Patrick Withey
I am an Associate Professor in the Department Economics at St. Francis Xavier University. I generally focus on issues related to climate change, and my research has involved modeling resource management in the context of climate change, as well as impact analysis with a focus on climate policy. I completed my PhD at the University of Victoria, where my research focused on wetlands management in the face of climate change. Since arriving at StFX in 2012, my research has been funded by internal grants, as well as two grants from Natural Resources Canada, a SSHRC Insight Development Grant and a grant from Memorial University’s CARE program.
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics; Ecological Economics; Agricultural Economics and Applied Econometrics
- Sharma, C., Lantz, V., Withey, P., McMonagle, G., & Ochuodho, T. O. (2022). Economic and CO2 impacts of alternative power sources for electricity generation by 2040 in New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production, 131170.
- MacDougall, A. H., Rogelj, J., & Withey, P. (2021). Estimated climate impact of replacing agriculture as the primary food production system. Environmental Research Letters, 16(12), 125010.
- Withey, P., Sharma, C., Lantz, V., McMonagle, G., and Ochuodho, T. O. (2021). Economy- wide and CO2 impacts of carbon taxes and output-based pricing in New Brunswick, Canada. Applied Economics, 1-18.
- van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey, and C.M.T. Johnston (2021). Climate urgency and the timing of carbon fluxes. Biomass and Bioenergy 151: 106162.
- Gallant, K., P. Withey, D. Risk, G.C. van Kooten and L. Spafford (2020). Measurement and economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Nova Scotian wetlands. Ecological Economics, 171, p.106619.
- van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey and J. Duan (2020). How big a battery?. Renewable Energy, 146, 196-204.
- Withey, P., C. Johnston and J. Guo (2019). Quantifying the global warming potential of carbon dioxide emissions from bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 115, p.109408.
- Withey, P., D. Sullivan and V.A. Lantz (2019). Willingness to pay for protection from storm surge damages under climate change in Halifax Regional Municipality. Journal of Environmental Management. 241, 44-52.
- Withey, P., V. A. Lantz, T. Ochuodho, M. N. Patriquin, J. Wilson, and M. Kennedy (2018). Economic impacts of conservation area strategies in Alberta, Canada: A CGE model analysis. Journal of Forest Economics 33, 33-40.
- Johnston, C. M. T. and P. Withey (2017). Managing Forests for Carbon and Timber: A Markov Decision Model of Uneven-aged Forest Management With Risk. Ecological Economics, 138, 31-39.
- Millard, R., P. Withey, V.A. Lantz and T.O. Ochuodho (2017). The General Equilibrium Costs and Impacts of Oil Price Shocks in Newfoundland and Labrador. Energy Economics, 68, 192-198.
- Ochuodho, T.O., C. M. T. Johnston and P. Withey (2017). Assessing economic impacts of internet adoption through reduced pulp and paper demand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47.10: 1381-1391.
- Withey, P., V.A. Lantz and T.O Ochuodho. (2016). Economic costs and impacts of climate-induced sea-level rise and storm surge in Canadian coastal provinces: a CGE approach. Applied Economics, 48(1), 59-71.
- Corbett, L.J., P. Withey, V. A. Lantz and T. O. Ochuodho (2016).The economic impact of the mountain pine beetle infestation in British Columbia: provincial estimates from a CGE analysis. Forestry, 89(1):100–105.
- Withey, P. and G.C van Kooten (2014). Wetlands Retention and Optimal Management of Waterfowl Habitat as Climate Changes. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 39(1): 1-18.
- Withey, P (2014). Energy Use, Income and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Direct and Multi- Horizon Causality in Canada. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(2): 178-188.
- Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten (2013). The Effect of Climate Change on Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Incorporating Cropping Decisions into a Bioeconomic Model. Natural Resource Modeling 26(3): 305-330.
- Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten (2011). The Effect of Climate Change on Optimal Wetlands and Waterfowl Management in Western Canada. Ecological Economics, 70 (2011): 798-805.
- Van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey and L. Wong (2011). Bioeconomic Modeling of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Accounting for Amenity Values. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59(2): 167-183.