
Active Committee Listing

Committee on Nominations

(By‑Laws Part 2, Section 16)


A Committee on Nominations shall be established for nominating representatives of the Faculty to the Board of Governors, the Senate, the Committee for Selection of the President, Committees on Studies, the Committee on Discipline, the Committee on University Budgets, and to any other group who may wish to seek its assistance.

The Committee shall be composed of seven (7) members from the following categories:

1. One from the lecturer or assistant professor levels
2. One from the associate professor level
3. One from the professor level
4. Four Faculty members at large


Members of the Committee shall be elected annually by the University Faculty. If there are more nominations than positions to be filled, election shall be by secret ballot

All members shall enjoy two-year terms of office on this Committee and shall not be eligible for immediate re‑election.

The Committee shall elect its own Chair and Secretary each year at its first meeting.

The Chair, the Secretary, and another member shall constitute a quorum.

Normally, notice of positions to be filled shall be given to Faculty seven days prior to the Committee meeting at which nominates will be considered for those positions.

Reports of the Committee on Nominations shall be in the hands of the Chair of the appropriate electing body 48 hours before meetings when elections are to be held.

The Committee on Nominations shall:

a) provide, upon request, names of candidates for election, provided prior approval of these candidates has been obtained;

b) keep a continuing record of all operating committees (sensu lato) with the names of recent and current members;

c) meet at least once yearly for the following purposes;

1. a review of the jurisdiction and usefulness of all committees for which it nominates members; and,

2.recommendations to the appropriate bodies of the dismissal of certain committees, or of changes in their jurisdiction.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: Second meeting, c. October 15
TERM: Two years
NUMBER: Seven members (one lecturer or assistant, one associate professor, one professor, four members-at-large)
NOTE: Rank limitations etc.


Committees re: University Business

University Budget Committee

By‑Laws, Part 2, Section 13


The University Budget Committee shall:

A) in Accordance with Part 2, Section 13, Article III(a) of the University By‑Laws, review the University Budget prior to its presentation to the Board of Governors;

B) solicit and receive relevant information on the proposed resource allocation as represented in the budget;

C) provide information through the Chair to members of the Faculty at an information meeting on the University budget and advise the Faculty on changes in proposed resource allocations as reflected in the budget.


The Academic Vice-President & Provost who shall act as Chair.

Three (3) persons appointed by the President for a term of three years with the possibility of reappointment.

Three (3) faculty representatives to be chosen by the University Faculty from faculty designated in Section 1, Article I(c)(2) in Part I of these By‑Laws, provided that such faculty representatives are members of the Senate at the time of their appointment.

Two (2) student representatives appointed by the President of the Students' Union for a term of one year.

TERM OF OFFICE Faculty representatives on this committee shall be elected annually on a three‑year rotation system.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: Second University Faculty meeting
TERM: Three years
NUMBER: Three members
NOTE: Nominees must be members of Senate at time of appointment.

University Faculty Officers

ELECTED: University Faculty
DATE: May 15
TERM: Two years for Chair, one year for Secretary


Board of Governors - The Nominating Committee

Recommend to the Board the name or names of persons under Section 8 (1) M of the Act of Incorporation, as amended; recommend to the Board the name or names of persons to serve on the standing committees of the Board.

Consists of three members and shall meet at such time and place as it deems convenient.

Board of Governors


The Board shall consist of not less than twenty‑five members and not more than forty‑five and shall be composed of the following:

a)  The Ordinary of the Diocese of Antigonish, ex officio;

b)  The President of the University, ex officio;

c)  The Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-Treasurer of the University, ex officio;

d)  The Director of University Extension, ex officio;

e)  The Director of Coady International Institute, ex officio;

f)   The President of the College of Cape Breton, ex officio;

g)  The Principal of Mount Saint Bernard College, ex officio;

h)  Three persons appointed by the Ordinary of the Diocese of Antigonish;

i)   Three members of the Alumni of the University elected by the Alumni Association;

j)   Four members of the Faculty of the University, elected by the Faculty of the University, each having not less than five years service to the University;

k)  Nine persons elected by the priests of the Diocese of Antigonish at their annual meeting, at least three of whom shall be laymen;

l)   Three members of the student body of the University, elected by the students of the University;

m)  Such other members as may be elected by the Board itself.


a)  A member of the Board elected by the students of the University shall hold office for a term of one year, such term to run from the effective date of his election, and shall be eligible for re‑election;

b)  Except as otherwise provided, a member of the Board shall hold office for a term of three years, such term to run from the effective date of his or her election or appointment, and shall be eligible for re‑election or for re‑appointment for a further term of three years;

c)  Except as otherwise provided, a member of the Board who has held office for six consecutive years shall not be eligible for re‑election or re‑appointment until one year has elapsed from the date of termination of said six‑year period.


Rank And Tenure Committee

The Rank and Tenure Committee is a product of Article of the Collective Agreement. Its function, composition and procedures are all specified therein.

2.0 The Rank and Tenure Committee is a Standing Committee of the University Faculty charged with the responsibility of making recommendations to the President on: a) the advancement in rank of Faculty members; b) the advancement of Faculty members from Probationary to Tenured Appointments; c) the termination of employment for cause [see: 2.1.9:4.1] of Faculty members, whether holding Probationary or Tenured Appointments; and d) initial appointments of individuals to the University Faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or above [see 2.1.1: 6.2, and 6.3].

2.1 The membership of the Rank and Tenure Committee shall consist of the Academic VicePresident & Provost, the Dean of Arts, the Dean of Science, the Dean of Education, the Dean of Business and six full-time tenured teaching members of Faculty elected by the University Faculty for three-year terms. While all Deans sit on the committee only two shall vote on each case. On Science cases, the Dean of Science and the Dean of Artsshall vote; on Arts cases, the Dean of Arts and the Dean of Science shall vote; on Business cases, the Dean of Business and the Dean of Arts shall vote; on Education cases, the Dean of Education and the Dean of Arts shall vote.

2.2 At least three (3) elected members shall be from the rank of Professor and at least two (2) from the rank of Associate Professor.

2.3 A minimum of at least one elected representative shall be from the Faculty of Science, one from Faculty of Arts, one from the Faculty of Education and one from the Faculty of Business.

ELECTED by: University Faculty
DATE: Spring meeting
Members: 6 in total
Term: 3 years, rotating


University Senate

University Senate - Officers of Senate


1. The Officers of Senate (“Officers”) shall consist of: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Vice-Secretary and Past Chair.

2. The following Officers shall be elected from among the elected Faculty members of the Senate for one-year terms or until their successor is appointed. The Chair and the Secretary are to be elected at the April meeting of Senate. The Vice-Chair and Vice-Secretary are to be elected at the October meeting of Senate. The Vice-Chair and Vice-Secretary will be expected to offer for the office of Chair and Secretary respectively.

3. The terms of office for Officers of Senate begin on May 16.

4. The Past Chair shall take office for a one-year term immediately upon completion of his/her term as Chair.

5. The Committee on Nominations shall provide nominations for vacant Officer positions. Following these nominations the Chair shall call for nominations from the floor. Voting in a contested election shall be by secret and preferential ballot.

6. In the event that an Officer resigns or the position otherwise becomes vacant, the Senate Steering Committee shall recommend to Senate a temporary replacement from amongst the Officers or elected Faculty representatives until the next scheduled election.

7. The Chair provides general oversight of the business of Senate and chairs meetings of Senate and the Senate Steering Committee.

