Kim Burnett
Kim Burnett holds a PhD in Global Governance, with a specialization in Global Political Economy, from the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment, through the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Kim’s research interests are in the intersection of ecological sustainability and social equity, related social movement and civil society strategies to achieve these, with a focus on agricultural systems and smallholder livelihoods in the Global South. She received SSHRC scholarships for both her Master’s and PhD. Kim has worked as an expert consultant for the United Nations, Oxfam, the Quaker United Nations Office, Canadian Foodgrains Bank and World Vision. She has also worked in Canadian and U.S. policy advocacy related to trade and food security. She has publications in the Journal of Peasant Studies, Canadian Food Studies, Geopolitics as well as other publications in edited volumes, non-academic publications and organizational publications. When not working, she can be found roaming the Nova Scotia sea- and landscapes with her dog Hazel.