The purpose of this policy is to outline the University's commitment to the prevention of violence in the workplace. While violent acts are not pervasive at StFX, no university is immune from such behaviour. StFX University acknowledges that violence in the workplace is an occupational health and safety hazard that can cause physical and emotional harm. The University views any acts of violence or threats of violence in the workplace as unacceptable. As such, it is committed to working to eliminate workplace violence and to responding in an appropriate manner if it occurs.
This policy applies to violent and/or threatening behaviour that is directed at or committed by a member of the University community in all locations and/or situations where activity is directly related to University business. StFX University has a separate policy on sexual violence, and complaints of this nature should be addressed in accordance with the provisions of StFX University’s “Sexual Violence Prevention Policy”. Harassment based on any of the characteristics protected by the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act is considered a form of discrimination and should be addressed in accordance with StFX’s “Harassment and Discrimination Policy”.
Word/Term | Definition |
Word/Term Employee | Definition Means all University employees, individuals who hold a University academic appointment and individuals engaged to work on research projects. |
Word/Term Supervisor | Definition Means a person with authority over employee(s) in the workplace to direct or monitor their work, as outlined in the OH&S Act, and includes Directors, Deans, Managers, Chairs and Supervisors. |
Word/Term Violence | Definition
a) Threats, including a threatening statement or threatening behaviour that gives an employee reasonable cause to believe that the employee is at risk of physical injury. b) Conduct or attempted conduct of a person that endangers the physical health or physical safety of an employee. Some examples of violence include shaking of fists, destroying property, throwing of objects, expression of intent to inflict harm, hitting or other acts of physical assault, robbery and arson. |
Word/Term Violence in the Workplace | Definition Means any act of violence against an employee while the employee is engaged in an activity under the auspices of St. Francis Xavier University. |
Word/Term Domestic Violence | Definition
An act of abuse that can be physical, emotional or psychological. It can include coercion, stalking, harassment or financial control. Or, it can be a threat of such abuse. This includes the following relationships; (a) An employee who is abused by: • their current or former intimate partner • their child • a person under 18 years old who lives with them • an adult who lives with them and is related to them by blood, marriage, adoption or foster care (b) An employee whose child (under 18) is abused by: • The child’s current or former intimate partner • A person who lives with the child Should there be a reasonable ground to suspect domestic violence could occur on the worksite, domestic violence would be considered workplace violence. |
StFX University is committed to taking all reasonable precautions to provide faculty, staff, students and guests with an environment that is safe, secure and free from violence and threatening behavior.
The University will not tolerate violence/threatening behaviour or any retaliation towards those reporting such incidents. To promote an atmosphere that encourages learning and productive employment, quick responsive action will be taken if violence or the threat of violence arises.
All members of the University community share responsibility for creating and maintaining a safe work environment to the extent of each member’s authority and ability to do so.
StFX University will work to take steps to minimize, and to the extent possible, eliminate the risk of violence in the workplace.
The University will consult with the University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee when establishing, reviewing or revising the Violence in the Workplace: Prevention and Response Policy.
The University’s Violence in the Workplace: Prevention and Response Policy will be reviewed and revised, if needed, at least once every five (5) years, or if a new risk assessment shows there have been changes to the potential for violence.
Action | Responsibility |
1. Reporting Actual or Potential Incidents of Workplace Violence / Threatening Behaviour • Report incidents of violence/threatening behaviour as soon as possible. • If confronted by violent behaviour, one should: |
Responsibility Faculty, Staff, Students Employees |
1.1 Report Emergencies Threats of violence, physical attacks or other violent incidents that require immediate response should be reported by calling 911. Please call Safety and Security to let them know 911 has been called. Callers should be prepared to provide critical information including the nature of the incident, whether emergency attention is required, the number of perpetrators involved and whether they are present, whether weapons are observed, etc. |
Responsibility Faculty, Staff, Students Employees |
1.2 Report Non-Emergencies Threatening statements or behaviours that give one reasonable grounds to believe that there is a potential for workplace violence must also be reported. All such circumstances should be reported in confidence to the Supervisor, Manager, Chair, Director and/or Dean responsible for the department involved or to a member of the Senior Management Group. The Director of Risk Management may be contacted at 902 867 3889 to provide advice. |
Responsibility Faculty, Staff, Student Employees |
1.3 Follow-up The details surrounding the situation will be evaluated by any or all of these parties and a decision made regarding further investigation or the initiation of appropriate action. Such reporting may assist in identifying patterns of potential violence and could assist in the prevention of emergency situations in the future. The University will provide information to the StFX community, as required, about the risk of violence from someone with a history of violent behaviour. |
Responsibility Dir. Risk Management Dir. Human Resources Dir. Student Services |
2. Investigation All reports of violent incidents or potential incidents will be taken seriously. The form of the investigation will depend on the circumstances and may involve Security, the Faculty or department involved and, as appropriate, external law enforcement agencies. The University will ensure that notice of actions taken to prevent recurrence of an incident of violence are given to all employees affected by the incident and the University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. |
Responsibility Dir. Risk Management Dir. Human Resources Dir. Student Services |