8. The Secretary shall give notice of Senate meetings and record the minutes of these meetings and inform the University Community of the business of Senate by posting the agenda one week prior to each meeting and by distributing, no later than one week after each meeting a report of the motions and announcements made.

ELECTED BY: University Senate
DATE: April meeting
TERM: Chair, 1 year. Secretary, 1 year

University Senate - Quality Of Life Committee

The membership of the Quality of Life Committee is as follows:
a. Head of Student Services
b. Associate Registrar, Enrollment (non-voting)
c. Manager, Student Experience (non-voting)
d. Director, Student Life
e. Director, Internationalization
f. Director, Health, Counselling & Accessible Learning
g. Students’ Union Vice-President Academic (SUVP Academic)
h. Three faculty senators elected by Senate
i. Two incumbent student senators nominated by the SUVP Academic, elected by Senate
j. Three other students selected by the SUVP Academic in consultation with the Student Senators’

Terms of Reference:
1. The Committee shall be concerned with matters pertaining to the promotion of a quality of life
conducive to the personal growth of St. Francis Xavier University students. This Committee shall
report and make recommendations to the Senate on the development or maintenance of programs
and services which serve to nurture students’ personal well-being and a healthy community. As
required, this Committee may also invite the Director of Student Life to speak about discipline and
other matters.

2. The Committee shall deal mainly with matters of student life including:
a. The program of extra-curricular activities including athletic, cultural and social events;
b. Student – faculty – administration relationships;
c. The program of student services;
d. The provision of required physical facilities;
e. The inclusion of all students into all facets of campus life;
f. Establishing policies pertaining to student conduct and discipline;
g. Other efforts to promote the physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being of students.

3. The Committee may, with approval of Senate, include any other aspect of University life which it
sees as affecting the quality of life at St. Francis Xavier University.

4. In pursuance of its objectives, the Committee shall:
a. Normally be co-chaired by the Head of Student Services and a student;
b. Consult with and advise other committees and officials on matters pertaining to its
c. Serve as a forum for suggestions and recommendations from individuals in the university
d. Make recommendations to Senate and/or appropriate officials for the implementation of
programs, activities or services important to achieving its objectives.

DATE: April and October
TERM: One year (Students); Three years (Faculty)
NUMBER: Three faculty serving on Senate; two student senators; and three other students

University Senate - Elected Members Of The University Senate

ELECTED BY: University Faculty DATE: First meeting TERM: 3 years NUMBER: 32 elected members of Faculty

University Senate - Academic Priorities And Planning Committee

The membership of the Academic Priorities and Planning Committee is as follows:
Academic Vice-President & Provost acting as Chair
Vice-President Finance and Administration (non-voting)
Associate Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies
Deans of Faculty
Students' Union Vice-President or their designate (ex officio)
University Librarian
Six (6) Faculty Senators
Two (2) other Student Senators

Terms of Reference:
1. The principal function of the Senate Academic Priorities and Planning Committee is the development of academic policies relative to long term planning. Included in this mandate are: the planning for enrolment; the sub-dividing or creation of new faculties and divisions; the development or termination of academic departments; and the planning for either faculty or student numbers in existing faculties and departments.

2. Sub-committees of and advisory committees to Academic Priorities and Planning Committee shall be employed on an ongoing basis to collect information and advice relative to planning. The work of these committees will be reviewed on an annual basis at the March Meeting of Senate.

3. This committee will initiate and co-ordinate the discussion of proposed changes in academic policy. It may solicit policy reports from related committees and (at the November and March meetings) brings to Senate for its approval any plans which are intended to affect the ongoing conduct of teaching and research at St. Francis Xavier University.

University Senate - Campus Planning Committee

(Disbanded March 1998, mandate transferred to Senate Academic Priorities and Planning Committee)

Reactivated October 27, 2014 at APP Committee Meeting

Depending upon the wishes of the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee this
committee may serve, as constituted or in altered form, as a sub committee of Academic
Planning and Priorities. As a Senate committee its mandate will be recalled automatically
once the Academic Priorities and Planning Committee meets and establishes its protocols for
the planning of physical facilities.


To study the short and long‑term needs of the physical facilities at the University and to recommend to the Senate priorities for adoption and for transmission to the Board of Governors for action.

The membership of the Campus Planning Committee is as follows: a. University President b. Academic Vice-President & Provost c. Vice-President Finance and Administration (Chair) d. Vice -President Student Experience e. 4 Deans of Faculties f. Registrar & Director of Enrolment Planning g. Director, Facilities Management h. Four faculty members elected by Senate for three year terms on rotating basis i. Four students designated by Student Union (1 year term)

Committee reports to Senate at least once a year through its chair and to the Board as required. Chair appointed by the President.

DATE: October
TERM: 3 years

University Senate - Collective Agreement: MOU #1 Student Course Evaluations Working Group

Amanda Cockshutt, the Academic Vice-President & Provost,
Cathy MacDonald, the Assistant Vice-President (Academic Affairs),
Tara Buksaitis, the University Registrar,
Jacob Cruchet, the Student Union Vice-President (Academic)
and four faculty members of Senate representing each of the four faculties as follows:


Faculty of Arts: Nathan Allen
Faculty of Business: Bhavik Parikh
Faculty of Science: Brittany MacDonald-MacAulay
Faculty of Education: Jennifer Mitton

University Senate - Committee on Academic Integrity

Described in the Policy on Academic Integrity adopted by the University Senate February 2005-11-03


1. The membership of the Committee on Academic Integrity shall consist of five (5) members of the University Faculty, elected by the University Senate, serving rotating but renewable three-year terms.

2. The Committee shall select its chair from among its own members

Terms of Reference:

The Senate Committee on Academic Integrity shall:

a) hear such cases that are brought before it; and

b) review annually the regulations with respect to academic dishonesty, making recommendations to the University Senate about possible changes to those regulations.

ELECTED BY: University Senate
COMPOSITION: Five (5) faculty members
DATE: First meeting (October)
TERM: Three (3) years, staggered terms

University Senate - Committee on Academic Review (CAR)

1. The membership of the Committee on Academic Review is as follows:

a) the Academic Vice-President & Provost,

b) the Deans of faculties, and

c) five (5) tenured Faculty members elected by the University Senate.

2. All Deans of faculties shall be deemed members of the Committee on Academic Review, but only two deans shall vote on each case: Science cases - the Dean of Science and the Dean of Arts shall vote; Arts cases - the Dean of Arts and Dean of Science shall vote; Business cases - the Dean of Business and the Dean of Arts shall vote; and Education cases - the Dean of Education and Dean of Arts shall vote.

3. The terms of the elected Faculty members shall be three (3) years (phased in). The President shall appoint the Chair of CAR for a term of three (3) years. The Chair of CAR may be a faculty member in addition to those named above.

Terms of Reference:

i)  To ensure the orderly review of Academic Units at least once every six (6) years, and that new Academic Units be reviewed in their fourth (4th) year.

ii)  To recommend to the University Senate a schedule of Academic Units to be reviewed.

iii) To ensure that any review begins with a Self‑Study. 

iv) To ensure that all academic reviews reflect student input and involvement.

v)  To ensure that all documentation be treated with appropriate confidentiality.

vi) To select and appoint External Reviewers. 

vii) To advise the External Reviewers on the expectations of the review.

viii) To decide on the disposition of the recommendations in the External Reviewers’ Report.

ix)  To report to the University Senate on the reviews conducted on Academic Units.

x)  To review and recommend to the University Senate changes to these Guidelines as needed, and not less frequently than every six (6) years.

