Date First Approved: November 1999, multiple updates thereafter
Date Last Reviewed: September 2021 by University Senior Executive
Mandatory Review Date: On an annual basis
This policy sets out the various eligibility requirements and processes related to the X-Ring.
This policy establishes the eligibility requirements and related processes to:
- purchase an X-Ring,
- participate in the X-Ring Ceremony; and,
- nominate and select a candidate for an Honorary X-Ring.
Word/Term | Definition |
Word/Term University | Definition St. Francis Xavier University |
Word/Term X-Ring Ceremony | Definition A formal ceremony where students receive their X-Rings. Normally, it takes place annually on December 03rd, the feast day of St. Francis Xavier. |
The X-Ring is an official trademark owned by the University and is considered a senior class ring. It has been part of the University’s history since the 1940s. The rights and processes to purchase an X-Ring, participate in the X-Ring Ceremony and nominate and select someone for an Honorary X-Ring are controlled by way of eligibility requirements which have developed over time.
Eligibility to purchase an X-Ring is framed around academic credits earned within identified academic programs. Thresholds of academic progression within programs are established and set out in the policy. The purchasing of an X-Ring is limited to approved vendors and the delivery of the ring normally occurs at the annual X-Ring Ceremony or anytime thereafter.
Eligibility to participate in the X-Ring Ceremony is based on eligibility to purchase an X-Ring and the student being in good standing which is prescribed within the policy.
The selection of someone to receive an Honorary X-Ring is done by way of a nomination process, with the selection committee taking into consideration several items, including how the nominee has contributed to the Xaverian community.
The management of X-Ring eligibility and related processes comes under the authority of the X-Ring Committee which is chaired by the President of the StFX Students’ Union and includes the following members:
Students’ Union President (Chair)
Vice-President Advancement (Vice-Chair)
Senior Class Co-Presidents (one vote)
Director of Alumni Affairs
StFX Alumni Association President
One member of the faculty, on appointment by the President of StFX for a term of no less than two
years, with reappointment(s) at the discretion of the President.
A Record-Keeper appointed by the committee
Manager, Ancillary Services
Registrar and Director, Enrolment Planning
- X-Ring Eligibility Criteria to Purchase an X-Ring:
1.1 A person will be eligible to purchase an X-Ring if:1.1.1 As a student, they are registered for courses in the current academic year, have progressed through their academic program of study and meet the course credit threshold established for their program as set out Appendix 1. Each student is responsible to understand the academic progression thresholds for their program 1.1.2 They completed an undergraduate degree at the University. 1.1.3 They completed a master’s degree or PhD at the University. 1.1.4 They completed a minimum of 60 credits at the University and were admitted directly into and go on to complete a professional degree at another institution. Eligibility will be granted only upon completion of the professional degree (professional is defined as medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, kinesiology, law, pharmacy, social work, architecture or others deemed appropriate by the X-Ring Committee). 1.1.5 They are a transfer student and will be meeting the academic program threshold requirements as set out in section 1.1.1 with at least half their program credits earned/to be earned at the University. 1.1.6 They completed two years at the University prior to 1975 and then went on to complete a professional degree at another institution. 1.1.7 They receive an honorary degree from the University. 1.1.8 They are replacing the X-Ring of an alumnus who was previously granted an X-Ring; this ring may be replaced even if the alumnus is deceased but only if it is replaced by an immediate member of the family (i.e. spouse, son or daughter, or parent). 1.1.9 Anyone deemed eligible to purchase an X-Ring shall retain that status irrespective of any change to their eligibility status or any changes to this policy in the future. - Purchase, Sale and Delivery of X-Rings
2.1 X-Rings can only be purchased from vendors of record who have been approved by the University. Vendor approval: VP Finance & Administration 2.2 Vendors of record are required to be shown proof of XRing eligibility before any sale of an X-Ring. 2.3 Proof of X-Ring eligibility is provided to the student by way of an eligibility certificate which is to be provided to the X-Ring Vendor of record. X-Ring Eligibility Committee 2.4 A student is permitted to purchase an X-Ring for each degree/diploma they are eligible. 2.5 X-Rings purchased by way of academic progression eligibility (1.1.1 – 1.1.5) shall only be delivered to the student at the relevant X-Ring Ceremony and not before*. Any such student not participating in the X-Ring ceremony can arrange with the Vendor of record to have their X-Rings picked up or delivered to them after the relevant X-Ring Ceremony.
