Accelerate your nursing career.

Earn a BScN after just two years of full-time study.

The Rankin School of Nursing offers an innovative and responsive program that educates competent, safe, caring, evidence-informed, critical thinking baccalaureate-prepared nurses. While most Bachelor of Science programs require four years of full-time study, the Accelerated Option at StFX gives you the opportunity to earn your degree in less time. The Accelerated Option is ideal for students with prior post-secondary credits who want to complete their degree over six continuous semesters. It is an in-person, on-campus program that offers the very same exemplary nursing training as our regular BScN program—simply at a faster, uninterrupted pace that allows you to enter/re-enter the workforce sooner. Nursing graduates apply to the Nova Scotia College of Nurses (NSCN) to write the licensure exam (NCLEX) to become Registered Nurses (RNs) following graduation with the BScN degree.

Learn More about Nursing at StFX 

Register for our upcoming info session

Join us online on April 24th at 7pm to learn more about the BScN Accelerated Option. Please fill out the form below to receive a link to the information session.

I confirm that I give permission to St. Francis Xavier University to contact me regarding the Accelerated Nursing program

Rankin School of Nursing Entrance Award

$3,000 for all incoming students

All incoming 2026 BScN Accelerated Option students will receive a $3000 entrance award to help with first-year expenses.

The award will be applied directly to your student account and can be used for course materials, on-campus meals, housing, and more. It’s our way of saying thank you for choosing the Rankin School of Nursing and contributing to the health and well-being of our province. 

Prerequisite courses

Applicants must possess a minimum of 30 credits of university study, including pre-requisite non-nursing courses in
- Anatomy and Physiology with lab (6 credits), 
- Microbiology (3 credits), 
- Statistics (3 credits), 
- and English or an approved writing course (3 credits). 

Missing a prerequisite course? All required courses for admission to the BScN Accelerated Option are currently offered both online and on-campus at StFX. Many courses are available during all three semesters (fall, winter, spring/summer). For more information about online courses, please contact StFX Online.

Program timeline

Accelerated BScN students begin in January and study for six continuous semesters over twenty-four months, including spring/summer. Graduation is in December.

How to apply

Applications for the January 2026 intake are now open. Conditional acceptance may be offered with the expectation for completion of all requirements by January 1, 2026.

Admission Requirements     Apply Here

Important Dates

Last date for international applications: September 30, 2025

Last date for domestic applications: December 11, 2025

All transcripts must be received by January 1, 2026

Internal Applicants

If you are a current student at StFX and wish to apply to change programs to the 2-year Accelerated Nursing program, please go to the service catalogue to submit an application to change programs by December 5, 2025.

For more information about the Accelerated Option please contact Please also note that detailed information about nursing programs at StFX are available here.