While StFX is best known for its strong tradition as a primarily undergraduate university, graduate students are a vital component of the StFX academic community. 

Why graduate studies at StFX? 

Graduate students can excel in an intimate, primarily undergraduate university setting. Graduate students enhance the StFX academic programs and contribute significantly to teaching, student mentorship, and research excellence. Our graduate students have gone on to stellar research careers and work in a variety of organizations.   

In deciding to pursue graduate work at StFX, you join a network of other students and alumni from around the world who have committed to the pursuit of academic excellence in a personalized and collegial environment.  

Program options 

StFX offers a range of graduate programs in Arts, Science and Education. Learn about our current degree offerings here. Anyone with a university degreee also has the opportunity to pursue one of our four Post-Baccalaureate Diploma programs. Learn more about these programs here.