Samuel Kalman

A person in front of a bookcase smiling

Samuel Kalman

Campus Location
Nicholson Tower 608
(902) 867-1395

Ph.D., McMaster University


Crime and Criminal Justice in Colonial Algeria, Modern France/French Empire, History of Fascism.



French Colonial Fascism: The Extreme Right in Algeria, 1919-1939.  New York:  Palgrave MacMillan 2013.

The Extreme Right in Interwar France: The Faisceau and the Croix de Feu.  Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008.


The French Right Between the Wars: Political Movements and Intellectual Movements from Conservatism to Fascism, eds. Samuel Kalman and Sean Kennedy.  New York: Berghahn Books, 2014.

Colonial Violence [special issue], ed. Samuel Kalman, Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques,  Vol. 36, No. 2 (Summer 2010).


"Criminalizing Dissent: Policing Banditry in the Constantinois, 1914-1918."  In Algeria Revisited: Contested Identities in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods, eds. Rabah Aissoui and Claire Eldridge. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2016.

“Avec une brutalité toute particulière: Fascist Sympathies, Racial Violence, and the      Municipal Police and Gendarmerie in Oran, 1936-37.” InThe French Right Between the Wars: Political Movements and Intellectual Trends from Conservatism to Fascism, eds. Samuel Kalman and Sean Kennedy.  New York: Berghahn Books, 2014:  48-64.

“Fascism and Algérianité: The Croix de Feu, Pied-Noir Xenophobia, and the Indigenous Question in 1930s Algeria.”  In The French Colonial Mind: Mental Maps of Empire and French Colonial  Encounters, ed. Martin Thomas.  Lincoln, NE:  University of Nebraska Press, 2013.

“Georges Valois et le Faisceau: un marriage de convenance.”  In Georges Valois: itinéraire et receptions, ed. Olivier Dard.  New York: Peter Lang, 2011:  37-54
“Le Combat par tous les moyens: Colonial Violence and the Extreme Right in 1930s Oran," French Historical Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2011):  125-153.
“ [Introduction:] Colonial Violence." In Colonial Violence [special issue], Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques,  Vol. 36, No. 2 (Summer 2010):  1-6.
“René Rémond (1918-2007).” In French Historians, 1900-2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth-Century France, eds. Philip Daileader and Philip Whalen.  Oxford:  Wiley-Blackwell, 2010:  501-512.
“Parasites From All Civilizations: The Croix de Feu/Parti Social Français Confronts French Jewry, 1931 to 1939,” Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2008):  46-65(20).
 “From Vichy to Algiers: Charles de Gaulle, Philippe Pétain, and Republican Downfall,” Clio’s Psyche, Vol. 12, No. 2 (September 2005):  79-82.