Academic X’cellence Series: Meet Victor Martinez-Macias

Victor Martinez Macias
Victor Martinez-Macias

Academic X’cellence: Sharing stories from our inspiring StFX community

It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with StFX that our campus is filled with highly engaged students, educators, researchers, and leaders. Academic X’cellence shines a spotlight on members of our educational community to find out more about their unique experiences—both inside and outside of the classroom.

Here we meet Victor Martinez-Macias, a fourth year chemistry student from Portoviejo, Ecuador, who is already making an impact. So far in his undergraduate degree, Victor has received both a John P. Cunningham Internship and Scotia Scholar Undergraduate Research Award and has spent the last two summers conducting research under the supervision of StFX faculty mentors. Victor attended the 2024 ChemCon Chemistry Conference where he participated in a student panel and won the Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation. He is also a student leader, serving as a senior community advisor in residence and co-president of the Chemistry Society.

Victor Martinez-Macias: Goal of student research focused on developing a novel approach for allergen immunotherapy

What drew you to study chemistry?
I discovered my passion for chemistry when I was doing the IB diploma program in my high school back home. I was taking Chemistry IB, and I failed one of the first tests I had. After that, I decided to study more online about it, and I just found it so interesting. I knew I wanted to study some sort of science but thanks to the little research experiences I had in the IB, I decided to go for chemistry.

Have you had a favorite class?
I have enjoyed a lot of classes at StFX but one of my favorites was CHEM 445 Intro to Photochemistry, which is taught by Dr. Geniece Hallet-Tapley, who is also one of my honours thesis co-supervisors along with Dr. Alex Foo. The class touched on a very dynamic part of chemistry that has a lot of current applications. It was very cool to see how the professor was teaching about her area of interest with a lot of real-life examples, making the class feel enjoyable and reminding us why research is so important for progress.  

You’ve received both John P. Cunningham and Scotia Scholar research awards. Talk about your research involvement.
I've been involved in research since summer 2023 thanks to the John P. Cunningham Award. During that time, I focused on the development of gold bioconjugates for biosensor applications. The work I did that summer raised the basis for the project I am currently working on which is "Gold-Nanocluster-Allergen Bioconjugates for Specific Allergen Immunotherapy," which started this last summer thanks to the Scotia Scholar Award. In general, I am working to use the protein conformational change that happens upon gold nanocluster binding to produce hypoallergenic-like molecules which can be used in immunotherapy therapies for food allergies.

What impact do you hope this work will have?
To be honest, I understand that research is a long process, and especially in the field of biomedicine, a research project depending on the goals can be divided into several stages. I consider that a lot of my work has been focused on developing the starting protocols and techniques for the bigger goal, which is developing a novel approach for allergen immunotherapy. I hope that the work I've done with my supervisors and collaborators will be continued by future students at StFX to really apply our nanomaterial (gold nanocluster bioconjugate) to real life and contribute to the medical field.

How has being involved in research helped your education?
Being involved in chemistry research has helped me a lot in my education, making connections from theory to hands-on applications. A lot of the instruments and techniques I had to use during my research in the lab, were explained in some previous courses in my program so by having hands-on experience, there was a direct connection that extended to my problem-solving skills and independence in the laboratory setting. This opportunity has built a lot of my confidence and showed me new areas in science that I feel excited about.

Are there other awards, accomplishments or involvements to mention?
Related to my research, I was able to participate in the 2024 edition of ChemCon Chemistry Conference where I was awarded the best Undergraduate Poster Presentation in the category of Macromolecular and Polymer Chemistry at the conference. Currently, I am involved on campus through the X-Chemistry Society as one of the co-presidents along with Brooke Lawrie, and through a student leader position as Senior Community Advisor for MSB residence.

Could you speak more on ChemCon 2024?
I attended my first chemistry conference in May of 2024 at Cape Breton University, and I was able to share a research poster with the preliminary results of my project. Along with the recognition of my poster, I had the opportunity to be part of the student panel where I was able to share my experiences as an international student and undergraduate researcher in chemistry. The conference was a lot of fun and I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people who are as interested in chemistry as me. I'm excited to attend future ChemCon or other conferences.

Is there an opportunity at StFX that stands out?
Honestly, I feel that the research opportunities at StFX are so valuable for any student. StFX is a close community where you have a chance to really connect with your faculty members. I believe that StFX provides a unique research experience due to the high level of independence and close work with professors compared to bigger universities. As a student at StFX, I feel that I had the opportunity to find my own path to flourish.

Do you know what’s next for you after StFX?
I think it is quite early to be 100% sure. I am very interested in continuing a research-involved path after StFX, so I am currently looking for MSc opportunities. As an international student, I have to do a lot of research on my next steps after my undergraduate degree.

What advice would you have for a first year student?
I would say to enjoy every stage of the university experience while slowly discovering what your path is. StFX offers a lot of ways to get involved both academically and community related. Just keep your mind open and reach out as much as you can.