Black Lives Matter – Canada is the Canadian chapter of #BlackLivesMatter, an international organization and movement fighting police and State violence and anti-Black racism.

We are a platform upon which Black communities across Canada can actively dismantle all forms of anti-Black racism, liberate Blackness, support Black healing, affirm Black existence, and create the freedom to love and self-determine. We work to forge critical connections and to work in solidarity with Black communities, Black-centric networks, solidarity movements, and allies in order to dismantle all forms of state-sanctioned oppression, violence, and brutality committed against all-Black communities, including African, Caribbean, Afro-Indigenous, migrant, queer, trans, and disabled Black communities.
In addition to fighting against anti-Blackness, we create spaces to build our community. Through alternative forms of education, programming events for our communities, and supporting cultural creation, we believe that we create our own liberation through our commitment to thrive and build beautifully, in spite of the ugliness surrounding us.
In our movement for Black liberation, we join calls to decolonize Turtle Island and Nunavut Nunangat. Our struggles are tied up with the struggles of the Indigenous people of the land on which many of our ancestors were brought and forced into brutalization—a living apocalypse. There is no Black without Indigenous Liberation on Turtle Island.

“If I had lost that moment, I would have been hurt because that’s when I saw the world change for me and my people. Of course, we still got a long way ahead of us”
-Marsha “Pay it no Mind” Johnson
424C Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5