ELECTED BY: University Senate
DATE: The April Meeting of Senate
TERM: Three years
NUMBER: Five Tenured Faculty Members

University Senate - Committee on Honorary Degrees


1. The Committee on Honorary Degrees is a Standing Committee of Senate.

2. The Committee shall be composed of four (4) members, two (2) of whom shall be elected by the Senate, the third appointed by the President, and the fourth, a student, appointed by the President following consultation with the President of the Students’ Union.

3. The Committee shall appoint its own Chair.

Terms of Reference:

1. This Committee shall receive names of persons proposed as candidates for Honorary Degrees, and shall present to Senate a roster of candidates for Honorary Degrees to be awarded, at general or special convocations.

2. Senate shall have the opportunity to consider all candidates proposed by the Committee before proceeding to vote on any one of these candidates.

3. Senate will normally consider candidates for Honorary Degrees only if:

a) advance notice is given to members of Senate that this topic is to be considered, and

b) curriculum vitae for each nominee for an Honorary degree is available to members of Senate at least one-half hour in advance of the relevant Senate meeting.

4. Any name duly submitted to the Committee may be included in the review by Senate even though the Committee may not have included it in its list of candidates.

5. Any member of the Senate may nominate for a ballot for an Honorary Degree, any name properly submitted to the Committee, even though the person named has not received the recommendation of the Committee.

6. A separate ballot shall be taken for each candidate, with a two-thirds majority required for approval.

REPORT To the University Senate as required; generally last day of February for May Convocation and September meeting for Fall Convocation.

DATE: October
TERM: Two (2) years
NUMBER: Two (2) members

University Senate - Library Committee


1. The membership of the Library Committee is as follows:

a) Academic Vice-President & Provost as Chair

b) the Deans of Faculties

c) the University Librarian

d) six (6) Faculty Members, two (2) from Arts, two (2) from Science, one (1) from Business, and one (1) from Education, elected by Senate,

e) one (1) Librarian nominated by the Librarians

f) two (2) Students appointed by the Vice-President of the Students' Union

2. The Faculty Members are elected for three year terms, with a maximum of one renewal.

Terms of Reference:

1. The principal responsibilities of the Library Committee are:

a) to advise the Librarian on the formulation of policy with respect to the administration (acquisition, service, staffing, equipment, space, and budgets) of the University Library

b) to review and make recommendations regarding the University Librarian's budget (for acquisitions, staff, renovations and equipment) to the University Budget Committee.

2. The Library Committee should meet at least four (4) times per year, to deal with such matters as may be brought before it with respect to Library policy regarding service, acquisitions and staffing; and specifically:

a) in October to deal with expenditures relative to budget and to discuss the Librarian's written report to the October meeting of Senate.

b) at a January meeting to deal with (1) (b)

c) at a May meeting to (i) review the year end (March 31) actual to budget performance

3. The Committee reports, through the Chair, to the April meeting of Senate.

DATE: April Meeting
TERM: Three (3) Years
NUMBER: Six (6) Faculty


Committees re: Research

University Council For Research

The function of the University Council for Research (UCR) is to encourage and to support original research, creative work reflective inquiry and knowledge translation by members of the faculty. 

Academic Vice-President as Chair
Deans of Faculties
Two (2) members of the Faculty of Arts
Two (2) members of the Faculty of Science
One (1) member of the Faculty of Education
One (1) member of the Schwartz School of Business

ELECTED by: Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Business
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 6 in total
Term: 3 years, rotating

Animal Care Committee

The Animal Care Committee ensures Canadian Council on Animal Care regulations are followed with respect to both animal care and animal use protocols in both teaching and research at StFX.

Minimum membership includes:

1. Two faculty members who use animals in either teaching or research (3 year appointments, renewable once)

2. One faculty member who does not use animals in either teaching or research (3 year appointment, renewable once)

3. One veterinarian

4. One community member not affiliated with StFX and not involved in animal use teaching or research

5. Senior Animal Care Technician

6. Student representative (graduate representative, nominated by the StFX students' society)

7. Animal Care Committee Coordinator

REPORTS TO: Academic Vice-President

Biosafety Committee

The Biosafety Committee reports to the Academic Vice-President.

The Committee is mandated to:

1. Offer advice on the safe use of bio-hazardous materials;

2. Ensure adherence to the Government of Canada’s Canadian Biosafety Standards and Guidelines, and to the National Institutes of Health NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules.

The Biosafety Committee members are appointed by the Academic Vice-President in consultation with the appropriate Dean(s) of Faculty. The Committee membership shall be appointed as follows:

1. One Faculty member from each building in which bio-hazardous materials are used;

2. One Science Faculty member who is a non-user and who Chairs the Committee;

3. The University Biosafety Officer;

4. The University Health and Safety Officer.

Members shall be appointed such that the Committee has a broad range of expertise in many types of bio-hazardous materials, techniques and procedures utilizing these materials and infection control.
The term of office for all members shall be three years with the exception of the Biosafety Officer and the Health and Safety Officer who shall be permanent ex-officio members of the Committee. The University Biosafety Officer may not serve as Chair.

The Committee shall meet twice per year or as frequently as required to fulfill the responsibilities of the Committee. Minutes shall be recorded and distributed to members, the Academic Vice-President, the Associate Vice-President Research and the appropriate Dean(s) of Faculty.

Committee on Research Integrity (CORI)


This committee of four members shall be elected by the faculty. It will elect a chair from its members. The members shall be elected for three year terms, except the initial appointment when terms shall be staggered so that two faculty members shall serve two years and two shall serve three years.

The responsibilities of the committee are:

(i) The continued development and refinement of policy and procedures relating to ethical issues in research;

(ii) to discuss with any individual within the University community concerns she/he might have about integrity in research;

(iii) to investigate complaints of research misconduct brought to them through the Formal Process;

iv) to maintain strict confidentiality about any ethical concerns brought to them or about any complaint they mediate except that they may discuss these concerns or complaints with the Advisor;

v) upon completion of the formal process, to write a report of each complaint.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: 2nd meeting, October 15
TERM: 3 years

Research Advisory Committee

The Committee advises on University policy and practices related to research as follows:

  • Act as an advisory board for the Associate Vice--‐President Research, including but not limited to advice on evaluation of progress in research and celebration of research
  • Develop and support policies and programs that encourage research by St. FrancisXavier University faculty, as well as by graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Review, advise and make recommendations to the appropriate academic committees (General faculty, AP&P, Senate etc)
  • Advise and make recommendations on research matters referred to the Committee by Senate
  • Advise on University Services and overhead in support of research
  • Advise on Outward policies of the University regarding research: particularly the Strategic Research Plan
  • Review and advise on the creation of new Research Centres and Institutes and the appointment of Directors of these.
  • Advise on the disbursement of Research Chairs
  • Advise on strategies to attain objectives and maximize funding
  • Review and advise on effective communication and dissemination internally and externally about research at StFX, including but not limited to the Research Website.

Eight elected members of faculty representing the diversity of the research clusters as outlined in the University’s Strategic Research Plan, at least one member from each Faculty, 1 appointed member, Coady Institute, Ex-officio: Academic Vice-President and Deans of Faculty, University Librarian, and Associate Vice-President Research (Chair).


