Arkadiy Reunov

Arkadiy Reunov

Adjunct Professor & Research and Teaching Support Technologist
Campus Location
Bruce Brown Rm 223

W.F. James Chair Visiting Professor of Pure and Applied Science (May-August, 2008).

Dr. Arkadiy Reunov is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology, as well as a Research and Teaching Support Technologist who runs the Electron Microscopy Laboratory in the Faculty of Science. Dr. Reunov is interested in helping students become skilled researchers with extensive experience in the field of electron microscopy (EM), which is one of the most important methods of modern science. Students are welcome to join one of the ongoing research projects led by Dr. Reunov to begin exploring both EM methods and the scientific field with his direct assistance. First and second year students are encouraged to apply for volunteer positions as an early start with EM methods will allow more time to acquire skills at the independent researcher level. Those students who are eligible for a directed study course (3 or 6 credits) are encouraged to apply for directed study projects which can later be used in preparation for B.Sc., M.Sc. and doctoral theses. Dr. Reunov offers student research projects in the following areas: (1) reproductive biology of aquatic and terrestrial organisms with a focus on the study of meiotic differentiation, oogenesis, spermatogenesis, and gamete structure, (2) biomedical application of EM to study destructive, protective and reparative mechanisms occurring both in reproductive cells and non-reproductive cells such as mammalian heart cells, liver cells, tumor cells, etc. Additionally, students are encouraged to participate in EM projects led by Dr. Reunov in conjunction with other professors in the Biology Department. For more information, please contact Dr. Reunov directly.