Jen Jamieson
Jen Jamieson obtained her PhD in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at McGill University where she developed skills and expertise in population health assessment, dietary assessment, iron metabolism and epidemiological analyses. She was part of the Inuit Health Survey research team, collecting health and nutrition data from 36 Inuit communities across the Canadian Arctic. In particular, she studied associations between diet, inflammation, iron status, and anemia. Dr. Jamieson’s current research interests include: understanding the determinants of nutritional status (e.g. inflammation, exercise, restrictive diets), especially with respect to iron and folate status; improving tools used in nutrition assessment (e.g. disease-specific diet assessment tools and novel dietary pattern analyses); with the aim of employing these new tools in better understanding key determinants of health in populations; and sport nutrition.
2021 Recipient of StFX Outstanding Teaching Award
- Understanding determinants of nutritional status (e.g. inflammation, exercise, restrictive diets)
- Dietary assessment method development & dietary pattern analysis
- Sport nutrition: impact of dietary practices or restrictions on training and perfomance
My current research interests include: understanding the determinants of nutritional status (e.g. inflammation, exercise, restrictive diets), especially with respect to iron and folate status; improving tools used in nutrition assessment (e.g. disease-specific diet assessment tools and novel dietary pattern analyses); with the aim of employing these new tools in better understanding key determinants of health in populations.
Follow me on Research Gate, Google Scholar or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Jamieson, J, VanDenboer, E, Anderson, B, Lordly, D, Fox, A. Dietitian’s experiences varied by work sector during the first three waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research. E-published: 20 February 2024. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2023-030
Jamieson, JA, Gill, K, Fisher, S, English, M. (2022) Development of a Canadian food composition database of gluten-free products. Foods, 11, 2215. Special Issue: Quality of Grains and Grain-based foods. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11152215
Jamieson, JA, Rosta, E, Gougeon, L. (2021) Grain Products are a Top Source of Energy and Nutrients among Nova Scotian Adults following a Gluten-free Diet. Cdn J Diet Pract Res, 82(1):21-26. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2020-023
Jamieson, JA, Viana, L. English, M. (2020) Folate content and chemical composition of commercially available gluten-free flour alternatives. Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 75, 337-343. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11130-020-00833-z
Jamieson, JA, Neufeld, A. (2020) Food sources of energy and nutrients among Canadian adults following a gluten-free diet. PeerJ, 8:e9590. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9590
Kenny, TA, Hu, XF, Jamieson, JA, Kuhnlein, HV, Wesche, SD, Chan, HM. (2019) Potential impact of restricted caribou (Rangifer tarandus) consumption on anemia prevalence among Inuit adults in northern Canada. BMC Nutrition 5:30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40795-019-0292-9
Jamieson, JA, Gougeon, L. (2019) Adults following a gluten-free diet report little dietary guidance in a pilot survey exploring relationships between dietary knowledge, management, and adherence in Nova Scotia, Canada. Nutrition Research, 66:107-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nutres.2019.02.005
Jamieson, JA, Weir, M, Gougeon, L. (2018) Canadian packaged gluten-free foods are less nutritious than their regular gluten-containing counterparts. PeerJ 6:e5875. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5875
Reynolds E, Johnson C, Jamieson JA, Mawhinney H (2018) Prevalence and Correlates of Food Insecurity among Students Attending a Small, Rural Canadian University. Cdn J Diet Pract Res 79(3): 125-128. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2018-004.
Jamieson JA, Gougeon L (2017) Gluten-free foods in rural Maritime Provinces: limited availability, high price, and low iron content. Cdn J Diet Pract Res. 78(4):192-196. https://doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2017-020.
Jamieson JA, Weiler HA, Kuhnlein HV & Egeland GM (2016) Prevalence of unexplained anemia in Inuit men and Inuit post-menopausal women in Northern Labrador: International Polar Year Inuit Health Survey. Can J Public Health, 107(1). https://doi: 10.17269/cjph.107.5173.
Dietitians of Canada. Hemochromatosis/Haemochromatosis Background. In: PEN: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition ®. March-22-2015. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription. Author: Jamieson, JA. Student contributors: Barry A, Cleveland T, DeCoste S, Lee J, MacDonald AT, Stanford K, Negus K, Ramsay M, Reeves R, Woodrow B.
Jamieson JA, Kuhnlein HV, Weiler HA & Egeland GM (2013) Higher n3-fatty acid status is associated with lower risk of iron depletion among food insecure Canadian Inuit women. BMC Public Health 13:289-7. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-289.
Jamieson JA, Weiler HA, Kuhnlein HV & Egeland GM (2012) Traditional food intake is correlated with iron stores in Canadian Inuit men. J Nutr 142(4):764-70. doi: 10.3945/jn.111.140475.
Jamieson JA & Kuhnlein HV (2008) The paradox of anemia with high meat intake: A review of the multifactorial etiology of anemia in the Inuit of North America. Nutr Rev 66(5):256-71. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2008.00030.x.
Current Research Projects:
To what extent do Exercise-Associated Gastrointestinal Symptoms affect the training and performance of Student Athletes? An exploratory mixed methods needs assessment. Principal Investigator: Jen Jamieson. Co-Investigators: Dr. Ruth Harvie and Sarah O'Brien. Research Assistant: Cayla Olynyk, BSc HNU Honours 2021. For more information please see: http://www.mystfx.ca/human-nutrition/gi-study
Investigating the sex data gap in sport nutrition research. An audit to determine what extent research of exercise-associated gastrointestinal symptoms has included female athlete participants. Research Assistant: Samantha Fisher, BSc HNU Honours candidate 2023.
