The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 2025 initiative is delivered by Service Canada on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and is designed to provide wage subsidies to help Canadian employers —including the public sector— create career-related summer jobs for youth between the ages of 15 and 30 at the start of employment.
All approved jobs will be posted automatically to the Government of Canada’s Job Bank website and app. This will allow youth to find all CSJ-funded jobs in one place and enable employers to reach out to a greater potential audience to find the right person for the job.
Important Eligibility Requirements:
- All students hired under the Canada Summer Jobs program must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for the duration of the employment. They must also have a valid Social Insurance Number at the start of employment and be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.
- The earliest job start date is April 21, 2025
- The latest job start date is July 21, 2025
- The latest job end date is August 30, 2025
- All CSJ-supported positions need to be full-time with a minimum of 30 hours a week to a maximum of 40 hours, and at least 6 consecutive weeks.
What is covered?
Public sector employers such as StFX can receive funding for up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage ($15.20/hour in Nova Scotia) for each position supported by CSJ.
It is important to note that the faculty and staff who receive approval for CSJ funding will have to pay the student(s) out of their research/office accounts and receive the wage subsidy reimbursement once the contract is complete.
Please note: All StFX faculty and staff requesting CSJ positions for 2025 are required to identify the source of internal funding that will be used to pay the “matching funds” for CSJ positions and the account numbers for these sources.
How to apply
Do not submit your application directly to ESDC. Please complete the CSJ Application, using the Application Form. Complete only Part B and Part C and you must complete a separate application form for each position. Please email or deliver your completed application form to Jacqueline Beaton (ext. 2393; Research Services Group, Room 717 NT) on or before December 13, 2024. StFX will submit a collective institutional application; individual applications will not be submitted to ESDC.
PART A (Employer Information) of the CSJ application form, which is for institutional information, will be completed by Jacqueline Beaton in the Research Services Group when she compiles all of the individual CSJ applications into one joint institutional application.
The internal StFX deadline for applications is 5:00 pm AST on Friday, December 13th, 2024. It will not be possible to process applications received after this date and time. Please submit your application or any questions to (ext. 2393; Research Services Group, 717 NT).
Your application should demonstrate the quality of your proposed job placement(s) through:
- Higher wage – paying youth above the minimum wage in your province or territory.
- Youth retention – committing to retain the youth as an employee beyond the period of the CSJ agreement.
- Supervision – demonstrating how you will support the youth during their job through observing, evaluating, and providing feedback on job performance. o
- Mentoring – demonstrating how your guidance will support the professional and career development of the youth.
- Skills development – providing opportunities for youth to develop the skills needed for employment.
Below are links to all the information you will require to complete an ESDC application this year. You should read this material carefully before completing your Application Form.
The Local Priorities for the Constituency of Central Nova (see below). StFX applicants for such positions are strongly encouraged to apply. In your application, be sure to explain (where possible) how your proposed position will meet the Assessment Criteria and Local Priorities (see below).
Local Priorities (2025) For The Constituency Of Central Nova:
- Projects Supporting Community-based organizations
- Projects supporting not-for-profit organizations
- projects supporting small business
- Projects supporting skilled trades
- Projects supporting local and regional tourism development
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Antigonish NS B2G 2W5