New Student Registration: Biology


The Department of Biology offers five 3-credit courses at the 100-level, and one 3-credit course at the 200-level that is required for some first-year students (see course descriptions below):

  • BIOL 111 – Introductory Cell Biology
  • BIOL 112 – Diversity of Life
  • BIOL 115 – Microbes in Human Biology
  • BIOL 151 – Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology I (not offered 2024-2025)
  • BIOL 152 – Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology II (not offered 2024-2025)
  • BIOL 215 – Microbiology for Human Nutrition

BIOL 111 and 112

Together, BIOL 111 and 112 provide the 6 credits of foundational course material for further study in biology. Students who intend to do a major, advanced major, or honours degree in biology must obtain a minimum combined average of 55 in these two courses to be permitted to register in 200-level biology courses for which 111 and 112 are prerequisites.  Students not intending to major in Biology are not required to obtain this course average of 55 to take additional biology courses.

BIOL 111 and 112 are required courses for the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health.

BIOL 111 is a required course for the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition.

BIOL 112 is a required course in all programs (both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science) in Interdisciplinary Studies in Aquatic Resources.

Students should note that BIOL 111 is not a prerequisite for 112, so those looking for a 3-credit elective course in second term could register for BIOL 112 (availability permitting) without having completed 111 in first term.

BIOL 111 and 112 are minimum prerequisites for all upper-year courses in the department, other than 220, 221, 251, and 252. (BIOL 220 requires only second-year status; BIOL 221 requires only BIOL 112, or AQUA 101 and 102, or second-year status; BIOL 251 and 252 require only BIOL 111.)

BIOL 115

BIOL 115 is a required first-year course for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and is closed to students in all other programs.

BIOL 151 and 152

BIOL 151 and 152 are required first-year courses for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and are closed to students in all other programs.  However, for the 2024-2025 academic year, these courses are not being offered.  First-year nursing students will instead be registered in HKIN 161 (Applied Human Physiology) and HKIN 162 (Applied Human Anatomy).

BIOL 215

BIOL 215 is a required first-year course for the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, and is closed to students in all other programs.

Course Descriptions

111   Introductory Cell Biology
An introduction to cells, their structure and function, and the techniques used to study them. Provides a basic introduction to cells as the building blocks of all life. Required for all students continuing in biology. Three credits and lab.

112   Diversity of Life
This course emphasizes the interrelationships of living systems and their roles in the global ecosystem. Students explore evolution and the origins of life, organismic diversity, adaptations, and ecology. Human interactions with the diversity of life are considered throughout the course. Basic skills that underpin success as an undergraduate student are also emphasized.  Required for all students continuing in biology. Three credits and lab.

115   Microbes in Human Biology
An introduction to microorganisms from a human perspective for students in the nursing program. Topics include bacterial structure and function, bacterial genetics and antibiotic resistance, and viral structure and infection. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 115 or BIOL 215.  Restricted to nursing students.  Cannot be used as science A for biology students.  Three credits and tutorial.

151 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology I
An integrated approach to the study of the anatomy and physiology of the following: the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. The course provides students with a comprehensive working knowledge of the anatomic and physiologic aspects of these systems. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 151, BIOL 251, HKIN 151, HKIN 161 or HKIN 162. Restricted to first-year nursing students. Three credits and lab.  (Not offered 2024-2025.)

152 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology II
An integrated approach to the study of the anatomy and physiology of the following: cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. The course provides students with a comprehensive working knowledge of the anatomic and physiologic aspects of these systems. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 152, BIOL 252, HKIN 152, HKIN 161 or HKIN 162. Restricted to first-year nursing students. Prerequisite: BIOL 151. Three credits and lab. (Not offered 2024-2025.)

215 Microbiology for Human Nutrition
An introduction to microorganisms from a human health perspective, that focuses on immunological concepts, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Laboratories cover basic microbiological techniques and tutorials cover microorganisms from the food perspective. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 215 or BIOL 115. Restricted to human nutrition students, and human kinetics students with nutrition minor. Cannot be used as science A for biology students. Prerequisite: BIOL 111.  Three credits and lab/tutorial.

Please refer to Section 9.5 Biology in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Biology department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5