Academic X’cellence Series: Meet Violet Silva

Violet Silva
Violet Silva

Academic X’cellence: Sharing stories from our inspiring StFX community
It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with StFX that our campus is filled with highly engaged students, educators, researchers, and leaders. Academic X’cellence shines a spotlight on members of our educational community to find out more about their unique experiences—both inside and outside of the classroom. (To see the full series, please click HERE.)

Here we meet Violet Silva of Woodstock, NB, a fourth year honours Bachelor of Arts and Science in Climate and Environment student completing a double minor in math and studio arts. Along with her studies, Ms. Silva has been actively involved in the StFX community. She’s been a student representative on the StFX Board of Governors and a member of the StFX Climate and Environment Advisory Committee. She’s participated in intramurals and has been involved extensively in theatre with both Music of the Night and Theatre Antigonish. Ms. Silva also took advantage of a study abroad opportunity to Japan. After graduation this May, she intends to return to StFX in the fall as a student in the Bachelor of Education program.  

Violet Silva: Helping foster grassroots change

What drew you to the BASc in Climate and Environment?
In September 2019, with my mum's support, I organized a climate strike in my hometown, inspired by Greta Thunberg's movement. Throughout high school, I explored various degrees related to the environment. I was drawn to the arts and sciences as I was passionate about science but had a great love for the arts as well. I was introduced to the program at StFX by my high school teacher, Will Davidson, who had gone to StFX himself.

Tell us about some of your highlights, involvements, and accomplishments.
I made it my mission in first year to never say no to an interesting opportunity. As such, I have tried so many things here at StFX. I've been involved in theatre, sports (intramurals and curling), student governance (including roles like Board of Governors student representative and StFX Climate and Environment Advisory Committee), and artistic endeavors (designing the new CLEN logo and painting a mural for the Golden X Inn). I also had the opportunity to study abroad in Japan. All my different experiences have challenged me and helped me to grow. The community and sense of togetherness at StFX helped me to foster many relationships and branch out from my comfort zone.

Have you had a favorite class?
I've had so many great experiences. If I had to pick, I'd highlight CLEN 304 (Climate/Environment - regional weather), ART 351 (Anatomy Drawing for the Artist), and Math 287 (Natural Resource Modelling). Each class was special due to the professors' passion and their encouragement for creativity and critical thinking. CLEN 304 had an engaging and hands-on approach to learning. Our weekly field trips allowed us to collect our own regional weather data and conduct independent experiments, which made learning the material a lot more fun. Presenting our projects to other students who shared an interest in the subject made the experience even more rewarding. Math 287 showcased the real-world applications of mathematics in everyday life. The diverse backgrounds and interests of the other students made the final presentations particularly interesting. Art 351 was a particularly great course. Adam Tragakis, the professor, created an incredibly supportive and inspiring environment, one that welcomed beginners while challenging more experienced artists to push their boundaries. The energy and enthusiasm were contagious.

Do you have a path in mind for after StFX?
I have been accepted to the Bachelor of Education here at StFX. My plan is to become a high school teacher and to teach environmental science, math, and art. I have always found that education is one of the most important sectors to engage with in order to foster grassroots change, help combat climate change, and help address injustices in the world.

Is there an opportunity that stands out?
I would say the most important experience for me has been my involvement in theatre. I've been involved with many productions with both Music of The Night and Theatre Antigonish. Theatre has been incredibly transformative for me, providing a creative outlet that I cherish deeply. Additionally, my time abroad in Japan changed me in the best ways possible and I will forever cherish my memories from my experiences abroad.

Would you have advice for a first year student?
My advice is to embrace every opportunity that comes your way. University is a time for exploration and growth. Take electives that spark your curiosity, engage with professors to learn more about their fields, and participate in campus life. Join societies, attend events, you never know what might be your new favorite hobby. These are the years that can help define who you want to be as an adult. Don't let fear hold you back from trying new experiences. My experiences here at StFX have helped me grow into the person I am proud to be today.