Catalyzing Dietetics: Exploring the experiences, needs and emerging roles of dietitians in Nova Scotia during the COVID-19 pandemic. PI: Dr. Ann Fox, Co-Investigators: Dr. D. Lordly, B. Anderson, Collaborators: J. Jamieson, B. MacDonald. Research Assistant: Erik Vandenboer. For more information please see: https://www.mystfx.ca/human-nutrition/catalyzing-dietetics-study
Completed Projects:
Development of a gluten-free food composition database. Principal Investigator: Jen Jamieson. Research Assistants: Kelsey Gill, BSc HNU Honours 2020; Samantha Fisher, Scotia Scholar Research Award 2021.
Adhering to a gluten-free diet in Nova Scotia: Exploring nutritional quality and the role of food literacy. A pilot project funded by the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation. Principal Investigator: Jen Jamieson. Co-Principal Investigator: Laura Gougeon. For more information see: http://www.mystfx.ca/human-nutrition/gfstudy.
Student Research Projects
Are you a curious, motivated, hard-working student looking to challenge yourself with an independent research project? Current students interested in summer and honours research projects are encouraged to meet with Dr. Jamieson early in their program of study (second year or fall of third year) for further discussions.
Current Student(s):
Samantha Fisher, Summer Research Assistant, 2022. Project: Investigating the sex data gap in sport nutrition research. Supervisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson.
Past Students and Projects:
Samantha Fisher, Summer Research Assistant, 2022. Project: Development of a gluten-free food composition database. Supervisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson.
Hannah Ellis, Summer Research Assistant, 2022. Project: Exploring student athletes understanding and management of exercise-associated gastrointestinal symptoms: A mixed methods approach. Supervisors: Dr. Jen Jamieson & Sarah O’Brien PDt.
Cayla Olynyk, 2020-2021. Thesis: Exploring student athletes understanding and management of exercise-associated gastrointestinal symptoms: A mixed methods approach. Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jen Jamieson & Sarah O’Brien PDt.
Kelsey Gill, 2019-2020. Thesis: Development of a Canadian Nutrient Composition Database for Gluten-Free Foods. Recipient of 2019 Scotia Scholar Undergraduate Research Award and 2020 Sodexo Canada Scholarship. Currently a StFX dietetic intern.
Anna Neufeld, 2018-19. Thesis: An Exploration of Food Sources of Nutrients and Dietary Patterns of the Gluten-free Diet. 2019 Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism Undergraduate Research Excellence Award. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Jacqueline Rusin, 2018-19. Thesis: Determination of Folate Content in Nutritionally Important Gluten-Free Flours Using Lactobacillus casei spp. Rhamnosus in a Microbiological Assay. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Emily Rosta, 2017-18. Thesis: Evaluating the quality of gluten-free diets using the NOVA food processing system: Piloting the GFStudy in Nova Scotia. Silver medal Bookstore Prize - StFX Student Research Day March 28, 2018; 2018 Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism Undergraduate Research Excellence Award. Dissemination: Findings presented at the 2018 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. MSc Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie University.
Leah Gouthro, 2017-18. Thesis: Diet assessment of collegiate athletes following a gluten-free diet. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Emma Aucoin, 2015-16. Thesis: Does vitamin B6 supplementation enhance the effects of exercise on glucose metabolism in non-athlete university students? Co-supervised by Dr. Dan Kane. Currently a Physiotherapist. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA), 2015 (Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kane, Human Kinetics). 2016 Gordon Sleivard Award for top undergraduate presentation, 13th Atlantic Provinces Exercise Scientists and Socioculturalists Conference (APES+); Silver medal, StFX Student Research Day. Dissemination: Findings presented at the 2017 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting
Mikaela Henderson, 2015-16. Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of Hereditary Hemochromatosis. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Sara Watters, 2015-16. Thesis: Exploring the challenges of gluten-free diet using a mixed-methods approach. (Co-supervised with Dr. Laura Gougeon). Scotia Scholar Undergraduate Research Award (NSHRF). Currently a Registered Dietetian and Msc student in Speech & Language Pathology at Dalhousie University.
Hannah Mawhinney, 2014-2015. Thesis: Is vitamin B6 sub-optimal for male endurance athletes?: Preliminary investigation of the effects of 7-day dietary intervention on running performance after a competitive season. Co-supervised by Dr. Dan Kane (HKIN). CIHR Summer Research Award, 2014 (Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kane). 2015 Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism Undergraduate Research Excellence Award Recipient. Bronze medal, StFX Student Research Day. Currently an Assistant Professor at StFX. Dissemination: Findings presented at the 2017 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting.
Mary Weir, 2014-2015. Thesis: A comparison of nutritional quality of gluten-free and similar gluten-containing products in rural towns and villages in Northeastern Nova Scotia. CIHR Summer Research Award, 2013 (Co-supervised with Dr. Doris Gillis).
Kaitlyn Stanford, 2013-14. Thesis: Energy and Nutrient Adequacy of Elite Cross-Country Runners Across the Training and Competition Season. Dissemination: Findings presented at the 2014 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. Currently a resident physician at Memorial University [Family Medicine].
Heidi Stirling, 2012-13. Thesis: Energy and nutrient adequacy of elite female cross-country runners. CIHR Summer Research Award, 2012. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Tayler Musclow, 2012-13. Thesis: The development of a food frequency questionnaire for iron assessment of elite female endurance athletes. Bronze medal, StFX Student Research Day. Currently a Registered Dietetian.
Erica Reynolds, 2011-12. Thesis: Investigating the prevalence of food insecurity amongst Saint Francis Xavier University students. Co-supervised by Professor Christine Johnson (HNU). Dissemination: Research published in Cdn J Diet Pract Res 79(3): 125-128. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2018-004. Currently a Registered Dietetian.