursary
This award is available to a full-time undergraduate female student enrolled in 30 credits or more. Student must be from Atlantic Canada and have a minimum average of 75. The student must also demonstrate financial need and a commitment to community service and student. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $500
Hugh A. Fraser Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students at St FX who have demonstrated financial need and are from the Havre Boucher area. Award Value: up to $500
Hugh and Celia Gillis Bursary
This award is available to students enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at StFX, with preference for students majoring in Political Science. Applicants must have an entrance average of 75% and demonstrate financial need in their application. Preference will be given to students from Antigonish County. This bursary is renewable if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria in subsequent years of study, including maintaining an average of at least 75% in each year of study. Award Value: up to $2000
Hugh MacKinnon Bursary
This award is available to full-time students with demonstrated financial need who are of the Catholic faith. Award Value: up to $500
Indigenous Student Bursary
This bursary has been established by the StFX Students Union in recognition of indigenous students attending post-secondary education at St. Francis Xavier University. It is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time diploma or degree program at StFX and self-identify as an indigenous student. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership within the StFX community. All students enrolled in undergraduate, B Ed. or graduate studies at StFX who meet these criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
International Student Bursary
This bursary has been established by the StFX Students Union in recognition of international students attending post-secondary education at St. Francis Xavier University. It is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time diploma or degree program at StFX and identify as an international student. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership within the StFX community. All students enrolled in undergraduate, B Ed. or graduate studies at StFX who meet these criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
J.B. MacSween Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time senior student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who has excelled in journalism while on campus. The work in journalism must be completed on this campus. Award Value: up to $250
Jack Madden Memorial Bursary
This award is available to any student enrolled full-time (30 credits) in any of the undergraduate degree programs offered at StFX, including the Bachelor of Education program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing, but not necessarily at the top of their class. This bursary may be renewable in subsequent years of study if the student reapplies and continues to meet all of the criteria. Award Value: up to $1000
James A. Martin Award
This award will be paid to a full-time Canadian First Nations student who has worked for peace and the welfare of his or her neighbors as well as excelled academically. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $1500
James and Marguerite (Murphy) Pistone Award
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is involved in extracurricular activities. The recipient must be an academically good student but not necessarily at the top of the class. Preference will be given to a Bachelor of Education student. Award Value: up to $1500
James and Mary Whelan Scholastic Award
This award is available to undergraduate full-time students enrolled in the Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics in the Bachelor of Science program at StFX. For students completing a degree with a double major, both majors must be from within these program areas. Applicants must show academic merit and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students from Newfoundland, all other things being equal, preference may be given to descendants of the James Joseph and Mary Angela (Tobin) Whelan families. This is a renewable award provided the successful applicants continue to meet the criteria each year. Award Value: up to $1500
James Jarvis Stewart Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student at StFX. Preference will be given to residents of Prince Edward Island and those who have demonstrated financial need, who are Christian, and who are enrolled in at least one religious studies course, or who actively participate in one of the campus ministry committees, or who are active in their own church as confirmed by their Minister or Priest. The student must demonstrate leadership abilities and must be in good academic standing with an average of at least 65%. The student must also be involved in extracurricular activity such as varsity athletics, student government, residence staff, community-based charities, etc. All other things being equal, preference will be given to female basketball players. Award Value: up to $1000
Jean E. Cooke Memorial Bursary
This award is available to first year students who attended North Nova Education Centre (formerly New Glasgow High School) with demonstrated financial need, who have a minimum entrance average of 75%. The award is renewable each year if the student maintains an academic average of at least 70%. Award Value: up to $3000
Jeannine Deveau Indigenous Students Bursary – Fall and Winter Term Awards
This award is available to Aboriginal students enrolled in a diploma or degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level of study at StFX. Full and part time students are eligible to apply. Applicants must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students from Mi’kmaw and Wulastoyik communities. Award Value: up to $500
Jeannine Deveau African Nova Scotian Student Bursary – Fall and Winter Term Awards
This bursary is available to African Nova Scotian students enrolled in a diploma or degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level of study at StFX. Full and part time students are eligible to apply. Applicants must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to those students from African Nova Scotian communities. Award Value: up to $500
J.L. Campbell Bursary
This award is available to students enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or masters program at StFX, with preference for students majoring or minoring in Celtic Studies. Applicants must have an entrance average of 75% from high school and demonstrate financial need in their application. This bursary is renewable if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria in subsequent years of study, including maintaining an average of at least 70% in each year of study. Award Value: up to $500 at the undergraduate level, up to $1000 at the masters level
Joady Anne Robertson, P.Eng Bursary
