Welcome to the Aquatic Resources Program at StFX!
As the new academic year begins, I am excited to welcome both new and returning students to Aquatic Resources (AQUA). We welcome new professors and instructors to the program: (1) Dr. Heather Penney, who has a background in marine biology and fisheries management, (2) Mallory MacDonnell, a former AQUA graduate, has expertise in ecology, social sciences and fisheries management, and (3) Matthew Schumacher, who has a background in hydrogeology and geomatics/geographic information systems (GIS).
I am excited to share with you all that we will be making some changes! New students will be enrolled in the revised AQUA BASc degree program that allows for a wider array of academic choices while offering students our unique interdisciplinary focus on WATER.
The AQUA Program will continue to offer the same advantages as previous years with small class sizes, with each new cohort of students forming a tightly knit group that proceeds through the program and encourages peer learning. Our students gain extensive practical experience through work terms, field-based learning, and involvement with diverse research programs. Our hands-on approach to learning means that our graduates are eminently employable in diverse areas including government, industry, and academia. If you are considering AQUA but not yet enrolled, come and meet us in J. Bruce Brown Hall (JBB), room 335 F to talk about the program (Lynn – lpatters@stfx.ca, aqua_res@stfx.ca, Tel: (902) 867-3905).
Professor David Garbary
AQUA Steering Committee Members
- Coordinator: Dr. David Garbary, AQUA Program Coordinator, Biology
- Dr. Derrick Lee, Mathematics and Statistics
- Dr. James Braid, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Dr. Patrick Withey, Economics
- Dr. Lynda Harling Stalker, Sociology
- Dr. Mikael Haller, Anthropology
- Lynn Patterson, AQUA Program Assistant
335F J. Bruce Brown Hall
2320 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5