Ryan Lukeman
I received a Ph.D. in 2009 from UBC, supervised by Yue-Xian Li & Leah Edelstein-Keshet, as a member of the Mathematical Biology group and Institute of Applied Mathematics. I started at St.F.X. in 2009, where I teach courses in applied mathematics, and conduct research in collective behaviour and mathematical biology, focusing on connecting mathematical models to empirical data.
Research Interests:
My research program focuses on understanding collective phenomena. I connect theoretical modeling approaches with empirical approaches. Where data is scarce, I design experiments and field studies to obtain individual-based data of collective behaviour to guide the modeling process. Applications include fish schooling, aquatic bird flock motion, synchrony in human rhythmic behaviour, and synchrony in pulsating corals, among others. I also study other problems in mathematical biology and, more broadly, applied mathematics, including simulation studies to investigate the dynamics of populations of people who inject drugs.
Areas of Research:
Mathematical biology, collective behaviour, mathematical modeling