The StFX Registrar's Office has established procedures and rules for potential breaches of academic integrity during examinations.
Before the exam begins
Talking or any other form of communication between students is absolutely forbidden. Students are not permitted to bring books, bags, hats, notes, electronic devices, including cell phones and iWatches, Smart watches, or other papers to the seating area unless previously approved by the professor. Students found in possession of unauthorized aids may be subject to disciplinary action as per the academic integrity policy.
Simply being in posession of unauthorized aids constitutes a violation of academic integrity, even if they are not seen to be used.
During the exam
Once the exam has begun, invigilators should maintain their vigil throughout: walk the aisles, take frequent vantage from the back of the room, and watch for students with questions. Be conspicuously present.
A. Are students allowed late entry?
i. No student may enter the examination more than 20 minutes after the exam has begun, or after another student has left.
B. When can students leave an exam?
i. No student shall be permitted to leave the examination room within the first 30 minutes unless accompanied by the professor or invigilator.
ii. The name and ID number of any student terminating the writing of the exam within the first 30 minutes should be recorded by the professor. The student should be asked to stay for the first 30 minutes.
C. What should be done:
i. ... if a student is suspected of cheating?
The professor or invigilator, at the time of suspecting someone of cheating, should take the exam/booklet away from the student but issue another and allow the student to continue with the exam. The professor will annotate the student's exam/booklet to the effect that cheating was suspected and give some details.
If a student must be moved or devices removed from them, do so.
The professor or invigilator should record photographs of any evidence of cheating, if possible.
If possible, the professor or invigilator should get a second invigilator to witness the student's cheating as well.
ii. ... if a student is suspected of cheating in an online exam?
Remote online exams should be remotely proctored through ProctorU (contact StFX Online during course set-up for information).
In-person online exams (e.g.: Moodle exams) can not be reliably suspended and replaced; the professor or invigilator should note the time of the suspected cheating, note the section or question the student has reached in the exam, and inform the student that they will be investigated for cheating.
If a student must be moved or devices removed from them, do so.
The professor or invigilator should record photographs of any evidence of cheating, if possible.
If possible, the professor or invigilator should get a second invigilator to witness the student's cheating as well.
iii. ... if a student becomes ill?
Take the examination booklet from the student and indicate on it that the student left the examination due to illness. Note the time as well.
iv. ... if the student continues writing after the exam ends?
Advise the student that a line will be drawn through anything written at this point and an explanation written on the booklet.
v. ... if the student cannot present a valid StFX ID?
Inspect other photo ID and indicate on the exam booklet beside the student's name that the student did not have a StFX ID.
Following up on cases of cheating
All cases of cheating in exams should be submitted with [ Appendix 5 Form ] to by the course professor. Invigilators should hand evidence off to the course professor to pursue.
Angus L. Macdonald Library
3080 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5