This bursary has been created for female students studying full time in the Diploma in Engineering Program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing but not necessarily at the top of their class. They should also be interested in improving their communities through the addition of new or upgraded infrastructure, increased reliability of existing systems or creating technological advances that will improve the lives of all those around them. Applicants should be virtuous individuals who are perhaps overlooked because they are mild mannered, lack social status or are not athletically inclined. However, they know they will make a real difference if they are given the chance and this bursary seeks to help support them in doing so. Preference will be given first to students entering StFX from a high school in Pictou County, NS. If there are no applicants who meet this preference, then students from NS and then other parts of Canada will be considered. Award Value: up to $750
Joan (MacDonald) and Fraser Muir Bursary
This award is available to full-time students enrolled in their second year of an undergraduate degree program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be involved in student activities. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $450
John Beaton Fellowship Bursary
This bursary is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to single parents, mature students, and to students in their X-Ring year of eligibility. All StFX undergraduate and B Ed. students who meet the above criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
John C. MacIsaac Memorial Bursary
This award is available to full-time students studying towards a first degree. The bursaries are to be directed firstly to the applicants whose normal residence is on Cape Breton Island, however, if the bursary quota cannot be filled from Cape Breton residents, then residents of other areas of Nova Scotia will be considered. Applicants must have demonstrated sincere effort and commitment to their academic endeavor and demonstrate financial need. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1500
John Fleming Memorial Bursary
John Fleming was a loyal Xaverian who stayed close to his alma mater and exemplified the spirit of “Whatsoever things are true” throughout his life and career. This bursary will honour John by assisting students to attain a post-secondary education that may otherwise be inaccessible to them for financial reasons. In honor of his involvement with the StFX rugby team during his years at StFX, this bursary will be awarded to a full time student who is a member of the men’s rugby team.
Award Value: up to $4,000
John H. MacDougall Bursary
This award is available to students who can demonstrate financial need and are enrolled full time in the Engineering program. The applicant should be a resident of the Antigonish area. However, if the bursary quota cannot be filled from Antigonish, then residents of all other areas of Nova Scotia will be considered. Award Value: up to $2000
John L.K. Gravett Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established to honour John L.K. Gravett who was a proud alumnus of the StFX Class of 1956. Mr. Gravett was an avid athlete, loving soccer, rugby and hockey in his early years, and golf and bowling later in life. This bursary is available to support students in any year of a Bachelor of Science degree who are majoring in Chemistry. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $350
John V. MacNeil Bursary
This award is available to full-time students with demonstrated financial need who is either from Christmas Island, Cape Breton or is considering entering the priesthood or other theological employment. Award Value: up to $500
John H. Young Bursary
This award is available to full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Special consideration will be given to: scholastic standing and other achievements, demonstrated leadership qualities, participation in extracurricular activities or community involvement. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1000
Joseph and Mary (MacNeil) MacLellan Bursary
This award will be paid to any descendants of Mary (MacNeil) and Joseph MacLellan demonstrating financial need. If this criterion is not fulfilled, other fulltime students with demonstrated financial need will be considered. This award is renewable, on the condition that the previous recipient continues to be the most qualified applicant. Fathers of recipients must be members of the Knights of Columbus, in good standing. Award Value: up to $2000
Joseph and Tessie Gillis Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students at StFX who have demonstrated financial need and are in their third or fourth year of pre-med. Award Value: up to $100
Joyce Foundation Bursary for Public Policy and Governance
This bursary is available to full time students with a sincere interest in completing a bachelor’s degree at StFX with a major or minor in Public Policy and Governance. Applicants must be Canadian citizens and demonstrate financial need. It is expected that they will have completed or be completing all of the following courses: Economic 101/102, Political Science 101/102 and Public Policy and Governance 101/102. This bursary may be renewable in subsequent years of study, so long as recipients continue to meet the criteria of the bursary; a new application is required each year. Award Value: up to $3000
Joyce Foundation Student Bursary
This bursary is available to full time students with a sincere interest in completing a bachelor’s degree at StFX in any field of study. Applicants must be Canadian citizens and demonstrate financial need in their applciation. Students who have already been awarded a Joyce Foundation Bursary for Public Policy and Governance cannot be considered for this funding as well. Award Value: up to $3000
Julie-Anne Bruce Award
This award is available to Canadian born Maritime province students studying in the BA, BSc, or BBA program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, as well as leadership potential and commitment to their studies.
Award Value: up to $1,000
Justin Avery Memorial Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student attending StFX at the undergraduate level and who is in good academic standing. The ideal recipient will meet the following preferences, as well as demonstrate financial need:
- preference to an indigenous or minority student;
- preference to a student entering second, third or fourth year of study in the Bachelor of Music degree program; if no candidate meets this preference, then a student taking music courses;
- preference to students from the Guysborough area or rural NS;
- preference to students who demonstrate the qualities of leadership and community involvement, particularly those who share their musical talent.
Award Value: up to $1000
Justin Svazas Memorial Bursary
This award is available to students enrolled full time in an undergraduate program at StFX with demonstrated financial need. This will be awarded to an academically good student, but not someone who is necessarily at the top of their class. Applicants must be involved in student activities, with preference given to players on the StFX X-Men Varsity Hockey team.
