Information and Student Support 

Please use the links on the right of this page to find the information you need and email us if you have any questions. Over 700 students are registered in our program, so we rely on you to connect with us and make sure that you complete the items on your checklist. 

We will use your StFX email account to communicate key dates (to ask for your test times, for example) so please watch for emails from our staff. Our emails will always have important information for you.  

Student Responsibilities 

Our staff embraces the philosophy that students with disabilities are students with abilities who face unique learning barriers. We work hard to be a welcoming and supportive place where you can face, manage or overcome barriers. To do that, we rely on students to connect with us to establish a collaborative working relationship. 

Student responsibilities include but are not limited to: 

  • Providing the Tramble Centre with documentation regarding disability and or diagnosis. Please review the requirements for documentation, found on our Documentation page.
  • Completing intake once documentation has been approved to set up academic accommodations. 
  • Attending class and completing readings and assignments. 
  • Reaching out to staff if you are encountering challenges with your support or need to talk about different approaches to learning. 
  • Booking tests at least seven (7) days prior to any testing you would like to write with our Centre using your accommodations. You will not be given any accommodations in the classroom. 
  • Applying for Canada Student Loan. If eligible, our ARA can assist with your grant application for Goods and Services. Please email for further information. 
  • Submitting required receipts for equipment and services funding to the province of issue. 

Resources and Programs 

EDGE employment program for TCAL students 

The primary goal of the Engage, Develop, Grow Your Employability (EDGE) Program is to increase students’ self-awareness, career goals, workplace connections, and employability in Nova Scotia. This is a collaborative partnership between the StFX Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning (TCAL) and Student Career Services (SCC). EDGE is for students registered with the Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning. 

For more information, contact: Heather Myers, Career Transition and EDGE Coordinator | Email: | Tel: 902-867-2296


Accessible Learning

108 Angus L. Macdonald Library
3080 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5