Quantum Optics Theory Group

Our research deals predominantly with the interaction between atoms or molecules and light. However, it touches a huge variety of topics, including quantum optics and quantum information, stopping and retrieving light, the coldest matter in the universe (Bose-Einstein condensates), fundamental questions in quantum physics, gauge fields, and relativity

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  • Peter Marzlin, Group Leader 
  • Lydia Taylor, 2024. Lydia works on quantum phase space.
  • Nevan Keating, 2024. Nevan works on quantum gravity.
  • Dylan MacDougall, 2023-24. Dylan works on rotating charge distributions. 
  • Brayden Lee, 2022-23. Brayden worked on quantum dot solar cells. 
  • Isaac Nearing, 2020-22. Isaac worked on the Aharonov-Bohm effect. 
  • Myah MacDonald, 2022. Myah worked on acoustic impedance. 
  • Thomas Hujon, 2019-20. Thomas worked on accelerated charge distributions. 
  • Liam Farrell, 2018-19. Liam worked on accelerated electrons. 
  • Bryan Canam, 2018-19. Bryan worked Atomic force microscopes. 
  • James Kendall, 2017. James worked on photonic band gaps. 
  • Creighton Jewkes, 2017. Creighton worked on the Bell paradox. 
  • Sachin Mohandas, 2017. Sachin worked on molecular interferometry. 
  • Pheerawich Chitnelawong, 2016. Pheerawich worked on generalized forces in Relativity. 
  • Bryce Fitzgerald, 2015-16. Bryce worked on distribution splitting in quantum optics 
  • Michael Kinach, 2014-16. Michael worked on light propagation in curved space-time 
  • Taylor Landry, 2013-15. Taylor worked on Raman spectroscopy and the foundations of quantum theory. 
  • Rachel Kiefl, 2014-15. Rachel worked on the quantum measurement process. 
  • Stephen Deering, 2012-14. Stephen worked on open quantum systems in phase space. 
  • Thomas Lee, 2011-12. Thomas worked on relativistic quantum mechanics 
  • Anuraj Panwar, postdoc 2010-12. Anuraj worked on atom-plasma mixtures 
  • Jeremie Choquette, PhD student 2008-12. Jeremie worked on quantum electrodynamics of surface plasmons 
  • Victoria Bishop, summer student 2010. Victoria worked on counterfactual quantum communication  


Physics Department

2052 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5