Award Value: up to $2,000
Katherine Tully Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $1000
Kathie Wdowiak Bursary
This award will be paid to a Canadian full-time (30 credits or more) student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Recipients must have an academic average of at least 65% with preference going to those who are actively practicing Christians, Jews or Muslims. The recipients should also be volunteering with caring organizations such as L'Arche, X-Project, nursing homes or other such institutions. This bursary is renewable provided the recipients reapply and continue to meet the criteria. Award Value: up to $3000
Kennedy and Wendy MacLean Bursary
This award is available to a first-year student who has entered StFX with at least a 75% high school average. The recipient must demonstrate financial need in their application; preference will be given to full time students who reside in Antigonish County, excluding the Town of Antigonish. This bursary is renewable in second year provided the recipient reapplies and continues to meet the criteria, including maintaining at least a 75% average in their first year of study at StFX. Award Value: up to $1000
Ken Reashor Bursary
The recipient of this award must be a full-time student in the Engineering program from Nova Scotia. Students must have a minimum academic average of 70%, be involved in volunteer activities and demonstrate financial need.
Award Value: up to $500
Kevin Fraser Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established in memory of Kevin Fraser by Sodexo Canada, Kevin was General Manager with Sodexo for many years and passed away suddenly in 2018. He loved his time at StFX and contributed behind the scenes to many students’ success at the university. This bursary is available to students enrolled full-time in any year of study in the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition degree program at StFX. Applicants must be from Nova Scotia and demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $1000
Killam American Fund
This award will be paid to a full-time American undergraduate student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $1000
Laurence Streete Athletics Bursary
This bursary has been established by the daughters of Mr. Laurence Streete to honour the legacy of their father. Mr. Streete was a proud member of the StFX class of ’55 and a proud Nova Scotian from Sydney, Cape Breton. During his time at StFX, he played on the Rugby and Football teams, and was the first Black student to play football at the university. This bursary is available to support African Nova Scotian students studying full time in an undergraduate program at StFX, maintaining an academic average of 80% or above. Applicants must be members of the Varsity Football, Varsity Rugby, or Men’s Rugby Club teams and demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $1,000
Leo D. Kirwan Memorial Bursary
This award is available to second year students enrolled full time in a Bachelor of Science degree, completing Earth Sciences courses. Applicants must show academic merit with at least a 70% average and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students from Nova Scotia. This bursary is renewable in years three and four of the degree, so long as recipients maintain full time enrollment and continue to meet the criteria of the bursary, including maintaining at least a 70% average. A new application is required each year. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $4000
LIFT – Living Intentionally Fighting Tenaciously – Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time undergraduate student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. The student must self-identify as African Canadian. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay outlining his/her/their involvement in the community and how they are making a difference. Award Value: up to $3000
Linda MacDonald Humanitarian Bursary
This bursary is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students with disabilities, mature students, and to students in their X-Ring year of eligibility. All StFX undergraduate and B Ed. students who meet the above criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
Livingstone/Topshee Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time undergraduate student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who had participated in either athletics or a leadership activity during their high school education. Education students are not eligible for this award. All other things being equal, preferences will be given to descendants of the Livingstone or Topshee families. Applicants should be active participants in campus activities. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. This award will be renewable if the applicant continues to meet the criteria, a new application must be submitted for consideration each year. Award Value: up to $2500
L.T. Gallant Memorial Bursary
This funding opportunity is available to first and second year students studying in the Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics program at StFX. Students must demonstrate financial need in their application, with preference being given to student parents.
Award Value: up to $2,000
Madeleine Cantin-Parslow Bursary
This bursary is available to students in their third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at StFX. Applicants must be from Cape Breton or of Acadian Nova Scotian ancestry and must demonstrate financial need in their application. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $7400
Marion and Nelson MacDonald Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is in good academic standing. Award Value: up to $250
Martin J. Walsh Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Martin Luther King Junior Award for Academic Achievement
This award will be paid to a full-time African Canadian student of StFX from Nova Scotia who has demonstrated excellence academically. Award Value: up to $1000
Mary Ann MacIsaac RN Memorial Bursary
This award is available to a full-time student (enrolled in 30 credits or more) in any undergraduate program at StFX, including the Bachelor of Education program. Applicants should be residents of the town or county of Antigonish, Nova Scotia and must demonstrates financial need. The student should exhibit leadership, participate in community and/or student activities, and must be in good academic standing with an average of at least 65%. Preference will be given to student nurses employed at the R.K. Nursing Home in Antigonish. If there are no qualified applicants from Antigonish town or county, students from Guysborough County will be considered, and then students from across Eastern Nova Scotia. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $500
Mary Jane Graham Bursary
This award will be paid to full-time students at StFX who have demonstrated financial need and are studying Human Nutrition. Award Value: up to $500
Mary McNair MacIsaac Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, who is in good academic standing, and who is a student in the faculty of Education. Award Value: up to $1500
Margaret McLean Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students registered in at least 24 credits in an academic degree or diploma program and who demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have entered StFX with a high school leaving average of at least 80% and be committed to contributing to student life during their studies at StFX. This bursary may be renewable in up to an additional three years of study if the recipient maintains an average of at least 65% and continues to make a valuable contribution to student life. Award Value: up to $2000
Melissa Jane Landry Memorial Bursary
This award is available to Canadian students enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics Program. Applicants must have a minimum academic average of 80%, with preference for students who attended Dr. John Hugh Gillis High School, Antigonish. The recipient must be involved in youth community development and demonstrate extracurricular interests such as sport, performing arts, volunteer, etc. Financial need must be demonstrated through the student’s application. Award Value: up to $500
Mercedes O'Reilly Bursary
This award is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are studying in either the traditional 4-year or one of the accelerated option Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programs at StFX. This award may be renewable in subsequent years of study, so long as the recipient continues to meet all criteria of the bursary.
