Declaration Forms

In the second year of study, a student must declare a major area of study.  Below you will find the options available to you in the various Degree programs.  The most recent version of Section 7 of the Academic Calendar lists the admission and advancement requirements for the various program options in the Faculty of Science.

Bachelor of Science

Please review the Faculty of Science Regulations in Chapter 7 and the Departmental or Program options in Chapter 9 of the Academic Calendar before filling out the declaration forms. 

BSc Major

BSc Major with a Science Minor

BSc Major with an Arts Minor


BSc Advanced Major

BSc Advanced Major with a Science Minor

BSc Advanced Major with an Arts Minor


BSc Honours

BSc Honours with a Science Minor

BSc Honours with an Arts Minor


BSc Joint Advanced Major

BSc Joint Honours

BSc Advanced Major with Business Administration


BSc with Aquatic Resources

In the second year of study, students must declare their major area of study.  Below you will find the options available to you in the various program options in Aquatic Resources.  The most recent version of Section 7 of the Academic Calendar lists the admission and advancement requirements for the various program options in the Faculty of Science.

BSc Major with Aquatic Resources and Mathematics

BSc Major with Aquatic Resources and Earth Sciences

BSc Major with Aquatic Resources and Biology


(Applied) Forensic Psychology (Program and Concentration)


Please select the appropriate program (Major, Advanced Major etc.) within your degree and then fill in the shaded regions.  If you wish to fill out the form by hand, you must first select the major in the top most shaded region before printing in some cases.  All Declaration forms are to be submitted to the Chair of the Department or the Coordinator of the Program.  

  • Note 1 Of SCIENCE A, B and C, one must be mathematics/statistics, and six credits from this department must be calculus. In the B.Sc. Advanced Major in Science with Business, either science A or B must be mathematics/statistics, and must include six credits of calculus.
  • Note 2 With permission of the major department(s), courses from other science departments may be used to satisfy major, advanced major or honours requirements: up to 6 credits for the major; up to 12 credits for the advanced major; up to 18 credits for the honours. 
  • Note 3 Students may use up to 30 credits of courses from professional programs (business administration, information systems, engineering, human kinetics, human nutrition, nursing) as OPEN or APPROVED ELECTIVES.
  • Note 4 SCIENCE A, B and C must each be from different departments.
  • Note 5 For the BSc Major in (SCIENCE A) and Major in Aquatic Resources, at least 18 credits of Science A must be designated as AR courses.  A total of 12 credits of AR courses must be taken from at least two participating departments other than SCIENCE A. In addition to the required courses listed on the declaration form, BIOL 112, ECON 101, ECON 102 and ESCI 171 must be included in the pattern. See Academic Calendar for details.
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
BSc Human Nutrition

BSc Human Nutrition Prior to 2024-2025
(only available to students who began their HNU program prior to Fall 2024)

The following 15 options are available to all Human Nutrition students.

With No Minor With Science Minor With Arts Minor
No Concentration No Concentration with Science Minor No Concentration with Arts Minor
Dietetics Concentration Dietetics Concentration with Science Minor Dietetics Concentration with Arts Minor
Food Entrepreneurship Concentration Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Science Minor Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Arts Minor
Food and Society Concentration Food and Society Concentration with Science Minor Food and Society Concentration with Arts Minor
Health Sciences Concentration Health Sciences Concentration with Science Minor Health Sciences Concentration with Arts Minor
BSc Human Nutrition with Advanced Major

Advanced Major Prior to 2024-2025
(only available to students who began their HNU program prior to Fall 2024)

The following 15 options are available to all Human Nutrition students.

Advanced Major with No Minor Advanced Major with Science Minor Advanced Major with Arts Minor
No Concentration No Concentration with Science Minor No Concentration with Arts Minor
Dietetics Concentration Dietetics Concentration with Science Minor Dietetics Concentration with Arts Minor
Food Entrepreneurship Concentration Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Science Minor Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Arts Minor
Food and Society Concentration Food and Society Concentration with Science Minor Food and Society Concentration with Arts Minor
Health Sciences Concentration Health Sciences Concentration with Science Minor Health Sciences Concentration with Arts Minor
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours

Honours Prior to 2024-2025
(only available to students who began their HNU program prior to Fall 2024)

The following 15 options are available to all Human Nutrition students.

Honours with No Minor Honours with Science Minor Honours with Arts Minor
No Concentration No Concentration with Science Minor No Concentration with Arts Minor
Dietetics Concentration Dietetics Concentration with Science Minor Dietetics Concentration with Arts Minor
Food Entrepreneurship Concentration Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Science Minor Food Entrepreneurship Concentration with Arts Minor
Food and Society Concentration Food and Society Concentration with Science Minor Food and Society Concentration with Arts Minor
Health Sciences Concentration Health Sciences Concentration with Science Minor Health Sciences Concentration with Arts Minor
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Please review the Faculty of Science Regulations in Chapter 7 and the Nursing Program options in Chapter 9.29 of the Academic Calendar before filling out the declaration forms. 

BSc Nursing Honours

Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics 
Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics 

Please review the Faculty of Arts Regulations in Chapter 4 and the Human Kinetics Program options in Section 9.22 of the Academic Calendar before filling out a declaration form.

Major Declaration Forms
Honours Declaration Forms
5 Year Dual Program Declaration Forms

Students admitted to the HKIN program prior to 2019 can contact Academic Advising ( for declaration form options.

Bachelor of Arts and Science


See the Dean of Arts Web page for the proper forms.

Climate and Environment:

See the Dean of Arts Web page for the proper forms.




Dean of Science

308 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5