Morgan Bimm
Morgan Bimm (she/they) is an Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at St. Francis Xavier University, on the traditional and unceded lands of the Mi’kmaq people. Her research focuses on integrating fan studies, popular music studies, and feminist theory, particularly as they relate to the consumption, framing, and cultural afterlives of popular texts, music, and aesthetics. Their work is interested in the ways that technology and media work together to produce ideas about cultural relevance and gender.
Morgan has over a decade of experience teaching in the areas of gender studies, sexuality studies, cultural studies, and feminist media industries. Her teaching philosophy emphasizes co-creating classrooms focused on process-based assignments and accessible, multimedia texts. Morgan is a former co-chair of the Gender and Feminisms Caucus of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), a current board member of Hike Nova Scotia, and is currently writing about playlists as a feminist research methodology.
Feminist cultural studies, popular music studies, music and media industries, indie and punk music cultures, music scenes, feminist sound studies, new media and podcast studies
2023 “’Let’s See If We’ve Been Missing Out’: Affect, Reactivity, and the Middlebrow in Popular Music Podcasting.” Recast, Podcast, Broadcast: Podcasting Popular Music. Special issue of Journal of Popular Music Studies 35(4): 18-33.
2022 “Radio Country.” Flow Journal 29(5). flowjournal.org/2023/03/radio-country/.
2022 “What the Indie Sleaze Revival Can Learn From Indie Camp.” Flow Journal 29(1). flowjournal.org/2022/10/indie-sleaze-revival/.
2021 With Andi Schwartz. “Opening Up the Pit: Negotiating a Punk Ethos with PUP.” Punk & Post-Punk 11(2): 213-227. doi.org/10.1386/punk_00112_1.
For more details about her publications, conference activity, and teaching experience, see morganbimm.com