Catherine Girard

Catherine Girard

Assistant Professor
Campus Location
Immaculata Rm 27

Catherine Girard is an award-winning teacher and holds a PhD in Art History from Harvard University. She specializes in eighteenth-century visual and material cultures, with a focus on French art, hunting practices, natural history, the body, and contact between settlers and Indigenous peoples in the North Atlantic world. Her current writing project is a critical examination of paintings with hunting subjects made by Rococo artists. Her next project attends to visual and material cultures of hunting and contact in the subarctic regions during the eighteenth century. She was a Kress institutional fellow at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (Paris), a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer at Columbia University, a Visiting Assistant Professor at Williams College, and an Assistant Professor at Eastern Washington University. She received Canada’s Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal. She is the Notes & Queries editor for Journal18, a peer-reviewed journal of eighteenth-century art and culture.


“Innu Painted Caribou-Skin Coats and Other Tales of Elusiveness,” Journal18, no. 7 (Spring 2019). 

“L’art et le temps de la chasse dans la section française de l’“International Jagdausstellung” (Berlin, 1937),” Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, no. 14 (2016) “Museums and Exhibitions Between WWI and WWII,” 387-405.

“Space, Intimacy, and Deformity: Stags at Louis XV’s Versailles,” Interiors and Interiority, ed. Ewa Lajer-Burcharth and Beate Söntgen, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015.

“Plume,” in 1740, un abrégé du monde. Savoirs et collections autour de Dezallier d'Argenville, ed. Anne Lafont, 186-194, Paris: Fage, 2012.