Award Value: up to $7500.
Michael Fowlie Memorial Bursary
This award will be paid to a Canadian student of StFX studying full-time in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Preference will be given to students in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of study who plan on entering a program of study outside of Canada for a semester or year during their time at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and should be involved in youth and/or senior sport, either through participation, coaching or officiating. Award Value: up to $500
Michelle Birks Memorial Award
This award is available to a full-time female student who demonstrates financial need and is entering her second, third or fourth year at StFX. The recipient must be a member of the StFX Women’s Rugby Team. Preference will be given to students registered in the Human Kinetics program. The recipient must have a record of leadership and participation in community activity. Preference will also be given to students who have a strong academic performance and who are placed on the Dean’s List. Award Value: up to $1000
Mike and Murdena Kolanko Bursary
This bursary is available to any student, studying part of full time in a degree or diploma program, in good academic standing. Recipients must demonstrate financial need in their application, as well as some indication of leadership qualities in their communities and be able to make a valuable contribution to student life at StFX. Award Value: up to $250
Minnie MacIsaac Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who is considering entering the priesthood, other theological employment, or have taken a religious studies course at StFX.
Award Value: up to $100
Moncton Student Fund
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who is from the Moncton, New Brunswick area. Award Value: up to $250
Morrissey Sisters Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is from Prince Edward Island. If no qualified applicants from PEI are found, then students from Antigonish will be considered. Preference will be given to students studying in the Department of Human Nutrition. The recipient must be able to demonstrate leadership ability. Award Value: up to $1000
Myles Mills Class of '59 Leadership Award
This award is available to full-time students in their senior year who have an academic average of at least 65%. Applicants must demonstrate leadership qualities and financial need. Not open to Education Students. This award will be applied directly to the student's account. Award Value: up to $2500
Nasha Murphy Award
This award is available to a mature or returning female student, enrolled full-time (minimum 3 courses at StFX), from Nova Scotia, who is in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Noah Russell "Return-To-University" Bursary
This bursary has been established in memory of Noah Russell, who attended StFX University from 2007-2010. While at StFX, Noah played on the men’s rugby team and was a member of the event staff. When he left StFX to pursue job opportunities, it was his goal to one day return to the university to complete his Human Kinetics and Psychology degree. Noah died tragically in a motor vehicle accident in 2014 before this could be achieved. Noah was fond of the quote by Stacy Allison, the first American woman to climb Mt. Everest: “I’ve always had those little goals that I’ve worked toward – they add up.” It is hoped that this bursary will help students for whom returning to university is one of those little or big goals. The recipient of this award may be a part-time or full-time student returning to university following an absence of at least one year away from their studies at a post-secondary institution. Applicants must be enrolled in in the Faculty of Arts or Science, completing degrees in Psychology or Human Kinetics. Applicants should outline their academic goals in the bursary criteria section of the application and explain how the bursary will facilitate achieving those goals. All “returning-to-university’ students are encouraged to apply, although preference will be given to students enrolled in more than one course. Award Value: up to $2000
Noreen Manthorne Bursary
This award is available to full-time students in the Nursing program who are involved in student activities and are academically good students but not necessarily at the top of the class. Student must demonstrate financial need. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $850
Paul & Miki Norris Bursary
This award is available to first year full-time students who demonstrate financial need, are involved in student activities and are academically good students but not necessarily at the top of the class. Students must have come to StFX directly from high school to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
Paul & Sara McFarland Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student from the United States who has demonstrated financial need. Recipients must be in second, third or fourth year of any undergraduate program who are in good academic standing. Preference will be given to applicants with prior military service in the United States. Preference will also be given to varsity athletes. This bursary may be renewable if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria. In the event that there are no qualified U.S. citizens who apply the award may be granted to a Canadian applicant who meets the criteria. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $3000
Pay-It-Forward Bursary
This bursary has been established to recognize those who have overcome hardship to attend StFX. Recipients must have a positive character and life experiences which reflect the university’s values. Students in any program of study are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students in their freshman year of study. This bursary may be renewable for up to three additional years of study. Award Value: up to $2000
Pluta Family Bursary
This award is available to full time students demonstrating financial need and studying in an undergraduate degree or diploma program at StFX. Applicants must have achieved a minimum grade average of 60% in their studies. This bursary will be awarded alternately each year as follows: Group A: to a student who resides first from the community of Barrios Beach or failing that, a student from Tracadie or then Monastery, Nova Scotia; Group B: to a student who resides in Georgeville or Livingstone’s Cove, Nova Scotia. Award Value: up to $1500
