Our Planning Process
Proposed Timeline

The Senate Quality of Life Committee is providing regular updates to the campus community about the planning exercise. The updates are archived here:
September 2021 Planning Update
The Senate Quality of Life Committee is providing regular updates to the campus community about the planning exercise. The updates are archived here:
September 2021 Planning Update
StFX espi-kina’matno’kuom etek Mi’kma’ki, wejkwa’taqanik Mi’kmaq maqamikewmuew mna’q iknmuetu’tik. Nalikitquniejk na Mi’kmawey wisun wjit Antigonish teluek Aklasie’w-iktuk, ‘place where branches are torn off.’
StFX is located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaw people. The Mi'kmaw name for Antigonish is Nalikitquniejk, meaning ‘place where branches are torn off.’