Equity Advisory Committee


The mandate of the StFX Equity Advisory Committee is: 

  • To promote educational and workplace equity across the University, including specific actions as a committee of equity allies 

  • To maintain communication between the various University constituency groups and the Committee 

  • To advise and assist the Coordinator in formulating annual work plan, policies and program development  

  • To provide information and guidance to the Coordinator on issues of relevance to the mandate of the Equity Office 

  • To assist with ongoing equity awareness, education and training programs among all University constituencies 

  • To support the work of the Coordinator  

Expectations of EAC Members

  • To treat each other with respect 

  • To endeavour to work as Allies 

  • To incorporate the vision and practice of equity in our dealings with others across the University 

  • To participate in ongoing Committee meetings and activities, for example Ally education and team-building sessions 

  • To hold in confidence any discussion or business of the Committee as may be required to protect rights to confidentiality or privacy 


To be updated Fall 2023.