Professor Dan Gillis Celtic Studies Bursary
This bursary has been established in memory of Professor Dan Gillis by his loving family. Students studying part or full time in any program of study are eligible to apply, so long as their course work includes at least one Celtic Studies class. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $1500
Project 2017 Bursary
This bursary if funded by the StFX Class of 2017 and will be awarded to a successful candidate in their graduating year of a degree or diploma program at StFX. In addition to demonstrating financial need through their online application, applicants must also submit a short essay on how they have lived the “Ultimate X-Perience” while studying at the university. Qualities to mention in the essay could include going to StFX events (sports, homecoming, etc.), high involvement, connected and respected by faculty, have formed friendships with people from across the country and around the world, spirited and welcoming (be “annoyingly” from X!), in a program you love, have made a contribution to something larger than StFX – made a positive and lasting change, avid volunteer, exemplifies leadership characteristics and/or supports tradition and carries on a legacy. Essays are to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office by email only at Essays must be submitted in a printable format, please do not submit as screen shots or pictures. Both your online application and the essay must be received by the bursary due date for you to be considered for this award. Award Value: up to $400
Ralph Kirk and Frances Kuzsman Bursary
This bursary is available to university students who attended high school within the town or county of Antigonish, NS, and who demonstrate academic promise. It is open to students in any year of study, enrolled full time in any academic degree or diploma program at StFX. Consistent effort and commitment to academic progression must be achieved, with successful advancement in your program at the end of each academic year of study. Candidates must demonstrate financial need through their application. This bursary is renewable if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria in subsequent years of study. If in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need who closest meet these criteria. Award Value: up to $5000
Rev. Charles MacIsaac Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and who are children of the support staff at StFX, as defined by members of the Physical Plant, Security Department, food services staff, office secretarial, and clerical secretarial. Award Value: up to $500
Rev. Cornelius J. Connolly Bursary
This award is intended for full-time students with demonstrated financial need and good academic performance. Award Value: up to $500
Rev Donald Belland Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and are children of StFX maintenance staff employees. Award Value: up to $250
Rev. Gerald J. Power Bursary
This award is available to full-time students from Louisburg, Cape Breton, who demonstrates financial need. If no applicants meet these criteria, applicants from the surrounding area will be considered. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $500
Rev. J. D. MacLeod Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, and is a member of St. John the Baptist Parish, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Awards will also be given to members of the Rev. J.D. MacLeod's brother's family. Preference will be given to students who show signs of a religious vocation. Award Value: up to $1000
Rev. John Archie (J.A.) Chisholm Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students demonstrating financial need and who are in good academic standing. One bursary will be awarded each year to a student studying in Celtic Studies, one in Education, and one in Nursing. Award Value: up to $450
Rev. John F. Toomey Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need and is in good academic standing. Award Value: up to $500
Rev. John V. Campbell Bursary
This award will be paid to a student, of the Roman Catholic faith, attending StFX, from St. Joseph's Parish in South West Margaree, Inverness County, Nova Scotia. Award Value: up to $1000
Rev. John W. Chisholm Bursary
This award will be paid to a student from the Antigonish County area, in good academic standing, who has demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to first year students. Award Value: up to $350
Rev. Leonard (Butch) MacLean Bursary
This award is available to a part-time or full-time student who demonstrates financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Rev. R. K. MacIntyre Bras d'Or Scholarship
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need from the Bras d'Or Parish. Award Value: up to $500
Rod and Betty Bilodeau Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student at StFX who has demonstrated financial need and is in good academic standing but not necessarily at the top of the class. The bursary may be renewed if the student reapplies and continues to meet the established criteria. Award Value: up to $2500
Roderick D. MacLean Award
This award is available to full-time students who are maintaining a minimum grade average of 75% and from Moncton, New Brunswick. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, be involved in extra-curricular activities and demonstrate leadership ability. Award Value: up to $1000
Rosemary Landry Clark Memorial Award
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, is an outstanding student and has been named to the Dean's List. The recipient should have a record of leadership and participation in university and community activities. Award Value: up to $2500
Rudy Pace Memorial Jazz Bursary
This award is available to full-time students from the Jazz Studies Program who attended high school in Cape Breton and who demonstrate financial need. The student must be academically strong but not necessarily at the top of their class. A separate interview and audition will take place with the Dept. of Music to demonstrate musical ability. Preference will be given to students who have not yet received this award. This award can be renewed provided the recipient meets the criteria, reapplies, and that no other applicant can be found. In the event there are no qualified applicants from Cape Breton, students from other geographical locations who meet the criteria will be considered. Award Value: up to $1500