2.1 Debriefing StFX will provide an employee who has been exposed to or affected by violence at the workplace with an appropriate debriefing and will advise the employee to consult a health professional of the employee’s choice for treatment or counseling. |
Responsibility Dir. Risk Management Dir. Human Resources Dir. Student Services |
3. Support Services 3.1 First Aid and Other Resources In the event of an incident resulting in physical injury, access to first aid will be provided by contacting Security at (867) - 4444, the local First Aid Attendant or 911, if deemed necessary. Please call Safety and Security to let them know 911 has been called. The University’s Employee Assistance Program is available for employees who have been involved directly or indirectly in an incident by contacting Human Resources at (867)-5038. Students who have been involved directly or indirectly in an incident can contact the University’s Health and Counselling Services at (867)- 2633 for confidential counselling. In cases where other support services are necessary, there may be consultation with Human Resources, Risk Management and/or Student Services. |
Responsibility Faculty, Staff, Student Employees |
4. Risk Assessments To evaluate the risk of violence/threatening behaviour in particular workplaces, departments will conduct a risk assessment at least every five years, in consultation with the OHS Office. As part of such assessments, the department will complete a Violence/Threatening Behaviour in the Workplace Risk Assessment Questionnaire (Appendix 2). The Supervisor will retain one copy of the completed Risk Assessment. Copies will be provided to the OHS Office and the University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. |
Responsibility Supervisors |
5. Violence Prevention Plan Where the Workplace Violence Risk Assessment indicates that one or more significant risk of violence exists, the Supervisor or designate must prepare a Violence Prevention Plan to address those significant risks. A sample Violence Prevention Plan, as may be amended from time to time, is attached as Appendix 3. As part of the Violence Prevention Plan, the Supervisor or designate must: • take and document reasonable measures to lessen, and where possible, eliminate the risk of violence; and • provide training to employees who are exposed to a significant risk of violence regarding: ✓ employee rights and responsibilities with respect to workplace violence; ✓ the type of violence and the amount of risk they may encounter; ✓ the steps taken to minimize or eliminate the risk of violence to the employee being trained; ✓ recognizing potentially violent situations and how to respond to them; and ✓ reporting, documenting and investigating incidents of violence. Where a significant risk of violence is posed by an individual, the extent of personal information disclosed to an employee must be balanced against the privacy rights of the individual. This determination should be made in consultation with Director of Risk Management and/or University Legal Counsel. Supervisors or designate should ensure employees under their authority who are not exposed to a significant risk of violence, receive or have received general training regarding the following issues: • employee rights and responsibilities with respect to workplace violence; • recognizing potentially violent situations and how to respond to them; and • reporting, documenting and investigating incidents of violence. The Supervisor will retain one copy of the completed Violence Prevention Plan. Copies will be provided to the OHS Office and the University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. |
Responsibility Supervisors |
5. Information Sessions/Training This policy will be distributed widely within the University community, including posting on the electronic OHS Right to Know bulletin board. Awareness of this Policy will be provided by OHS and the University JOHSC to current employees, and it will be reviewed with new employees during their onboarding process. The University commits to providing ongoing training to designated members of the University community, using the Non Violent Crisis Intervention model. Requests for training as part of a Violence Prevention Plan can be made to Erica Baker, Health and Wellness Advisor at ebaker@stfx.ca. |
Responsibility Faculty, Staff, Student Employees |
The Director of Risk Management with respect to employee situations and the Director of Student Services with respect to student situations are responsible for the communication, administration and interpretation of this policy.
All senior administrators, in consultation with Risk Management, are expected on an ongoing basis to review reported incidents of violence/threatening behaviour to determine any emerging pattern and to take appropriate corrective action.
Supporting Documentation
Appendix 1 Training
Appendix 2 Risk Assessment
Appendix 3 Violence Prevention Plan template
Related Policies
Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Sexual Violence Response Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Related Materials
Violence in the Workplace Regulations
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Criminal Code of Canada
AB XX: Appendix 1
Violence In The Workplace: Prevention And Response Training
The purpose of the Violence in the Workplace: Prevention and Response training is to provide employees with the skills and knowledge required to prevent workplace violence/threatening behaviour that may be committed against any person(s) or property at StFX University and to provide techniques that will enable an effective response if workplace violence/threatening behaviour does occur.
Upon request, the following workshops can be customized and delivered as an ongoing series of training and awareness sessions to employees within the University community.
• Critical Skills for Communicating in Conflict
• Asserting Yourself in Conflict Situations
• Managing the Hostile Individual
• Anger Management
• Shifting from Positions to Interests
AB XX: Appendix 2
Violence In The Workplace: Prevention And Response Risk Assessment
This form is designed to help managers and employees (faculty, staff and student employees) of StFX University carry out an assessment of the potential risks of violence/threatening behaviour associated with the activities carried out in their departments. (“Violence” means any act or attempted act of physical force that either causes or is intended to cause physical injury to any person, or damage, destruction or loss of property. “Threatening Behaviour” includes any statement or conduct that may cause a reasonable person to believe that his or her personal safety is at risk or that property is at risk of damage, destruction or loss.). Contact Risk Management for more information.
AB XX: Appendix 3
Violence In The Workplace: Prevention And Response Violence Prevention Plan Template