The MLA Style
The Modern Language Association style is favoured by those who work in literature and related fields. A simple style that sometimes requires the writer to use their own judgement in formatting, the MLA style can struggle with obscure or complex references. The MLA released their 9th edition manual in late 2021; all of the guides below follow the 9th edition.
Guide and Template for term papers and assignments:
MLA Citation & Reference Guide:

Guide and Template for major projects (theses, dissertations, & publications):
The MLA site:

What's new in the 9th edition?
Very little. Of note, reference list entries including containers (e.g.: journals)
within other containers (e.g.: databases) should list both. In the example below, both the
container named "The Kenyon Review" and the larger container named "JSTOR"
are formatted in italics, as containers must be.
Katzen, Hayley. “Cut Down to Size.” The Kenyon Review, vol. 38, no. 6,
Kenyon College, 2016, pp. 102–13. JSTOR,
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