Robin Neustaeter
Dr. Neustaeter has over 20 years of experience in community education and organizing for peace, community development and social justice. Her work is grounded in the beliefs that people are peace-able, and that conflict can be an opportunity and catalyst for learning and change – at the individual, community and society levels. She has taught Conflict Resolution, Adult Learning and Education, and women’s leadership at the university and community levels. As a peace ethnographer her research focuses on local, everyday peacebuilding; in particular, the lived experiences of women in conflict, social movements (nonviolent action), conflict transformation and peacebuilding. Her research and teaching span Canada, the Caribbean and Europe. She has volunteered with initiatives in peacebuilding, peace and conflict transformation education, migration and settlement, human rights, indigenous rights, family literacy, and culture. Robin is also a mother and fibre artist.
Robin holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies (University of Manitoba, 2015); Master of Education in Adult Education (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2004), and a Bachelor of Arts in Conflict Resolution and International Development (Menno Simons College/University of Winnipeg, 2001).
Neustaeter, R., (In process). Where faith meets world in women’s community peacebuilding. In L. Reimer, C. Thiessen, & K. Standish (Eds.), Expanding modes of enquiry in peace and conflict studies: Research from the Mauro Centre, Volume 2. Lanham, KY: Lexington Publishers
Neustaeter, R., & J. Senehi. (In process) Peace-building and conflict resolution education. In T. Rocco, M.C. Smith, R. Mizzi, L. Merriweather, and J. Hawley (Eds.), 2020 Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Neustaeter, R. (In process). Peace and quiet or not so quiet: Gender, rurality and women’s grassroots peacebuilding. In S. Byrne, T. Matyok, & I. Scott. (Eds). Routledge companion to peace and conflict studies. London: Routledge.
Neustaeter, R. (2017). Book Review of Adult Education in Changing Times: Policies, Philosophies and Professionalism (Marion Bowl). Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education.
Neustaeter, R., (2015). “It’s not the icing, it’s the glue”: Rural women’s volunteering in Manitoba, Canada. In M. Flaherty, T. Maytok, J. Senehi, S., Byrne, & H. Tuso (Eds), Gender and peacebuilding: All hands required. (pp. 195-212). Lanham, KY: Lexington Books.
Neustaeter, R. (2015). Situated feminism, rurality and women’s learning in rural Manitoba. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(2SE). https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/index.php/cjsae/article/view/5365