Michael D'Arcy
Ph.D. Cornell University
M.A. Carleton University
B.A. (Honours) Concordia University
Twentieth-century British, Irish, and French literature; media studies; film and visual culture; literary theory; literature and philosophy; history and theory of the novel; postwar and contemporary art.
“Impure Naiveté: On Beckett’s Backward Modernism.” The Journal of Beckett Studies 24.2 (Autumn 2025; in press).
“Technology and the Naive Artist: Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape.” Samuel Beckett and Technology. Ed. Einat Adar, Galina Kiryushina, and Mark Nixon. Edinburgh UP, 2021. 208-23.
"Dialectic of Enlightenment: Origin Stories of Western Marxism." Reading the Postwar Future: Textual Turning Points from 1944. Ed. Kirrily Freeman and John Munro. Bloomsbury, 2019. 43-59.
"Intimidated Thought: The Novelistic Conditions of Modernism." Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism: Essays on Philosophy, Literature and the Arts. Ed. Anna Falcato and Antonio Cardiello. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 285-307 - solicited.
"To Burn or Not to Burn: Modernism's Photographic Exposures." The Contemporaneity of Modernism: Literature, Media, Culture. Ed. Michael D'Arcy and Mathias Nilges. New York: Routledge, 2016. 165-77.
"'Blind Representation': On the Epic Naiveté of the Cinema." Postmodern Culture 25.2 (2015).
"Beckett's Trilogy and the Deaths of (Auto)biographical Form." Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui 26: "Revisiting the Trilogy/Revisiter la trilogie," 2014. 63-77.
“Influence.” Samuel Beckett in Context. Ed. Anthony Uhlmann. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013 - solicited. 405-16 – solicited.
“Indifferent Memory: Beckett, Naipaul, and the Task of Textuality.” The Journal of Beckett Studies 19.1 (April 2010): 56-77.
“Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah and the Intentionality of the Image.” Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, and Memory. Ed. David Bathrick, Brad Prager, and Michael Richardson. Rochester: Camden House, 2008. 138-61.
“Proust, Beckett, et la typologie de la modernité.” La cérémonie: entre le protocolaire et l’intime. Ed. Daniel Vaillancourt. London, Ontario: Mestengo Press, 2008. 159-72.
“Adorno, Beckett, and ‘the duty of reason’ after Auschwitz.” The Journal of Beckett Studies 16.1-2 (2006/2007): 259-77.
“The Task of the Listener: Beckett, Proust, and Perpetual Translation.” Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui 12(2002): 35-52.
“Beckett’s Proust: The Musical Cogito and the Problem of Allegory.” Travelling Concepts II: Meaning, Frame, Metaphor. Ed. Michael Burke and Joyce Goggin. Amsterdam: ASCA Press, 2002. 376-90.
“The Commitment to Complicity: The Cathexis of the Other in Post-Colonial Theory.” Borders and Margins: Post-Colonialism and Post-Modernism. Ed. Fernando de Toro and Alfonso de Toro. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 1995. 103-20.
The Contemporaneity of Modernism: Literature, Media, Culture. Ed. Michael D’Arcy and Mathias Nilges. Routledge, 2016.
Modernist Naiveté: From Schiller to Rauschenberg (in preparation)
“Our Catastrophes” (Modernist Studies Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, November 2023)
“Reading Late Modernist Data” (Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Seattle, January 2020)
“Modernist Naiveté” (Invited Lecture, Department of English, Concordia University, Montreal, October 2019)
“The Late Good Modernist Listener” (5th International Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society: Samuel Beckett and Translation, University of Almeria, Spain, May 2019)
“A Short History of Modern Naiveté” (Invited Lecture, University of South Bohemia, České Budejovice, Czech Republic, April 2019)
“Krapp’s Last Tape and the End of Art” (Invited Lecture, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2019)
"Late Modernist Naiveté : Samuel Beckett and Robert Rauschenberg" (Beckett Transdisiciplinar/Transdisciplinary Beckett: 4th Samuel Beckett Society annual conference, Mexico City, November 2018)
"Slack Modernism: On Beckett's Media Ecology" (Beckett and Technology, Charles University, Prague, September 2018)
“On the Naiveté of Dialectic Enlightenment” (Textual Turning Point: The Futures of 1944, Workshop at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, October 2017)
“Derived realism: Reading late modernism’s ‘demented particulars’” (Beckett beyond ‘the normal’: Annual Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, July 2017)
“The Sirens in Beckett’s Machines” (Spanish Association for Irish Studies International Conference, Logrono, Spain, May 2017)
"Contemporary Everything: Late Modernist Narrative and the Problem of the Present" (Historical Modernisms Symposium, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, December 2016)
"'Time empty of meaning': On Beckett's Verbs" (Spanish Association for Irish Studies International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, May 2016)
"Sound Clods: Beckett's Molloy and the Ear of Modernism" (Beckett and Modernism: Second Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Antwerp, Belgium, April 2016)
"Hearing out Modernism: Beckett, Art, Buzzing" (Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, January 2016)