8 Faculty Members

Coady International Institute Rep.

Academic Vice‐President and Provost
Associate Vice-President Research
Dean of Arts
Dean of Science
Dean of Education
Dean of Business
University Librarian

Research Ethics Board

PURPOSE (Taken from Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (2014)) "Institutions shall establish or appoint REB(s) to review the ethical acceptability of all research involving humans conducted within their jurisdiction or under their auspices, that is, by their faculty, staff or students…."

Members are appointed by the President for three year terms.

The membership of the REB shall consist of 6 members, as follows: -one faculty member to serve as Chair; -at least two faculty members, who have broad expertise in the methods or in the areas of research covered by the REB; -at least one faculty member who is knowledgeable in ethics; -at least one faculty member who is knowledgeable in the relevant law; and -one member from the community served by St. Francis Xavier University, who has no formal affiliation with the institution.


Committees re: Research Chairs / Lecture Series / Funding

Arts Faculty Lecture Series Committee


A standing committee of the Faculty of Arts charged with organizing and conducting the Arts Faculty Lecture Series.


ELECTED by: Faculty of Arts
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 3 in total
Term: 3 years

Christian Culture Lecture Series

A Presidential committee, established January 28, 1992.
See minutes and attachments of the February 12, 1992 meeting of the Committee on Nominations.


The Christian Culture Lecture Series is an annual set of lectures by internationally established scholars of religion, scripture, church history, and ethics.

Invited speakers will provide a minimum of two public lectures on topics related to their scholarly expertise and one intensive seminar which will concentrate on their current research, especially unpublished research.

The series will give particular attention to themes highlighted by Vatican II. Although the majority of invited speakers will come from the Catholic tradition, other Christians and non­/Christians would also be invited.

A Presidential Committee, with two members named by faculty, two by the President, and one named by the Students' Union chaired by the President or his/her delegate will determine the scholars to be invited and the general themes to be addressed.

A substantial honorarium, travel expenses, and a reception in honour of the speakers will be the responsibility of the President.

Presidential Committee
‑ President or delegate (Chair)
‑ two members of faculty elected by the Faculty
‑ two members appointed by the President
‑ one member named by the Students' Union

DATE: October
TERM: Three years
NUMBER: Three members

Gatto Chair Selection Committee


The principal objective of the Chair of Christian Studies is to provide an opportunity for the scholarly exploration of Christianity from all perspectives: artistic; historical, literary; philosophical; social; scientific; and theological.


A committee composed of the Academic Vice-President as Chair, the Dean of Arts and the Dean of Science, three faculty members appointed by the President, and the Director of Development shall be established to rank the candidates in priority order.

James Chair Selection Committee


The objective of the Dr. W.F. James Chair of Studies in the Pure and Applied Sciences is the promotion of scholarly activity in the pure and applied sciences.

The role of the James Chair Selection Committee is to:

A) to rank the candidates in priority order for the Visiting Chairs Program,

B) to recommend individuals for the Research Chairs Program, and

C) to approve proposals for Research Equipment and Support as budget allows.


Academic Vice-President and Provost, who shall chair the committee

Dean of Arts

Dean of Science 

Four faculty members from the Faculty of Science appointed by the President

Jules Leger Endowment for the Faculty of Arts



The purpose of the Jules Léger Endowment for the Faculty of Arts is to promote and advance the study of the Humanities and Social Sciences by providing support that engages St. F.X. students and faculty with contemporary scholarship, creative pedagogy, and leadership training opportunities. Support from the Endowment shall take the form of the following five categories:

1. The Jules Léger Lecture Series in the Arts

2. Student Conferences and Colloquia

3. Faculty Development in Pedagogical and Administrative Leadership

4. The Jules Léger Undergraduate Scholarship for Achievement in the Humanities and Social Sciences

5. The Jules Léger Research Chairs in the Humanities and Social Sciences


A Selection Committee composed of the Academic Vice-President and Provost as Chair, the Dean of Arts, the Dean of Science, and four faculty members appointed by the President – two (2) from the Humanities and two (2) from the Social Sciences – shall be established to rank the applications in each category.

The Hive for Feminist Research at St. Francis Xavier University Annual Lecture Series Committee

The Hive for Feminist Research at St. Francis Xavier University Lecture Series

Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Hive for Feminist Research Lecture Series is to celebrate and recognize the full range of feminist research at St. Francis Xavier University.

The Hive for Feminist Research Lecture Series will feature a lecture showcasing feminist
research at St. Francis Xavier University during the last week of September. Feminist research is defined broadly as a type of inquiry that is concerned with understanding relations of power, particularly those based on gender as it intersects with race, class, sexuality, and ability.
Feminist research occurs in disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts, and deploys a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches.

The selection committee will be elected by the University Faculty, and will seek nominations by March 31, with the goal of securing the speaker by April 30 for the coming fall. The committee will seek nominations for the lecture series based on a three-year cycle, in order to ensure a fair distribution that recognizes the diversity of feminist research at St. Francis Xavier University:
• Year One: Arts/Science/Library
• Year Two: Business/Education
• Year Three: Coady

Committee composition
The University Faculty will elect the committee during a fall meeting. Committee members will be expected to serve a three-year term. The committee will be comprised of six members, and every attempt will be made to achieve the following distribution :
• one member from the Coady International Institute,
• one member from the Faculty of Arts,
• one member from the Faculty of Business,
• one member from the Faculty of Education,
• one member from the Faculty of Science, and
• one member from the Angus L. MacDonald Library.
In addition, the Women's and Gender Studies Student Society will elect one student member.

Selection process
The committee shall solicit and consider all nominations primarily based on the three-year rotation, as well as the definition of feminist research outlined in the description above. The committee will be mindful of achieving a balance of early career, mid-career, and established scholars over the years. Some factors that may also be considered include relevance to local, national, or international feminist discourse; upcoming major publications; and other demonstrations of the possibility for the lecture to have a significant impact.


Committees re: Students

Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee

Terms of reference and membership would be maintained by the Committee on Nominations.

The Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee will consist of the Assistant Vice President Academic Affairs, the Deans of Arts, Business and Science, the Director of Student Life, and one member from each of the faculties of Arts, Business and Science. Faculty members will be elected by the Committee on Nominations for 3 years terms (note: term lengths should be varied in the first year so as to ensure some consistency from year to year).

The Committee will be Chaired by the Assistant Vice President Academic Affairs who will be a non-voting member except in the case of a tie. All other members will be voting members.

Committee members may consult and obtain information from Student Services departments, including but not limited to, Residence Life and Student Conduct and The Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning, but excluding Health and Counselling, as part of the review and decision-making process on appeals. Requests for such information would be limited to information raised by the student in the course of their appeal.

The Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee will take a wholistic approach to considering the student’s appeal, and will take into account the student’s academic transcript, the details provided in the appeal regarding the reason for lack of academic success, and the details of the student’s plan to support their successful return to their studies.

Decisions by the Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee are final and cannot be appealed.

MOTION: That the membership and terms of reference for the Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee be approved.

Approved by Senate Jan 19, 2024 at 4:10

Appeals Committee

(a)        The Appeals Committee shall consist of:

  • three (3) full time students appointed by the Director of Student Life, in consultation with the Students’ Union, for a term of one (1) year, with eligibility for reappointment.
  • two (2) full time Faculty members elected by Senate, for a term of three (3) years. No Faculty members shall serve more than two (2) complete terms consecutively.
  • one (1) staff member appointed by the President.

