Abede Mack

Abede Mack

Limited Term Appointment
BBA Management
Campus Location
Schwartz School of Business - Room 345

Dr Abede J Mack is an assistant professor at St Francis Xavier University (StFX) at the Schwartz School of Business in Canada. After leaving high school without formal qualifications, Dr. Mack got involved in the skilled trades and migrated into business, earning a BA (Hons) in Business Management. He has an MBA and a PhD in Entrepreneurship and Commercial Studies. Despite his past of not striving academically, that currently serves as an impetus to inspire his students to excel and be the best. Dr Mack was a post-doctoral fellow at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, from December 2021 until August 2023, with the responsibility for research and teaching. Professor Mack had the opportunity to research technical vocational education and training (TVET) and entrepreneurship at McMaster. This research has helped unearth the diverse entrepreneurial influences among academic and TVET students. Dr. Mack was a plumber-entrepreneur and educator for over 20 years. He also served as an instructor to assist marginalized young persons in learning a trade and developing themselves economically and socially. He also worked as a high school teacher for four years and was an adjunct professor for seven years in Trinidad and Tobago before migrating to Canada to work at McMaster, then StFX. 

Dr. Mack's research examines entrepreneurship's impact among higher education and TVET students, exploring the varying interests and outcomes entrepreneurship brings to these two streams of education. Some of his publications include 

Mack, A., Carter-Rogers, K., Bahaw, P., & Stephens, A. (2024). Entrepreneurial knowledge and skill exposure in vocational education: Development of a new assessment scale. Discover Education 

Mack, A. J. (2024). Funding and its impact on the administration and organisational efficiency of technical vocational education and training institutions. Discover Education 

Mack, A., & Honig, B. (2023). Comparing factors influencing entrepreneurial self-efficacy between vocational and academic post-secondary students. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy

Mack, A. J., White, D., & Senghor, O. (2021). The benefits of exposing post-secondary students to entrepreneurship training in Trinidad and Tobago. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

His full publication record can be viewed here.