Ruth Steinmetz Memorial Bursary
This bursary is available to students studying in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing 4-year degree program at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate leadership ability and financial need to be considered. Award Value: up to $875
Sandra MacPhee Women in Leadership
This award was created by alumni, family, and friends of Sandra MacPhee, Class of 1984, to honor her enduring contributions and commitment to St. Francis Xavier University. This annual award is given to female students in their 3rd or 4th year of study who exemplify the leadership qualities Sandra was known for. During her time at StFX, Sandra was a high-achieving student and a recipient of the Golden X Award for her outstanding contributions to the university community. She also served as a Residence Director and Residence Assistant, earning the respect and admiration of her peers and students. Sandra was deeply committed to helping others, particularly young women adjusting to life away from home for the first time. In addition to her campus involvement, she was a member of the StFX Board of Governors and an unwavering supporter of all things X. Applicants of this award must demonstrate leadership that has positively impacted their peers and made a lasting difference at StFX. Award Value: up to $1500
Schwartz School of Business Bursary
This bursary is available to students enrolled in full or part time studies in the Gerald Schwartz School of Business. Students may be in any year of study and must demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $2000
Senator John MacCormick Scholarship
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need. Award Value: up to $250
Sherise Paul-Gould Memorial Award
This award is available to Indigenous students from Mi’kmaw communities in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or New Brunswick or Wulastoyik communities in New Brunswick. Full and part time students enrolled in a diploma or degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level of study are eligible to apply. Applicants must be enrolled in at least one Mi’kmaw language course during either the fall or winter term of study, as well as demonstrate financial need in their application. Award Value: up to $100
Shirley Martinello Grinnell Bursary
The Shirley Martinello Grinnell Bursary honoring Ann and Louis Martinello will be paid to a full-time student who is enrolled in 30 credits in any program of study. Applicants must be from Cape Breton, demonstrate financial need and have excellent academic achievement. The candidate must also be a practicing Christian. Award Value: up to $800
Single Parents/Married Students Bursary
This award is available to full-time students with demonstrated need who are single parents. If that criteria cannot be filled, then married students will be considered. Award Value: up to $500
Sisters of Saint Martha Centennial Diocesan Bursary for Women
Please note that this bursary requires a special application, which can be obtained from the Wellspring Centre or the Financial Aid Office.
This award is for women in full-time studies at St. Francis Xavier University in the fields of Religious or Catholic Studies (minor, major or honours) requiring financial assistance. The student must have good academic standing and show potential in the areas of responsibility, leadership, and commitment to community by way of having a desire to make a positive contribution to society. In keeping with the spirit of the Sisters of St. Martha, this student would exemplify commitment to be about the development of persons. Please provide a short explanation of your financial situation, including other bursaries or scholarships, courses of study, and aspirations for the future including a list of courses you plan to take next term, and a list of extracurricular activities. Summarize in a few paragraphs why you are a suitable candidate for this Bursary. Please include an academic transcript. Award Value: up to $1000
Sisters of St. Martha - Parkland Antigonish Bursary
This bursary is available to students enrolled in an academic degree or diploma program at StFX in any year of study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application and must be employed at Parkland Antigonish. Award Value: up to $2500
St. John’s Alumni Chapter Bursary
This bursary is available to students enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at StFX, with preference to those in their first year of study. Applicants must be involved in student activities and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be from Newfoundland and Labrador, with preference given to those who are from St. John’s. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $500
Stephen J MacNeil Memorial Bursary
This bursary is available to students from Cape Breton, NS who are enrolled in part-time or full-time studies at StFX. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. Preference will be given to students in second, third or fourth years of study who have children. Award Value: up to $500
NEW: Stephen T. O’Farrell Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established to honour the memory of Stephen T. O’Farrell, a proud and loyal alumnus of the Class of 1957. Steve was a member of the football team during his years at StFX and later became an avid supporter of athletics. The Stephen T. O’Farrell Bursary will provide two bursaries annually, one for a member of the varsity X-Men Football team and one for a member for the Varsity X-Women Hockey Team. Eligibility criteria are as follows: applicants may be enrolled in any academic program at StFX, in any year of study, with enrollment in at least 9 credits per term during the fall and winter terms of study and maintaining an academic average of at least 65%. Financial need must be demonstrated through the application, as well as involvement in leadership and community service. The bursaries will be awarded to out-of-province students (i.e., not from Nova Scotia) and cannot be held in conjunction with a major StFX scholarship (more than $3,000 per year scholarship award) or a full Athletic Fund Award offer (equal to the full cost of tuition and mandatory fees). Award Value: up to $1000
StFX Association of University Teachers Bursary