(b)        The Appeals Committee shall hear appeals from the decisions of the Manager, Restorative Justice and Student Conduct, Director of Student Life, or the Discipline Committee.

(c)        The Appeals Committee shall hear an appeal based only on the evidence presented to the adjudicator unless the Chair of the Appeals Committee determines that special circumstances warrant the introduction of new evidence, in addition to the evidence already considered by the adjudicative body.

(d)        The standard for appeal is unreasonableness. The Appeals Committee shall only overturn or amend the findings and/or outcomes if it finds such adjudication to have been unreasonable in all of the circumstances. Otherwise, the Appeals Committee shall not substitute its opinion for a reasonable opinion of the Discipline Committee.

(e)        Quorum for any sitting of the Appeals Committee shall consist of four members, which must include two student members. One of the qualifying members shall sit as Chair, if the regular Chair is not present.

(f)        The Appeals Committee shall elect a Chair, who shall be a staff member or faculty member of the Appeals Committee.

(g)        Except as otherwise noted, the procedural provisions with respect to the Discipline Committee shall apply in like manner to the Discipline Appeals Committee.

(h)        An appeal to the Discipline Appeals Committee shall be filed in writing with the Director of Student Life within seven (7) calendar days of the decision or the adjudication under appeal.


(a)        In the event there are insufficient members available to constitute a quorum for any adjudicative body, the appointing authority may appoint a temporary substitute.

(b)        No person shall be eligible to sit on the Discipline Committee at the same time as that person is a member of the Appeals Committee, for the same case.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: April
TERM: Three (3) years
NUMBER: 2 Members

Discipline Committee

Discipline shall be under the supervision of a Discipline Committee and an Appeals Committee.

(a)       The Discipline Committee shall consist of:

  • three (3) full time students appointed by the Director of Student Life, in consultation with the Students’ Union, for a term of one year, with eligibility for reappointment;
  • two full time (2) Faculty members elected by Senate for a term of three (3) years. No Faculty member may serve more than two (2) full terms consecutively;
  • one (1) staff member appointed by the President;
  • the Vice President, Students or designate.

(b)        The Discipline Committee is responsible to adjudicate all complaints involving breaches of discipline by students referred by the Director of Student Life.

(c)        The Discipline Committee shall have authority to make all findings of responsibility and shall have authority to apply all sentencing outcomes listed in Section 18 of the Code.

(d)        The Discipline Committee shall elect a Chair, who shall be a staff member or Faculty member of the Discipline Committee.

(e)        Quorum for any sitting of the Discipline Committee shall consist of four members, which must include two student members. One of the qualifying members shall sit as Chair, if the regular Chair is not present.

(f)        Any student before the Discipline Committee shall be entitled, at the student’s option, to be represented and assisted by a Student Advocate.


(a)        In the event there are insufficient members available to constitute a quorum for any adjudicative body, the appointing authority may appoint a temporary substitute.

(b)        No person shall be eligible to sit on the Discipline Committee at the same time as that person is a member of the Appeals Committee, for the same case.

DATE: April
TERM: 3 year term
NUMBER: 2 Faculty members

Judicial Board

Article IV.

A) The Judicial Board shall consist of:

1. the Head of Student Services or designate who shall be chair.

2. a Faculty member appointed by Senate for a term of three (3) years.

3. a staff member appointed by the President for a term of three (3) years.

4. A student appointed by the Students’ Union president in consultation with the Director of Student Life for a one (1) year term.

B) The Judicial Board shall have responsibility to:

1. hear high level conduct cases that include but are not limited to sexual violence, physical violence and harassment.

2. meet jointly with the Discipline Committee, the Appeals Committee and the Director of Student Life at least once per term to review the University discipline system and where deemed appropriate, to recommend changes therein.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: September
TERM: 3 years


University Officers (Chairs of Faculties: Faculty Meetings)

Faculty of Arts Officers

The Faculty of Arts is obliged to meet at least twice during the academic year.

a   Quorum for meetings is 15% of the full-time members of the Faculty of Arts.

b  All full-time teaching faculty in the Faculty of Arts are members.

c   It is useful to schedule meetings at times when elections need to be held. Communication with CON, therefore, is useful for scheduling meetings. Typically, a meeting for elections is needed in late April or early May each year.

d  The Secretary’s job is to keep an accurate set of minutes for each meeting; to send out announcements of meetings, with a tentative agenda; to book a room for each meeting; and to consult with the Chair about needed agenda items.

- One faculty member as Chair
- One faculty member as Secretary

ELECTED by: Faculty of Arts
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 2 in total
Term: 2 years

Faculty of Business Officers

- One faculty member as Chair
- One faculty member as Secretary
ELECTED by: Faculty of Business
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 2 in total
Term: 2 years

Faculty of Education Officers

- One faculty member as Chair
- One faculty member as Secretary
ELECTED by: Faculty of Education
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 2 in total
Term: 2 years

Faculty of Science Officers

- One faculty member as Chair
- One faculty member as Secretary
ELECTED by: Faculty of Science
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 2 in total
Term: 2 years


 Committees re: Awards

Community Partner Recognition Award Committee

Community Partner Recognition Award

Terms of Reference

This award recognizes a local, regional, national, or international community partner who has made a significant and sustained contribution to the growth and development of educational (teaching and/or research) opportunities in the StFX University community.

The recipient will be recognized at Fall Convocation. The Award includes a framed certificate and cash award of $2000.

Any faculty, staff or student member of the StFX community may submit nominations for the Community Partner Recognition Award.

Adjudication Committee:
• Academic Vice President and Provost or designate (Chair of the Committee)
• One member of the Service Learning Advisory Committee
• One student representative (designated by the Students’ Union)
• Two Faculty members (nominated by the Committee on Nominations and elected at a
faculty meeting) who engage in community based disciplinary teaching, community based research, or collaboration on partnership-based research
• One teaching, non-faculty member such as Coady staff, lab supervisors, clinical nurse associates (nominated by their group and selected by SLAC)
• Non-voting member: Service Learning staff person will serve as staff to the committee

Outstanding Teaching Awards Committee

a) To adjudicate nominations received from the University Community for Outstanding Teaching Awards.
b) To prepare nominations from this University for external awards in the areas of teaching and instructional development.
In carrying out its duties with respect to the Outstanding Teaching Awards, the Committee shall adhere to the guidelines established in the Policy with Respect to University Research/Publication/ Teaching Awards as established in Article 2.7.1 of the Collective Agreement. The Outstanding Teaching Awards Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the University Faculty.

Six members:
- three of whom will be tenured faculty members
- two of whom will be graduating students, and
- one person from the University community (faculty, students or alumni).
The members from the faculty will serve three year terms on an alternating basis, and the new faculty member each year will be elected by the University Faculty at a fall meeting. The two graduating students will be selected by the Students' Union by November 1. The member from the University community will be selected by the Academic Vice-President each year by November 1.

DATE: October
TERM: Three Years
NUMBER: Three Tenured Faculty Members

President's Research Award/University Research Award

The President's Research Award and the University Research Award will be presented in alternating years at Spring Convocation.

The President’s Research Award and the University Research Award may be used for travel, equipment, supplies, student support, books, etc., at the discretion of the award recipient. The President’s Research Award The University Research Award will be presented to an emerging or mid-career faculty researcher/scholar in any discipline who has established a promising research track record of noteworthy accomplishments.

