Deborah P. Vossen

Headshot of a woman

Deborah P. Vossen

Associate Professor
Campus Location
42 West St Rm 13

Dr. Deborah P. Vossen recalls an upbringing very much enriched by game playing and the joy-filled awareness of “being-in-the-zone,” with her sporting experiences being so deeply empowering that she credits them as absolutely vital to her knowledge of “self.” Within the existential context supplied by these remembrances, she teaches several humanities courses exploring what sport teaches about life and the universal pursuit of happiness therein. Upholding the developmental life-fulfilling function of sport, she conceptualizes the ideal of existence as an expression of the StFX motto calling for our minds to be filled with “everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honour, and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise” (Phil. 4: 4-9). Specifically, with her philosophical inquiries informing her curricula, her research seeks to advance a conceptual proof that life is a game we are all playing together, with the sustainable mindful state of being-in-the-zone embraced – both individually and collectively – as its goal, and “Utopia” established as the shared state of the world built by those winning “The Game of Our Life.”


Utopian Sport Philosophy; Being-in-the-Zone; The Game of Our Life; Moral Ideal of Humanity; Existential Fitness Development; Sport as a Mental Health Practice; Sport as a Moral Health Practice; Sport as a Spiritual Health Practice; Sport as Moral Education.