StFX researchers engage in scholarly and creative research activities that contribute to academic knowledge, enhance the student experience, collaborate with communities, and prioritize social responsibility.  

We have individuals and teams working on some of the most urgent contemporary issues, and our campus includes several collaborative research centres, institutes, labs, and networks—including the recently announced Dahdelah Institute for Innovation in Health, which will focus on improving health and wellness for rural communities.

As a national leader in primarily undergraduate education, StFX also provides a multitude of opportunities for students to contribute to faculty research projects during their degrees.  

StFX Scholar provides access to the publications and contributions of StFX faculty and students. The database consists of books, book chapters, articles, essays, and other research outputs. Publications are accepted from all departments and across all languages and subjects as determined by the research activities of StFX Faculty.

Equity, diversity & inclusion in research

StFX is a signatory to the Dimensions initiative, which invites universities across Canada to take part in a post-secondary transformation to increase equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and help drive deeper cultural change within the research ecosystem. The program addresses obstacles faced by, but not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+ communities. It provides public recognition for institutions committed to achieving increased EDI.  

For additional information and reporting related to StFX’s plans for equity, diversity and inclusion in research, visit our Canada Research Chair page.  

View StFX's signed copy of the Dimensions Charter  which commits our University to adopting eight core principles throughout our practices and culture to achieve greater equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).  

Read the StFX Canada Research Chairs Plan for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

StFX is a member of the Alliance of Canadian Comprehensive Research Universities.

Faculty Research
Meet the StFX researchers currently working on individual scholarly projects, or as part of larger, collaborative research teams.
Student Research
At StFX, hands-on research is not only encouraged; it’s a fundamental part of your education.
Research Institutes, Centres and Networks
Explore the institutes, centres, and networks that facilitate the collaborative production and exchange of research at StFX.
Strategic Plan for Research & Creative Works 2019-2025
Key objectives and actions that aim to increase StFX's capacity for research and creative success.
Research Funding and Resources
Learn about external and internal research funding opportunities.
Research Policies and Committees
Find out about external and internal research policies, certifications and committees.