*An exception to this procedure of delivery of the X-Ring may be granted by the X-Ring Committee on an individual, case by case basis, if there are extenuating circumstances as defined in Section 6 of this Policy. A decision by the X-Ring Committee for one student is not binding in respect to other students as each case will be decided on the merits of their specific circumstance. The procedure for requesting an exception should follow the essence of the appeal procedures found in Section 6 that are applicable (in writing to the Chair of the XRing Committee, by a certain date, setting out the reasons for the request for an exception).2.6 All other X-Rings purchased by way of other eligibility requirements can be delivered or picked up by mutual agreement between the Vendor of record and X-Ring purchaser. - X-Ring Ceremony Participation
3.1 Students eligible to purchase an X-Ring by way of academic progression (1.1.1 – 1.1.5) may participate in the XRing Ceremony for that year on the following conditions:3.1.1 They purchase an X-Ring or in the alternative, have made arrangements with the X-Ring Committee to substitute the ring with an X-pin or some other recognizable jewellery that includes the face of the X; 3.1.2 have not already participated in an X-Ring Ceremony for their current academic program. X-Ring Committee 3.1.3 They are not barred from participating in the Ceremony pursuant to disciplinary measures under the University Community Code of Conduct (as it may be amended) or is otherwise barred by law. A barred student may make arrangements to pick up their X-Ring from the applicable XRing vendor after the X-Ring ceremony. - Resubmission of X-Ring for Participation in the XRing Ceremony
4.1 An X-Ring already owned by a student may be resubmitted for the X-Ring Ceremony if: - The student is completing an additional degree, is eligible to purchase an X-Ring by way of academic progression (1.1.1 – 1.1.5) and is eligible to participate in the X-Ring ceremony.
4.2 In some instances, an eligible student may want to resubmit an existing X-Ring that has been donated or given to them. This is allowed provided 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 are adhered to. 4.3 A request to resubmit an X-Ring for the X-Ring Ceremony must be sent by email to prior to October 15th . 4.4 The X-Ring must be delivered to the University X-Ring Store by November 19th . - Honorary X-Ring
5.1 The bestowing of an Honorary X-Ring is an important part of the annual X-Ring Ceremony. There is to be only one Honorary X-Ring bestowed in any given Ceremony. Recipients are nominated through the nomination process set out below. 5.2 The recipient of an Honorary X-Ring must meet the following criteria: - They must not already have an X-Ring
- They must have demonstrated outstanding contribution to the Xaverian community, gauged in part by number of years/services to the Xaverian community
- They must be exemplary of the Xaverian motto: “Quaecumque sunt vera” (Whatsoever things are true).
5.3 Nomination Process:
- Any person can nominate in writing another person to be a recipient of an Honorary X-Ring.
- The nomination documentation shall include:
- a letter of nomination that establishes the eligibility of the nominee.
- the letter of nomination shall be supported by at least two letters of support, but no more than 10 supporting letters in total.
- The nomination letter and accompanying letters of support must be submitted to the Chair of the X-Ring Committee by email, by October 1st.
5.4 Nominations shall be kept in the pool of candidates for a period of 5 years, after which they will be removed. 5.5 Selection Process:
The voting members of the X-Ring Committee shall undertake the selection of a recipient from the nominations in the pool of candidates.- Only those nominees that meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed by the X-Ring Committee.
- The selection of a recipient shall take place before October 15th, or a date to be determined at the discretion of the X-Ring Committee.
- Should the X-Ring Committee not come to a consensus on a recipient, it shall be decided by majority vote
5.6 The Honorary X-Ring shall be purchased from the University X-Ring Store. The cost of purchase shall be shared by the StFX Students’ Union and the StFX Alumni Affairs Office. - Exemption from Eligibility Criteria
6.1 Exemption from Eligibility Criteria to Purchase an X-Ring
Request for an exemption of eligibility criteria to purchase an X-Ring shall proceed only upon the following basis:- Requests for exemption must be in writing, made attention to the Chair of the X-Ring Committee, no later than September 15th, or a date to be determined at the discretion of the X-Ring Committee.
- To be considered for an exemption, the student must show:
- But for extenuating circumstances* they would have had the requisite number of course credits in their current program to be eligible to purchase their X-Ring (see academic progression eligibility (1.1.1 – 1.1.5).