This award is available to undergraduate students. The amount of the bursary will be equal to the cost of one 3-credit course. Recipients will be chosen based on their demonstration of financial need, as outlined in their application essay (financial background section of the online application). Award Value: up to the tuition cost of a 3-credit course, $1050 in the 2022-23 academic year
StFX Halifax Alumni Kehoe Bursary
This award is available to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need and are from the Halifax Regional Municipality. Award Value: up to $1000
StFX Students' Union Fall Term Day Care Bursary
This award is available to part-time and full-time students who have a child (children) enrolled in a day care program during the fall term to help support their childcare costs while in study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. The bursary will be provided directly to recipients to manage as payment to their childcare provider. Award Value: up to $500
StFX Students’ Union Winter Term Day Care Bursary
This award is available to part-time and full-time students who have a child (children) enrolled in a day care program during the winter term to help support their childcare costs while in study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in their application. The bursary will be provided directly to recipients to manage as payment to their childcare provider. Award Value: up to $500
StFX Students' Union Food Security Bursary
This bursary will provide a $100 grocery card per month for 8 months of study to a student facing food insecurity. Students in full or part time study who demonstrate financial need and do not have a Morrison Dining Hall meal plan through Sodexo are eligible to apply. Students who live on campus and have purchased a declining card balance only in lieu of a meal plan may apply. Award Value: up to $800 in grocery cards
St. Martha’s Bursary for Single Mothers
This award is available to full-time students who are single mothers. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be studying in either the traditional 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program or one of the accelerated option Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programs at StFX. Award Value: up to $2500
St. Martha's Hospital School of Nursing Alumni and Sisters of St. Martha Bursary
This bursary is available to full-time students who demonstrate financial need. The recipient must be a hard working student who is registered in the BSC in Nursing program (post-degree, 4-year or accelerated) at StFX entering their second, third or fourth year and have achieved a minimum average of 70% during his or her previous year of study. Award Value: up to $1000
Students of African Descent Bursary
This bursary has been established by the StFX Students Union in recognition of students of African descent attending post-secondary education at St. Francis Xavier University. It is available to a full-time student who has demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time diploma or degree program at StFX and self-identify as a student of African descent. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership within the StFX community. All students enrolled in undergraduate, B Ed. or graduate studies at StFX who meet these criteria are eligible to apply. Award Value: up to $1000
Students’ Union Bursary
This award is available to full-time students with demonstrated financial need who are participating in volunteer work. Preference will be given to those participating in volunteer work with the Student Union. Award Value: up to $500
Sweeney Foundation Bursaries
The global COVID pandemic highlighted the vital role of nurses in maintaining public health, a cause close to the heart of Mrs. Anne Marie Sweeney. A former psychiatric social worker and lawyer, Mrs. Sweeney was passionate about supporting nurses, especially single mothers and women from diverse backgrounds. Mrs. Sweeney’s commitment to health and social justice, led her to support global initiatives, particularly in Haiti, Latin America, and Africa. Applicants must be a full-time student, demonstrate a commitment to service in their community, demonstrate financial need and academic achievements. Applicants should include past accomplishments and future aspirations. Preference will be given to single mothers. Award Value: up to $5000.
TD Bank Scholarship in Jazz Studies
This award will be paid to a full-time Canadian student in Jazz Studies who has demonstrated financial need. This award is available for full or part-time students and is renewable provided the student reapplies and terms continue to be met. Award Value: up to $1500
The Honorable Hugh J MacDonnell Memorial Bursary
This award is available to a full-time undergraduate student in their second year of study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, be in good academic standing, maintaining an average at the Dean’s list standard, and be involved in student activities. This award will be renewable if the student reapplies and continues to meet the criteria. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1800
The James M. and Evelyn MacDonald Bursary (formerly called the MacDonald in Memory Bursary)
This award is available to full-time students from Cape Breton, with preference for those whose normal residence is in Sydney or the immediate surrounding area. Applicants should be studying either: Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Business Administration or Information Systems or in the Health Sciences field. The award is not available to Education students. Applicants must be in an academic program that is leading towards a first degree and must be studying in a wealth creating field. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and a sincere effort and commitment to their academic endeavor. This award is renewable if the student reapplies. Award Value: up to $3000
Thompson Family Bursary
This bursary will support a Canadian student in the Gerald Schwartz School of Business who is academically focused, community engaged and committed, and demonstrates financial need. The recipient must show through their actions that they encourage and support their classmates to be the best they can be. Applicants must be registered in full time study, completing a minimum of 24 credits from September – April. This bursary may be renewable in each subsequent year of the degree so long as the recipient continues to meet all criteria.