The recipient of the President’s Research Award will normally hold the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. Nominees will demonstrate from their record of publications, impacts, grants, scholarship, performance, or creativity, as well as their current research program that they are developing as outstanding leaders in the research/scholarship community. Special consideration will be given to nominees who have inspired, encouraged, and collaborated with colleagues and students in their own or other disciplines.

The University Research Award In alternate years, the University Research Award will be presented to a senior faculty researcher/scholar in any discipline who has an outstanding and sustained record of research or scholarly production over the course of his/her career. The recipient of the University Research Award will normally hold the rank of Professor.

Criteria for the award will include sustained support for research, scholarship, performance, or creativity, by peer-adjudicated granting agencies such as NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, or the Canada Council. A superior record of publication in peer-adjudicated journals, publication of monographs, public performances, or creative displays is required. The following will also be taken into consideration: influence on students to pursue research, scholarship, or creativity; and influence on colleagues and mentorship of junior colleagues in their research, scholarship, and creativity, including an influence and knowledge of the issues that extends beyond one's own discipline.

Call for Nominations:

The Academic Vice President and Provost (AVP) will issue an annual call for nominations for the President’s Research Award or the University Research Award. The call for nominations will normally be made in January each year and will indicate a submission deadline. Nominations will be submitted to the Office of the AVP, normally by mid-March each year. Nominations require a cover letter, a CV or resume of the nominee, and may include additional items such as internal or external letters of reference.

Committee Membership:

Nominations for both the President’s Research Award and the University Research Award will be reviewed by a Committee comprised of the following members: 

The Academic Vice-President and Provost (Chair) 

The Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies (Vice Chair) 

Two Academic Deans appointed by the Academic Vice President and Provost 

Four faculty members elected by the University Faculty; at least one will hold the rank of Full Professor.

The members from the faculty will serve staggered three-year terms, and will be elected by the University Faculty at a fall meeting. The Committee on Nominations will give preference for committee membership to faculty who have demonstrated a strong impact in research, scholarship or creative activities, as well achieving diverse representation across disciplines.


Miscellaneous Committees on Academic Issues 

Academic Computing Committee

A committee established to consider all teaching and research-related Academic Computing needs and issues.


1. To discuss and determine the computer needs for teaching and research on campus with respect to equipment, space, services, and infrastructure

2. To review and make recommendations for purchases related to hardware and software


The Academic Computing Committee meets at least twice or (2) times per year, to deal with such matters as may be brought before it with respect to Computing policy.

That the committee provides an annual report to Senate and to Faculty to:

(a) Inform and discuss the campus Computing activities of the year with proposed changes for the new academic year;

(b) Receive input and suggestions for changes and improvement of academic computing.


- Academic Vice President (Chair)

- Deans of Faculties

- Director, IT Services

- Six faculty members representing and elected by their respective faculties

- Two students (appointed by President of Students' Union)

- University Librarian

- Vice-President, Students

- Registrar

- Vice-President Finance

ELECTED by: Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Faculty of Business

DATE: Spring meeting

Number of Faculty: 6 in total - 2 Faculty of Arts, 2 Faculty of Science, 1 Faculty of Education, and 1 Faculty of Business

Term: Faculty 3 years, Students 1 year

Art Gallery Committee

The StFX Art Gallery Board advises and supports the Director/Curator on matters such as programming, policies, collection development, and fundraising.

The Board shall meet at least three times per year, with additional meetings called by the StFX Art Gallery Director/Curator in consultation with the Academic Vice-President as the board chair.


  • 5 ex officio members: the Academic Vice-President, Chair of the Art Department, a representative from Advancement, the Director/Curator, and a representative from the StFX Student Union
  • 3 faculty members
  • 5 members from the surrounding communities

Elected by: StFX Art Gallery Board
Date: as needed
Number: 3 in total
Term: 3 years and may be renewed once. One year must lapse before a member may be reappointed.

Advisory Committee to the Director of the Coady International Institute

(By-Laws Part 2, Section 14, Article VII)

The programs of the Coady International Institute shall be reviewed by an advisory committee to the Director composed of a minimum of nine persons, as follows:

1. The Director;
2. Two staff members named by the staff of the Institute;
3. One member of the University Faculty elected by the Faculty;
4. One member of the University Administration appointed by the President;
5. The director of the Extension Department;
6. A minimum of three persons co-opted by those listed above and selected for their experience with international development programming.

The Committee may select, from time to time persons who will serve as external consultants on an ad hoc basis, relative to selected Coady program areas.

Members in categories 2, 3, 4 and 6 shall serve for three-year terms with initial appointments staggered as appropriate.

The Committee shall select from its University-based members, a chair and a secretary for a two-year period.

The Committee shall meet twice a year to review programs, but may meet more often at the discretion of the Chair.

Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum provided the Coady International Institute is represented by the Director and one staff member.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: October meeting of Faculty
TERM: 3 years

Brian Mulroney Institute of Government - Internal Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference:

To help provide strategic direction and advice on the research programs and outreach programs being undertaken by the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government, and to make recommendations for establishing and strengthening ties to various universities and research centres in North America and beyond. 


The Director of the Mulroney Institute of Government    

The Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies

The Dean of Arts

The BA PGOV (Public Policy and Governance) Program Coordinator

All BMIG (Brian Mulroney Institute of Government) Research Chairs 

Two Faculty members appointed by Faculty

One member appointed by the Executive Director of the Coady International Institute 

3 - year term

Faculty Development Committee

In general, the goals of the Committee are to develop programs for Faculty members who seek assistance in improving their teaching, and to foster a teaching environment which is conducive to learning and encourages excellence, through all stages of an academic career.
A) Initially, and periodically thereafter, the Committee shall undertake a review of Faculty needs related to their teaching development and propose and rank programs for serving those needs.

B) In particular, the Committee should annually develop and revise programs which shall

1. introduce new faculty appointees to the teaching expectations of the University, their Faculty and their Departments;
2. provide multi-media resources for use by Faculty;
3. meet such other faculty needs as may be identified.

The Committee shall develop a rolling budget for the implementation of its programs for each of the ensuing three fiscal years, for discussion with and presentation to the Academic Vice-President. The Academic Vice-President shall then seek approval of the budget through the normal process.

- Two elected members of the Faculty of Arts,
- Two elected members of the Faculty of Science,
- One elected member of the Faculty of Education
- One elected member of the Faculty of Business.
- One full-time student appointed by the President of the Students’ Union
- AAU representative

ELECTED by: Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Business
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 6 in total
Term: 3 years, rotating

Frank McKenna Centre for Leadership – Advisory Board

Preamble & Notes

  • Created in September 2015
  • Student members normally serve 2-year terms to ensure continuity and to allow for substantive contributions and involvement
  • Following the Board’s start-up phase, during which members are recruited for staggered terms (2/3 years) to manage succession and to ensure continuity and protect organizational memory, faculty members will normally serve 3-year terms.
  • Other members will remain on the Advisory Board for as long as they hold their designated positions.
  • Depending on workload, the Board may decide to create ad-hoc sub-committees to focus on and quickly address specific tasks.
  • This document is designed to function as a working description of the Board and of its basic functions and operations. As such, it is intended to be optimized and revised as the Board continues to operate.


The Advisory Board’s main purpose is to assist the Director in carrying out the mandate of the Centre. It is not meant to be a management committee nor is it an implementing body. The Director is responsible for Centre leadership and management. The Director reports to the Academic Vice President. Because the McKenna Centre for Leadership is helping students discover and develop their leadership capacity, many people on the Advisory Board may also be involved in a variety of collaborative activities with the Centre.