- That they have a proven ability to overcome the extenuating circumstances. Determination of such ability shall include a review of what steps the student has taken to address their academic progression, including any academic plan developed in consultation with the University’s academic advising and other support services.
- That the Dean of the student’s faculty provides a letter approving the student’s academic plan to graduate by Fall convocation in the year following the X-Ring ceremony; and
- Any other conditions which the X-Ring Committee determines that are just and appropriate in the circumstances.
A student seeking an exemption shall set out their reasons in writing, to the Chair of the X-Ring Committee (, being sure to address each of the considerations noted for an exemption (academic progression, extenuating circumstances, proven ability to overcome, letter from Dean).
The X-Ring Committee will consider each request and in so doing, may ask that the student meet with the Committee in person.
The X-Ring Committee shall provide its decision and reasons in writing to the student seeking an exemption no later than October 01st, or a date to be determined at the discretion of the X-Ring Committee.
*Extenuating circumstances are uncommon and extremely disruptive circumstances which are beyond the student’s control and have had a substantial impact on a student’s academic success. Students may be asked to provide reasonable proof of any extenuating circumstances forming the basis of their application. The Committee shall respect the privacy of students who apply for an exemption, and shall not share any information disclosed by a student about extenuating circumstances, save as required to consider their application for an exemption or as may be required by law.
6.2 Participation in the X-Ring Ceremony:
There are no exceptions to the eligibility status of participation in the X-Ring Ceremony.
Supporting Documentation
Forms that are generated by the procedure should be listed and included as an appendix.
X-Ring Policy: APPENDIX 1
Specific eligibility requirements detailed by degree
Credits to Graduate | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) | |
Bachelor of Arts with Major | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Arts in Aquatic Studies | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy and Governance | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Music | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Master of Arts | Credits to Graduate 36 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) * |
Bachelor of Business Administration | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Information Systems (last intake September 2015) | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Enterprise IT Management | Credits to Graduate 48 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 36 |
Bachelor of Education | Credits to Graduate 60 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 48 |
Master of Adult Education | Credits to Graduate 36 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) ** |
Master of Education | Credits to Graduate 36 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) ***** |
PhD in Educational Studies | Credits to Graduate 42 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) *** |
Bachelor of Science | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor Science Aquatics | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Psychology | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (last intake September 2015) | Credits to Graduate 126 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 114 |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Accelerated Nursing (Two Year) (January intake - Fall Convocation) | Credits to Graduate 90 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 78 |
Accelerated Nursing for LPNs (May intake - Fall Convocation) | Credits to Graduate 84 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 72 |
Part Time Post RN Program | Credits to Graduate 63 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 51 |
Bachelor of Science with Diploma in Engineering | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Diploma in Engineering (Two Years) | Credits to Graduate 69 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 57 |
Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence | Credits to Graduate 48 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 36 |
Master of Science | Credits to Graduate 36 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) * |
Master of Applied Computer Science | Credits to Graduate 36 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) **** |
Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
Bachelor of Arts and Science in Climate and Environment | Credits to Graduate 120 | Credits for X-Ring Eligibility (Total completed plus enrolled credits) 108 |
All eligibility thresholds are determined based on specific program requirements and structures.
- Minimum of 60 credits must be completed at StFX (with the exception of a Master’s program)
- Credits must be completed and/or enrolled by prior to September 1
- Letters of Permission (LOP) and In-Progress Transfer (IPT) will be counted towards credit eligibility so long as these credits have been approved by the Registrar’s Office.
- Degree requirements are subject to change and follow the current StFX Academic Calendar
To be considered X-Ring eligible in the:
* Master of Arts and/or Master of Science program, by September 1, students must have completed 18 credits and be registered in 18 credits (thesis) and are actively engaged in the thesis as verified by the department chair
** Master of Adult Education by September 1, students must have completed 30 credits and be registered in 6 credits (thesis) as verified by the department chair
*** PhD in Educational Studies by September 1, students must have completed 24 credits and be registered in 18 credits (thesis) as verified by the department chair
**** Master of Computer Science, by September 1, students must have completed and be registered for course credits totalling 36 credits
**** Master of Education by September 1, students must have completed 30 credits and be registered in 6 credits as verified by the department chair. Those students enrolled in the Thesis based or Project based path will be verified by the department chair.