"Backward Modernism" (Modernist Studies Association Conference, Boston, November 2015)
"'Going naked': Reading Yeats after Beckett" (Spanish Association for Irish Studies International Conference, Granada, Spain, May 2015)
"Autobiographical Naiveté and the Progress of Modernism" (Inaugural Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Phoenix, February 2015)
"Enumerating Literary History: Modernist Narrative at Midcentury" (Modernist Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, November 2014)
"How to do Small Things with Sounds: Samuel Beckett's Acoustic Media" (Dalhousie University, Department of English Speaker Series, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 2014)
"Beckett's Fiction and the Vulnerability of the Novel" (Modern Languages Association Annual Convention, Chicago, January 2014)
"Beckett's 'tranquility of decomposition': Biographical Form and the Iterations of Aesthetic Autonomy" (Samuel Beckett: Form and History, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2013)
"Adorno's Epic Medium" (6th International Critical Theory Conference in Rome, May 2013)
"Narrating Modernism after Modernism" (Modern Languages Association Annual Convention, Boston, January 2013)
"Samuel Beckett's Novelistic Obligation" (Spanish Association for Irish Studies, Huelva, Spain, May-June 2012)
"Adorno's Narrative Stupidity" (Modern Languages Association Annual Convention, Seattle, January 2012)
“ Adorno, Odysseus, Beckett” (Samuel Beckett: Out of the Archive, The University of York, UK, June 2011)
“Facial Thinking” (Modernist Studies Association Conference, Victoria, Canada, November 2010)
“Trying (again) to understand Adorno’s Endgame essay” (Marxist Literary Group, Institute on Culture and Society, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, June 2010)
“Beckett, Proust, and the Promise of Figurality” (Back to the Beckett Text, The University of Gdansk, Poland, May 2010)
“Indifferent Images: J.M. Coetzee’s Slow Man” (Modernist Studies Association Conference, Montreal, November 2009)
“J.M. Coetzee, Photography, and the Limits of 'Failed Mourning' " (Symposium on “Public and Private Memory,” Laurentian University, Sudbury, March 2007)
“The Index and the Archive: Claude Lanzmann’s Cinematic Punctum” (invited lecture sponsored by The Interdisciplinary Humanities MA in Interpretation and Values, Laurentian University, January 2007)
“Beckett, Adorno, and the Corruption of Culture” (Beckett at 100: New Perspectives, Florida State University, Tallahassee, February 2006)
“Marcel Proust et le destin du rituel” (La cérémonie: entre le protocolaire et l’intime, The University of Western Ontario, London, October 2005)
"Yeats, Beckett, and the Culture of Revival" (International Association for the Study of Irish Literature Conference, Charles University, Prague, July 2005)
"Lanzmann's Shoah and the Intentionality of the Image" (Visualizing the Holocaust: Taboos and Potentialities, Cornell University, March 2005)
"The Melted Image: Cinematic Memory inThe Emigrants and Austerlitz" (W.G. Sebald: Texts/Contexts, University of Western Ontario, London, January 2005)
Selected Fellowships and Grants:
Research Grant, St. Francis Xavier University Council for Research (2022)
Explore Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Institutional Grant, St Francis Xavier University (2018)
Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2016-2019)
Research Grant, St. Francis Xavier University Council for Research (2016)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Institutional Grant, St. Francis Xavier University (2016)
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities (2014)
Research Grant, St. Francis Xavier University Council for Research (2014)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Institutional Grant, St. Francis Xavier University (2013)
Reseach Grant, St. Francis Xavier University Council for Research (2008)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Fellowship held in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, The University of Western Ontario) (2004-2006)
Camargo Fellowship, Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France (2003)
Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (1996-1999)
Honours Theses Supervised:
Aidan Ahern, “Modernist Eleutheromania and Psychiatry: Diagnostic Culture in Tender is the Night, Mrs. Dalloway, and Murphy” (2021-22)
Crawford Henderson, “He Had Two Eyes and Borrowed Two More: Reading Politics in Iranian Art Film” (2021-22; awarded the Department of English Honours Thesis Prize for best thesis completed in the department in 2022)
Kielan Pilgrim, “The Trouble with Cookie Cutter Class Criticism” (2020-21)
Flora Doohan, "Cinema Snob: Critical Spectatorship in Horror Film Subgenres" (2013-14; awarded the Department of English Honours Thesis Prize for best thesis completed in the department in 2014)
Benjamin Gehrels, "Virginia Woolf's 'Obscure Distress': Photography and Involuntary Experience in To the Lighthouse, A Sketch of the Past, and Orlando" (2009-10; awarded the Department of English Honours Thesis Prize for best thesis completed in the department in 2010)
Christopher LeBlanc, "Traumatic Fictions: Acting-Out and Working Through in Modernist Narrative" (2008-09)
Postdoctoral Supervision:
Supervisor of Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (Dr. Conall Cash), 2023-25