The role of the Advisory Board is to: 

  • Provide the Director with a sounding board for new ideas and future directions for the Centre 
  • Offer feedback on and ideas for the Centre’s performance and operations on a year to year basis.
  • Serve to connect the Centre with other related programming and resources on campus and off.

Specifically, the Board offers advice and feedback on:

  • Academic planning
  • Programming and events
  • Selection of speakers
  • Adjudication of proposals for collaboration and co-hosted events
  • Adjudication of applications for grants or fellowships for visiting scholars


  • The Advisory Board is composed of the following: 
  • The Director of the McKenna Centre
  • The Academic Vice President & Provost
  • Four students: VP Academic (Student Union) and three students at large, elected through the SU’s regular processes
  • Four faculty members – one from each Faculty; elected by each faculty via CON  
  • The Director of Advancement
  • The Director of Development 
  • The Director of Communications 
  • The Director of Student Life 
  • The Chair of Service Learning 
  • The Director of the Coady International Institute 
  • The Director of the Mulroney Institute
  • The Director of Athletics 
Service Learning Advisory Committee

This committee will be responsible for the development of policies regarding the service learning program at St.F.X.

This committee will advise the co-ordinator of service learning and the academic administration as to the implementation of such policies.

- Academic Vice-President (or designate) [Chair]
- Co-ordinator of Service Learning
- representative from Coady International Institute (appointed by Director)
- representative from Department of Extension (appointed by Director)
- four faculty members (elected), including one from each of the humanities depts., the social sciences depts., the natural sciences depts., and professional depts.
- a final, fifth member of faculty, (elected by Faculty)

ELECTED BY: University Faculty at October meeting
APPOINTED BY: Directors of the Coady International Institute and Extension Department
TERM: 3 years
NUMBER: 5 members


Committees with EDIA focus 

Committee on Reconciliation (formerly known as Committee on Indigenization)

Committee on Reconciliation Academic Program Circle:

Proposed Terms of Reference

1.  Proposed Terms of Reference for the Committee on Reconciliation’s Academic Program Circle (note: it is expected that confirming the ToR, and membership, will be one of the first tasks of the newly formed committee)

a. To aid in developing a decolonizing strategy for the University that is aligned with the Equity Pillar in the Strategic Plan

b. To review university academic policies and processes related to decolonization/reconciliation and make recommendations to the AVP regarding meeting recommendations of TRC

c. To help create spaces for Indigenous ways to come together with current academic practices

d. To organize gatherings of faculty members (in cooperation with the faculty development committee, CABSS, University Equity Officer) and provide education/training around issues related to decolonizing classrooms, creating culturally sensitive spaces for students.

e. To make recommendations to Joint Committee on Studies/AVP regarding new academic initiatives aimed at Reconciliation/decolonization

f. To work with other circles of the University Committee on Reconciliation on campus-wide initiatives that extend beyond the academic circle.

2.  Proposed membership (terms for first official committee of 1-3 years, staggered)

a. One faculty member from each of the 4 faculties

b. The Dean of whatever faculty is acting as the Chair of the Academic Programming Circle of the Univeristy wide-CoR. (Chair)

c. Knowledge-Keeper in Residence* (standing member)

d. Elected Aboriginal Representative on Student Union (standing member)

e. Aboriginal student society representative (standing member)

f. Member of Student Services (appointed, rotating)

*Note: the title “Elder in Residence” has been changed to “Knowledge-Keeper in Residence”, following consultation with Community members.

Other suggested members might include a member from Coady/Extension, a librarian and/or a member of the (to be formed) Centre for Teaching and Learning, and potentially 2 members at large.

3.  The Committee would be elected by General Faculty, and report to/make recommendations to the Academic Vice President (who would in turn report to General Faculty and Senate).

Equity Advisory Committee


To promote educational and workplace equity across the University, including specific actions as a committee of equity allies;

To maintain communication between the various University constituency groups and the Committee;

To advise and assist the Coordinator in formulating annual work plan, policies and program development;

To provide information and guidance to the Coordinator on issues of relevance to the mandate of the Equity Office;

To assist with ongoing equity awareness, education and training programs among all University constituencies;

To support the work of the Coordinator.

Expectations of EAC Members

To treat each other with respect; to endeavour to work as Allies; to incorporate the vision and practice of equity in our dealings with others across the University; to participate in ongoing Committee meetings and activities, for example, ally education and team-building sessions; to hold in confidence any discussion or business of the Committee as may be; required to protect rights to confidentiality or privacy

TERM: 3 years term
NUMBER: One member

Sexual Violence Prevention Committee (SVPC)

Terms of Reference


The Sexual Violence Prevention Committee is an advisory committee to the President.  The Committee will:

  • Annually review the University’s Sexual Violence Policy and recommend amendments if/as needed; the SVPC Policy Review Subcommittee will commence its review work in January each year, with recommendations provided to President’s Council before the end of April
  • Review, advise and support sexual violence awareness and prevention programs for the University
  • Develop an implementation plan for the terms of the policy and the recommendations contained in the report from the Provincial Sexual Violence Committee as adopted by CONSUP
  • Develop approaches to communicate information on the University’s progress in preventing sexual violence


Membership of the Committee shall be as follows:

  • Director of Health, Counselling and Accessible Learning
  • A Dean – appointed by the President
  • Three members of Faculty – appointed by the President; three-year term, no reappointment for at least one year (- each committee member will be chosen from among a list of at least three candidates recommended by the Committee on Nominations)
  • Six or seven students (SU Vice President Academic, Visible@X Coordinators and two Student at Large members appointed by the Student Union)
  • Vice President Students
  • Vice President Finance and Administration
  • Director of Student Life
  • Director of Risk Management
  • A Community Representative – appointed by the President
  • Human Rights and Equity Advisor
  • Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advocate

The Chair/Co-Chairs of the Committee shall be appointed by the President.


Committee on Studies (COS) for Faculties of Arts, Science and Professional Studies 

Committee on Studies - Faculty of Arts

I. For each faculty, there shall be a Committee on Studies composed of seven members. The faculties of Business and Education shall have a joint Committee on Studies – Professional Studies.

II. (a) Each Committee on Studies shall be composed of

(1) the Dean of faculty, ex officio;

(2) four members elected by their own faculty to serve three-year terms; and

(3) two students.


(1) The terms of the elected members shall be staggered so as to provide continuity of membership on the Committee.

(2) A Committee member who has just completed three years of service shall be ineligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.

III. The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall be comprised of the members of the Committee described above.

IV. Each Committee on Studies shall be the body responsible for the implementation of academic policies and regulations adopted by the Senate for its faculty.

V. (a) Specifically, each Committee

(1) shall be responsible for the material respecting its faculty to be included in the Academic Calendar;

(2) may recommend to the Senate requirements for admission to its faculty;

(3) may recommend to the Senate amendments to academic requirements of the University; and

(4) shall be an advisory body to the Dean in matters not specifically mentioned above.

(b) The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall

(1) have the power to approve exemptions from academic requirements when circumstances warrant it;

(2) recommend to the Faculty the candidates qualified for certificates, diplomas, and degrees in course;

VI. The Dean of each faculty shall preside at meetings of that faculty’s Committee on Studies and each Committee may appoint its Secretary.

