Total Cost
Room Type
Double room
Bathroom Type

If you are a student at Mackinnon Hall, you will be provided with a number of amenities to ensure that your stay in residence at StFX is a pleasant one.

Amenities Include:

  • Two single beds with space to store underneath (i.e., crates, Rubbermaid containers, etc.) 

  • Two desks and two chairs 

  • One stand-alone dresser 

  • One built-in dresser unit

  • One built-in closet with rods and shelving 

  • Shelving and bulletin board on each side of the room 

  • Drapery for windows 

  • Washrooms are non-gendered with multiple-stall toilets and private showers

  • Shared Laundry Facilities

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University Housing

Morrison Hall
4500 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5