Award Value: up to $1,000
Toronto Alumni Bursary
This award will be paid to a full-time student of StFX who has demonstrated financial need, is from the Toronto area, is involved in extracurricular activities and demonstrates leadership. Student must be in good academic standing. Preference will be given to first year students. Award Value: up to $1000
Vincent Nasso Bursary
This award is available to African Nova Scotian, Mi’kmaw and Wulastoyik students enrolled in a diploma or degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level of study at StFX. Full and part time students are eligible to apply. Applicants must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $500
Wade Smith Community Leader Award
This award has been created in memory of Wade Smith. Mr. Smith was a beloved husband, father, brother, son, friend, educator, coach, and mentor. He was an inspirational leader to all. He gave of himself every day helping people develop a thirst for education. Wade believed in the power of education and the doors it could open. And he also believed giving back is not a choice but an obligation. It is with this in mind this award will be given to StFX students who exemplify the “Each One, Teach One” philosophy, a philosophy embodied by Wade every day of his life. This award is open to all part-time and full-time students studying at StFX in an academic program of study. Applicants must identify as African Nova Scotian and be graduates of a Nova Scotia High School. Although financial need must exist, the successful recipient will be selected based on their character as demonstrated through this application. Specifically, applicants must be involved with a community led program within any of the 52 historic black communities, this may be volunteer or paid involvement. This award may be renewable in subsequent years of study, so long as the recipient continues to meet all criteria of the bursary and can provide an update as to how they have continued with their community involvement in the past year.
Award Value: up to $2000.
Walker Wood Foundation Bursary for Bachelor of Arts Students
This award is available to full-time Bachelor of Arts students attending StFX. Applicants must be Canadian citizens who attended high school in Cape Breton and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have an entrance average of 85 and maintain an average of 70 to be eligible to receive the bursary in second, third and fourth years. Preference will be given to students involved with extra-curricular activities (i.e. community participation, leadership programs). Award Value: up to $4000
Walker Wood Foundation Bursary for Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health Students
This award is available to full-time Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health students attending StFX. Applicants must be Canadian citizens who attended high school in Cape Breton and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have an entrance average of 85 and maintain an average of 70 to be eligible to receive the bursary in second, third and fourth years. Preference will be given to students involved with extra-curricular activities (i.e. community participation, leadership programs). Award Value: up to $6000
Walker Wood Foundation Bursary for Bachelor of Nursing Students
This award is available to full-time Bachelor of Science in Nursing students attending StFX. Applicants must be Canadian citizens who attended high school in Cape Breton and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have an entrance average of 85 and maintain an average of 70 to be eligible to receive the bursary in second, third and fourth years. Preference will be given to students involved with extra-curricular activities (i.e. community participation, leadership programs). Award Value: up to $6000
Walker Wood Foundation Bursary Bachelor of Science Students
This award is available to full-time Bachelor of Science students attending StFX. Applicants must be Canadian citizens who attended high school in Cape Breton and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have an entrance average of 85 and maintain an average of 70 to be eligible to receive the bursary in second, third and fourth years. Preference will be given to students involved with extra-curricular activities (i.e. community participation, leadership programs). Award Value: up to $6000
Wally MacDonald Nursing Bursary
This award is available to African Nova Scotian, Mi’kmaw and Wulastoyik students enrolled full time in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing 4-year degree program at StFX. Applicants must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Award Value: up to $1500
Women for Women Bursary
Established in June 2020, this endowed bursary fund – Women for Women – was created by a group of nine women who met at StFX and formed a deep friendship that has lasted over two decades. It was at StFX and the Coady International Institute where this circle of female friends gained a deeper understanding of global inequities. Through their unique journeys since their graduation from StFX in the late 90’s, each of the women has found ways to challenge the status quo and use their education and privilege in the fight for social justice, women’s rights, and anti-racism. They understand that access to secondary education - especially for women - is fundamental to positive societal change: personally, familially, communally, and globally. It is their hope that they can help foster such growth through the creation of this bursary. Recognizing the intersectionality of gender and race, this endowment provides a renewable bursary to a first-year student who has graduated from a high school in Nova Scotia who identifies as a woman and as either African Nova Scotian or from Mi’kmaw or Wulastoyik communities. Acceptance to StFX, and maintaining program requirements, are the sole academic requirements. Applicants will be asked to share their financial need and their interest in making a positive difference in their community. Award Value: up to $2000
Yancy Meyer Memorial Bursary
This award is available to full-time students registered in 30 credits in their second, third or fourth year with demonstrated financial need. The student must demonstrate commitment to working against the conditions that foster violence in their school or community, primarily through community service. They must be currently or have had recent part-time employment and an academic average of at least 75% from the previous year. This award is open to all undergraduates and students in the Bachelor of Education and Master of Education programs. In the event that in any given year there are no qualifying applicants who meet these criteria, the funds will be used to support students demonstrating the greatest need. Award Value: up to $1000
204/206 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5