Norine Verberg

Sociology - Norine's Picture for website - 2023

Norine Verberg

Associate Professor
Campus Location
Nicholson Tower Rm 606

Norine Verberg  teaches on family life, parenting, social policy, social inequality, and ancestry and identity. She received her doctorate in Sociology from the University of Waterloo in 1994. Her research focuses on the social activism of families who respond to a preventable tragedy (e.g., Westray Families Group and MADD) and refugee settlement and community development.

Education: Ph.D., Waterloo


Private Sponsorship of Refugees, Refugee Resettlement in Rural Nova Scotia, Community Sponsorship; WUSC SRP and Aftermath Activism by Families.

Honors: St. Francis Xavier University Outreach Award, Dec. 2017


Verberg, N. and MacDonald, J.M. (2023). A meso-level analysis of the revitalization of the WUSC Student Refugee Program at St. Francis Xavier University. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 39(1), 1-16.

Verberg, N. and Khoury, J. (2017). Team Syria: The Ripple Effect of University-Community Partnerships. Canadian Diversity. 4(3), 29–30.

Verberg, N. and Davis, C.G. (2011). Counter-memory activism in the aftermath of tragedy: A case study of the Westray Families Group. Canadian Review of Sociology 48(1), 23-43.

Davis, C.G., Wohl, M.A.J.  and Verberg, N. (2007). Meaning and posttraumatic growth in the wake of senseless tragedy.  Death Studies 31(8), 693-712.

Verberg, N. (2006). Family-based social activism: Rethinking the social roles of families.  Socialist Studies Review 2(1), 23-46.