The Sky’s The Limit: High school leaders to converge on StFX for NSSSA provincial conference 

The Sky’s The Limit—there are no limits, and you can achieve anything if you really want. 

That’s the message this year as high school students from across the province converge on StFX May 19-22 as the Nova Scotia Secondary School Students’ Association (NSSSA) hosts its annual provincial conference, under the theme, The Sky’s The Limit. 

For the NSSSA, a non-profit, student-led leadership organization that produces energetic leadership conferences and opportunities for Nova Scotia high school students, the event is all about leadership, community, and helping students tap into their potential.  

“This conference is an opportunity to focus on the future by realizing how much is possible and how much we are able to accomplish together in a safe and welcoming environment while making friends along the way,” says conference co-chair Katie MacLennan, a second year engineering student at StFX from Bras d’Or, Cape Breton.  

She is co-chairing the conference with Lauren Carmichael and Taylor Throop-Robinson.

The trio say the provincial conference will feature four keynotes, a dance, an opportunity fair, and all the classic activities. Registration is now open to all Nova Scotian high school students at and organizers will be keeping their social media up to date with announcements.

Ms. MacLennan says the past few years had many unexpected challenges and brought many unforeseen and long-lasting changes. 
“For this conference we want people to leave with a feeling of hopefulness and that they can push themselves forward ‘to the stars.’ We want everyone to have the confidence to aim high and access their full potential, especially after gaining the skills and tools needed to get through a global pandemic while life continues as normal.”

She says delegates can use the conference to motivate themselves so they can make new memories, enjoy new experiences and see what they can they do when they put their minds to it. 


“I’d recommend the provincial conference for anyone looking for a weekend full of leadership, meeting like-minded people and an uplifting and motivating experience,” says Ms. Carmichael of Cole Harbour, NS, a first year biology student at Saint Mary’s University who has attended regional conferences in her high school career, was on last year’s conference committee and this year is also part of the provincial cabinet. 

“This is our first provincial conference back since the pandemic and I pumped for everyone to see what we have in store for conference.”


The conference is so much fun for every personality type, says Ms. MacLennan says. “There are opportunities from yelling and dancing and discussing serious topics in a safe setting. Additionally, you always have the right to pass on an activity and no one will question why because we want everyone to be as comfortable as possible! Additionally, we have a HUGE discount this year saving attendees $85 for this year only, so this is the time to check it out!” 

She says the weekend event gives attendees the opportunity to make lifelong friendships and incredible memories while building their leadership skills in a comfortable, exciting environment. 

“In my Grade 10 year, NSSSA really made me come out of my shell and helped me realize what I'm passionate about. That was also four years ago, and I still speak to friends I made there even though we're in university now! They also have chances to win prizes, play tons of games, and get to listen to four incredible and established keynotes. I recommend every student in high school to try provincials at least once as it is an experience like no other.”

The conference features many highlights, including skillbuilding sessions, which she describes as more intimate groupings with the main purpose of bonding and making new friends in a comfortable environment. Skillbuilding groups remain the same throughout the conference providing the opportunity to build close relationships through playing games and having discussions. These sessions are also where delegates build leadership skills with sessions focused on communication, mental health, ethics, goal-setting and values. 

WENDY Time is more energy driven as it is a time dedicated to chants, dancing and fun. Their late nighter, she says, is an optional activity that changes each year for delegates to attend after the main portion of the conference to socialize and have fun. 

How-To Sessions, she says, give the opportunity to discover a fun new hobby such as crafting or to learn something new like how to register for university or tackle budgeting. They also have a talent show, dance, and an opportunity session where delegates can visit booths to speak with representatives of organizations providing different opportunities for students in high school currently and after. 

Registration deadline is April 30, 2022 and the cost to register is $225 (compared to the usual $310). This price includes the conference along with accommodations for three nights in hotel standard rooms, meals, snacks, a t-shirt, extra goodies and the incredible experience of an in-person provincials. “We also will be offering some scholarships for those who need financial aid as everyone deserves the chance to experience this amazing opportunity.”

Memorial Composite High School Grade 12 student Kayla Clark of North Sydney, NS is looking forward to attending. 

“I’m going to the conference because I’ve never been to an in-person NSSSA conference. I had such a blast during the online conferences last year so I could only imagine how much fun conference will be in person,” she says. 

Ms. Clark went to her first NSSSA conference, virtually, last year, attending both the online Inclusion conference and the provincial conference. This year she joined the cabinet for her region and in the summer joined fellow cabinet members for a training retreat at StFX. “It was so much fun. I loved the energy and made so many friends and memories.”

Anyone with questions on the conference, can reach the co-chairs at