The mandate of the StFX Equity Advisory Committee is:
To promote educational and workplace equity across the University, including specific actions as a committee of equity allies
To maintain communication between the various University constituency groups and the Committee
To advise and assist the Coordinator in formulating annual work plan, policies and program development
To provide information and guidance to the Coordinator on issues of relevance to the mandate of the Equity Office
To assist with ongoing equity awareness, education and training programs among all University constituencies
To support the work of the Coordinator
Expectations of EAC Members
To treat each other with respect
To endeavour to work as Allies
To incorporate the vision and practice of equity in our dealings with others across the University
To participate in ongoing Committee meetings and activities, for example Ally education and team-building sessions
To hold in confidence any discussion or business of the Committee as may be required to protect rights to confidentiality or privacy
To be updated Fall 2023.
424C Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5