Jennifer Mitton
Dr. Jennifer Mitton is an Associate Professor of assessment, literacy, and qualitative research methods in the Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Alberta, her Master of Education Degree from St. Francis Xavier University, her Bachelor of Education from Mount Allison University, and her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of King’s College. Jennifer previously taught in the School of English Language and Graduate School of Education at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. Prior to university teaching, she taught in secondary schools in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Turkey. In addition to her scholarship, Jennifer works closely with Nova Scotian teachers as part of professional outreach initiatives.
Her research interests include adolescent literacies, disciplinary literacies, classroom assessment, pre-service teachers and LGBTQ education, teachers as researchers, and teacher/student experiences in in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Her research articles are published in various journals including articles in Professional Development in Education, Learning Landscapes, the McGill Journal of Education, and the Australian Journal of Teacher Education. Jennifer has co-authored articles in Pedagogies: An International Journal; Language and Literacy: A Canadian E-Journal, the Canadian Journal of Education, the Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Thinking Skills and Creativity, the Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Development, Teaching and Teacher Education, and the Canadian Journal of Higher Education.
Mitton-Kükner, J. & Murray Orr, A. (2018). Pedagogies of pace: Temporal insights into Canadian pre-service teachers’ pedagogical decision-making. International Journal of Educational Research, 90, 32-42. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2018.05.005
Mitton-Kükner, J. & Murray Orr, A. (2018). A Multi-Year Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Literacy Practices in the Content Areas: Time Epistemologies and Indicators of Stasis and Growth. Pedagogies: An International Journal. doi: 10.1080/1554480X.2017.1376670
Tompkins, J. Kearns, L. & Mitton-Kükner, J. (2017). Teacher candidates as lgbtq allies and social justice advocates through curricular action. McGill Journal of Education, 52(3),677-698.
Murray Orr, A. & Mitton-Kükner, J. (2017). An Exploratory Case Study of One Early Career Teacher’s Evolving Teaching Practice in Northern Canada. McGill Journal of Education, 52(1), 71-92.
Ciuffetelli Parker, D., Murray Orr, A., Mitton-Kükner, J., Griffin, S., & Pushor, D. (2017). Problematizing Complexities and Pedagogy in Teacher Education Programs: Enacting Knowledge in a Narrative Inquiry Teacher Education Discourse Community. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(2), 1-30.
Murray Orr, A. & Mitton-Kükner, J. (in press). A case study of early career teachers’ evolving content area literacy practices. in education, 23(2), 71-86.
Kearns, L. & Mitton-Kükner, J., & Tompkins, J. (2017) Transphobia and cis-gender privilege: Pre-service teachers recognizing and challenging gender rigidity in schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(1).
Michael, H. & Mitton-Kükner, J. (2016, delayed release 2017). Delving into Female Adolescents Leadership Experiences in the Midst of Leading Service Learning Engagements: A Qualitative Case Study. Alberta Journal of Education 62(4), 1-16.
Mitton-Kükner, J. & Murray Orr, A. (2016). Three exploratory Canadian case studies of early career teachers: Developing literacies as emerging pedagogies in the content areas. In M. Hirschkorn & J. Mueller (Eds.), What should Canada’s teachers know? Teacher capacities: Knowledge, beliefs and skills. Ottawa, On: Canadian Association for Teacher Education. Available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B36OcipMmoPbTdia2hrN1F5RjQ/view
Mitton Kukner, J. (2015). Time constraints experienced by female teacher researchers in Canada and Turkey: Challenges to developing an autonomous professional learning mindset. Professional Development in Education, 42(4), 628-646. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2015.1073607.
Mitton Kukner, J. (2015). Problematizing the benefits and challenges of teacher research: Burrowing into female teachers’ temporal constraints experienced in the midst of the research process. LEARNing Landscapes, 8(2), 261-283.
Mitton Kukner, J. Munroe, E., & Graham, D. (2015). The challenge of differing perspectives surrounding grades in the assessment education of pre-service teachers. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 45(4), 322-342.
Mitton Kukner, J., & Murray Orr, A. (2015). Inquiring into pre-service content area teachers’ development of literacy practices and pedagogical content knowledge. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(5), 41-60. Available at http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol40/iss5/3
Mitton Kukner, J., Kearns, L., & Tompkins, J. (2015). Pre-Service educators and anti-oppressive pedagogy: Interrupting and challenging lgbtq oppression in schools. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/1359866X.2015.1020047
Murray Orr, A. & Mitton Kukner, J. (2015). Fostering a creativity mindset in content area pre-service teachers through their use of literacy strategies. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 16, 69-79. doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2015.02.003
Munroe, E., Mitton Kukner J., & Graham, D. (2015). Inquiring into the assessment education of preservice teachers: A collaborative self-study of teacher educators’ classroom Assessment Practices. in education, 21(2),110-126
Mitton Kukner, J., & Murray Orr, A. (2014). Making the invisible of learning visible: Pre-service teachers identify connections between the use of literacy strategies and their content area assessment practices. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 403-419.
Mitton Kukner, J. (2014). Seeking time within time: Exploring the temporal constraints of women teachers’ experiences as graduate students and novice researchers. McGill Journal of Education, 49(2), 459-478.
Kearns, L.L., Mitton Kukner, J., & Tompkins, J. (2014). LGBTQ awareness and allies: Building capacity in a bachelor of education program. Canadian Journal of Education, 37(4), 1-26.
Murray Orr, A., Mitton Kukner, J., & Timmons, D.J. (2014). Fostering literacy practices in secondary science and mathematics courses: Pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Language and Literacy, 16(1), 91-110.
Kearns, L.L., Mitton Kukner, J., & Tompkins, J. (2014). Building LGBTQ awareness and allies in our teacher education community and beyond. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT), 7(1). Available at http://celt.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/CELT/article/view/3980
Mitton Kükner, J. (2013). Emerging critical literacy in teachers as novice researchers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(3), 1-26. Available at: http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol38/iss3/1.
Mitton Kükner, J. & Akyüz,Ç. (2012). Burrowing into the reciprocal learning collaboration of two instructors in an English medium university in Turkey. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Development, 16 (4), 425-442.
Mitton Kükner, J. & Murray Orr, A. (2012). Pre-Service teachers’ development of literacy practices in science, math, and social studies. Antistasis 2 (2), 32-34.
Mitton Kükner, J., Nelson, C, & Desrochers, C. (2010). Narrative inquiry in service learning contexts: Possibilities for learning about diversity in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1162-1169.
Book Reviews
Mitton-Kükner, J. (2015). Review of the book: Texting Toward Utopia: Kids, Writing, and Resistance. Teachers College Record. http://www.tcrecord.org ID Number:18255.
Mitton-Kükner, J. & Murray Orr, A. (2013). Review of the book: Narrative Inquiries into Curriculum Making in Teacher Education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory into Practice.
In press:
Tompkins, J. Kearns, L. & Mitton-Kükner, J. (in press). Teacher candidates as LGBTQ allies and social justice advocates through curricular action. McGill Journal of Education.
Under Review
Mitton Kükner, J. Gendered intersections of work intensity and professional learning: Viewing female teachers’ responses to research engagement as professional learning’. Teacher Learning & Professional Development.
Mitton Kükner, J. & Michael, H. An inquiry into adolescents’ experiences with cognitively demanding writing: Time investment and the importance of authenticity. Language & Literacy.