VII. Meetings of each Committee on Studies may be called by the Dean, and shall be called upon the request of two members of the Committee.

VIII. (a) Joint meetings of Committees on Studies to deal with matters of common concern to the faculties shall be convoked by the Academic Vice-President & Provost; the Academic Vice-President & Provost shall designate a Chair pro tem for such meetings. The Registrar and UL will be invited as guests.

(b) Decisions or recommendations originating in such joint meetings of the Committees on Studies shall be reported to the appropriate bodies by the Academic Vice-President & Provost.

ELECTED BY: Faculty of Arts
DATE: Spring Meetings of Faculties
TERM: Three (3) years
NUMBER: Four (4) members

Committee on Studies - Faculty of Science

I. For each faculty, there shall be a Committee on Studies composed of seven members. The faculties of Business and Education shall have a joint Committee on Studies – Professional Studies.

II. (a) Each Committee on Studies shall be composed of

(1) the Dean of faculty, ex officio;

(2) four members elected by their own faculty to serve three-year terms; and

(3) two students.


(1) The terms of the elected members shall be staggered so as to provide continuity of membership on the Committee.

(2) A Committee member who has just completed three years of service shall be ineligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.

III. The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall be comprised of the members of the Committee described above.

IV. Each Committee on Studies shall be the body responsible for the implementation of academic policies and regulations adopted by the Senate for its faculty.

V. (a) Specifically, each Committee

(1) shall be responsible for the material respecting its faculty to be included in the Academic Calendar;

(2) may recommend to the Senate requirements for admission to its faculty;

(3) may recommend to the Senate amendments to academic requirements of the University; and

(4) shall be an advisory body to the Dean in matters not specifically mentioned above.

(b) The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall

(1) have the power to approve exemptions from academic requirements when circumstances warrant it;

(2) recommend to the Faculty the candidates qualified for certificates, diplomas, and degrees in course;

VI. The Dean of each faculty shall preside at meetings of that faculty’s Committee on Studies and each Committee may appoint its Secretary.

VII. Meetings of each Committee on Studies may be called by the Dean, and shall be called upon the request of two members of the Committee.

VIII. (a) Joint meetings of Committees on Studies to deal with matters of common concern to the faculties shall be convoked by the Academic Vice-President & Provost; the Academic Vice-President & Provost shall designate a Chair pro tem for such meetings.

(b) Decisions or recommendations originating in such joint meetings of the Committees on Studies shall be reported to the appropriate bodies by the Academic Vice-President & Provost.

ELECTED BY: Faculty of Science
DATE: Spring Meetings of Faculties
TERM: Three (3) years
NUMBER: Four (4) members

Committee on Studies - Professional Programs

I. For each faculty, there shall be a Committee on Studies composed of seven members. The faculties of Business and Education shall have a joint Committee on Studies – Professional Studies.

II. (a) Each Committee on Studies shall be composed of

(1) the Dean of faculty, ex officio;

(2) four members elected by their own faculty to serve three-year terms; and

(3) two students.


(1) The terms of the elected members shall be staggered so as to provide continuity of membership on the Committee.

(2) A Committee member who has just completed three years of service shall be ineligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.

III. The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall be comprised of the members of the Committee described above.

IV. Each Committee on Studies shall be the body responsible for the implementation of academic policies and regulations adopted by the Senate for its faculty.

V. (a) Specifically, each Committee

(1) shall be responsible for the material respecting its faculty to be included in the Academic Calendar;

(2) may recommend to the Senate requirements for admission to its faculty;

(3) may recommend to the Senate amendments to academic requirements of the University; and

(4) shall be an advisory body to the Dean in matters not specifically mentioned above.

(b) The Executive Sub-committee of each Committee on Studies shall

(1) have the power to approve exemptions from academic requirements when circumstances warrant it;

(2) recommend to the Faculty the candidates qualified for certificates, diplomas, and degrees in course;

VI. The Dean of each faculty shall preside at meetings of that faculty’s Committee on Studies and each Committee may appoint its Secretary.

VII. Meetings of each Committee on Studies may be called by the Dean, and shall be called upon the request of two members of the Committee.

VIII. (a) Joint meetings of Committees on Studies to deal with matters of common concern to the faculties shall be convoked by the Academic Vice-President & Provost; the Academic Vice-President & Provost shall designate a Chair pro tem for such meetings.

(b) Decisions or recommendations originating in such joint meetings of the Committees on Studies shall be reported to the appropriate bodies by the Academic Vice-President & Provost.

ELECTED BY:Professional Programs
DATE: Spring Meetings of Faculties
TERM: Three (3) years
 Four (4) - two from Faculty of Education and two from Faculty of Business

Committee on Graduate Studies

A) The Committee shall consist of

1. The Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies (AVPRGS), who shall serve as Chair and reports to the Vice President Academic & Provost;

2. Deans of all faculties in which there are graduate programs;

3. One (1) member elected by the faculty of Education for a 3 year term;

4. One (1) member elected by the faculty of Science for a 3 year term;

5. Three (3) members elected by the Faculty for 3 year terms, one of whom must come from the faculty of Arts or the faculty of Business and;

6. A graduate student, selected by the Students’ Union for a 1 year term;

B) Excepting the Chair and the Deans, no more than one (1) elected Faculty member may be from any single Department.

C) Committee members who have completed their term of service will be ineligible for immediate re-election, with the exception of the graduate student member, who may be renewed for a second year.

ELECTED BY: University Faculty
DATE: October
TERM: Three year
NUMBER: Five members


Department / Program Chairs Selection Committees

Chairs' Selection Committee - Faculty of Arts


(Procedures for Academic Administrative Appointments, passed by the University Faculty at various meetings from April 9, 1987 to February 2, 1988; this section of the document promulgated by the President on September 13, 1988.)

For each Faculty there shall be a Selection Committee established, the purpose of which shall be to make recommendations to the president regarding the names of those individuals who should be asked to assume the duties of Chair in their respective Departments when such appointment is necessary by reason of resignation or completion of the term of the incumbent.

- The Academic Vice-President, who shall chair the committee,
- Dean of Arts,
- Dean of Science
- Four full-time teaching members of the Faculty of Arts.

ELECTED by: Faculty of Arts
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 4 in total
Term: 2 years, rotating

Chairs' Selection Committee - Faculty of Science

For each Faculty there shall be a Selection Committee established, the purpose of which shall be to make recommendations to the president regarding the names of those individuals who should be asked to assume the duties of Chair in their respective Departments when such appointment is necessary by reason of resignation or completion of the term of the incumbent.
- The Academic Vice-President, who shall chair the committee,
- Dean of Arts,
- Dean of Science
- Four full-time teaching members of the Faculty of Science
ELECTED by: Faculty of Science
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 4 in total
Term: 2 years, rotating

Chairs' Selection Committee - Professional Programs


For each Faculty there shall be a Selection Committee established, the purpose of which shall be to make recommendations to the president regarding the names of those individuals who should be asked to assume the duties of Chair in their respective Departments when such appointment is necessary by reason of resignation or completion of the term of the incumbent.


- The Academic Vice-President, who shall chair the committee,
- Dean of Business, 
- Dean of Education
- Four full-time teaching members, two from the Faculty of Education and two from the Faculty of Business

ELECTED by: Faculty of Business and Faculty of Education 
DATE: Spring meeting
Number: 4 in total, two from Faculty of Education and two from Faculty of Business 
Term: 2 years, rotating