Aquatic Resources Courses

AQUA Program Core Courses 

AQUA 101  Introduction To Freshwater Systems And Resources

This course introduces freshwater ecosystems and the links between human water use and freshwater resources. Students are asked to consider water-related challenges such as climate change, population growth/demand, eutrophication, and pollution. Examples highlight the interplay between humans and freshwater within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Blue Economy, and current events. Topics include water as a unique substance, ecological principles, management practices, governance, groundwater, lakes, and rivers. Lab and Field Trips. Three credits.

AQUA 102  Introduction To Ocean Systems And Resources

This course introduces ocean ecosystems and the links between human use and marine resources. Students are asked to consider challenges such as climate change, pollution, aquaculture and fisheries, and sustainability of species and ecosystems. Examples highlight the interplay between humans and oceans within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Blue Economy, and current events. Topics include estuarine and ocean ecosystems, scientific principles, and resource management approaches. Lab and Field Trips. Three credits.

AQUA 202  The Oceans' Commons And Society

The "tragedy of the commons" has been a reoccurring concept when discussing ocean resources. In this course students will encounter how social scientists study and understand the use of the resources in the oceans' commons. The course will explore theoretical paradigms, governance, social class, gender, race, fishing, aquaculture, and oil and gas.  Students will gain a foundational understanding in social science approaches to issues relating to the oceans resources. Credit will be granted for only one of AQUA 202, AQUA 200, 297 or 298. Prerequisite or co-requisite: AQUA 100 or AQUA 101 and 102. Three credits.

AQUA 221 Issues in Resource Management

This course introduces the basic science necessary to understand current resource issues such as wildlife, forestry and aquatic systems management with the goal of understanding resource decision making, and how human activities can alter terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Cross-listed as BIOL 221. Prerequisite: AQUA 101 and 102 or BIOL 112 or upper-year status in non-science programs. Cannot be used as science A for biology students. Three credits.

AQUA ST: 297 Introduction to Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

This course introduces students to working with spatial data, visualization techniques and analysis. Cartographic and information system fundamentals will set the foundation to using GIS tools that can be used to analyze, represent, and model geographic data derived from censuses, surveys, maps, aerial photographs, and satellite imagery. Topics include cartography and map projections; spatial and attribute data; data capture techniques; vector and raster structure; spatial analysis; and data visualization methods. Three credits with lab.

AQUA ST: 298  Managing Water Resources In The Context Of The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Students will be introduced to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. The investigation of water and its intersection with SDGs to achieve goals related to poverty, food security, gender and racial equity, inequalities, sustainable production and consumption, and climate action, among others, is the focus of this course. Water management, including issues of governance, environmental protection, and water-related ecosystems, will be discussed. Three credits. 

AQUA 325  Aquatic Resources Field Camp

This 4-day field camp, focused on integrated watershed management, is convened during the final week of April, after the exam period has concluded. Students are based out of StFXU.  

The camp usually consists of assigned reading, laboratory and field exercises, and daily field trips to watershed sites. Students must complete the field camp prior to the beginning of either their third- or fourth-year of study. Required. No-credit. 

AQUA 366: Coastal Communities

This course introduces students to social research on coastal communities. Emphasis is given to the social transformation of common property fisheries, the rise of industrial aquaculture, demographic transitions in coastal communities and recent moves towards integrated coastal resource management. Comparative case materials from North Atlantic coastal communities in Atlantic Canada, Britain, Ireland, and the Nordic Countries will be used in this course. Cross-listed as AQUA 366. Prerequisites: SOCI 101, 102. Three credits. Not offered 2023-2024.

AQUA ST: 398 Sustainability of Aquatic Resources

An interdisciplinary look at the dynamic relationship between aquatic resources and human activities. This course will demonstrate how humans rely on water throughout their daily lives and will explore the ways that marine and freshwater environments have been impacted. A main goal will be to investigate steps to mediate issues affecting the sustainable use of aquatic resources and assess the implications from social, economic, management, and ecosystem perspectives. Topics will include global concerns with emphasis on issues within Atlantic Canada. Three credits

AQUA 400  Work Experience/Student Internship

Students will spend the equivalent of one term, during the summer between the junior and senior year, gaining hands-on experience in an aquatics-related work and/or volunteer setting(s). Students have worked in research labs, aquatic resource businesses, community-based environmental organizations, public policy agencies, government offices, etc. Local, national and international opportunities vary, but may be considered by students. To focus the applied learning experience, students submit monthly reports and complete a final, reflective report detailing their experiences. Students are also tasked to identify a StFX faculty advisor and begin defining a senior research topic for AQUA 450 prior to and during their work term experience. Prerequisite: AQUA 200, 297 and 298, 201 and 202, or 202 and 298. Three credits.

Graduate Instructor Teaching Scuba Diving in Bahamas
AQUA 450  Senior Seminar In Aquatic Resources

This seminar represents the capstone for students completing their aquatic resources major. Each year the seminar considers an important interdisciplinary theme in the aquatics field, such as the issue of marine debris/garbage, tidal power, aquaculture, oil and gas pipeline approval processes, off shore oil and gas exploration, north Atlantic right whales, and more. Students will continue working with their faculty advisors on their senior projects during the first term. In the second term, students will present their senior research to the AQUA 450 class in a talk, they will prepare a poster for display at StFX Student Research Day, and they will submit their major research paper to their academic advisors. Visits by AQUA guest speakers are coordinated with seminar work. This course is only open to AQUA major students. Co-requisite: AQUA 400. Three credits.

AQUA Program Flagged Courses

ANTH 223 Local and Global Livelihoods  3
ANTH 233 Ethnographic Studies 3
ANTH 234 Introduction to Indigenous Studies  3
ANTH 243 Principles of Archaeology  3
ANTH 253 Origins of Cities 3
ANTH 303 Anthropological Theory 3
ANTH 304 Principles and Methods of Fieldwork 3
ANTH 305 Anthropological Data Analysis 3
ANTH 310 Anthropology of Tourism 3
ANTH 320 People and Development 3
ANTH 332 L’nu (Mi’kmaq) Studies: Advanced Critical Issues in Indigenous Anthropology 3
ANTH 341 North American Archaeology 3
ANTH 342 Ancient Mesoamerica 3
ANTH 371 Archaeological Field Methods 3
ANTH 372 Archaeological Laboratory Methods 3
ANTH 435 Advanced Indigenous Issues 3
BIOL 201 Animal Biology 3
BIOL 202 Plant Biology 3
BIOL 203 Introductory Ecology 3
BIOL 307 Field Biology 3
BIOL 308 Biology of Populations 3
BIOL 311 Coastal Marine Ecology 3
BIOL 331 Statistical Methods 3
BIOL 345 Communities and Ecosystems 3
BIOL 360 Global Change Biology 3
BIOL 407 Integrated Resource Management 3
BIOL 415 Biogeography 3
BIOL 468 Restoration Ecology 3
BIOL 472 Freshwater Ecology 3
BIOL 481 Selected Topics: Restoration Ecology 3
BIOL 484 Animal Behaviour 3
Business Administration 
BSAD 472 Environmental Sustainability for Organizations 3
Computer Science 
CSCI 128 Computing Literacy and Coding for Problem Solving 3
CSCI 135 Computer Application Technology 3
CSCI 215 Social Issues in the Information Age 3
CSCI 223 Introduction to Data Science 3
Development Studies
DEVS 201 International Development: The Global South 3
DEVS 202 International Development: Canada 3
DEVS 203 Climate Change and People: Issues, Interventions, Citizen-led Actions and Solutions 3
DEVS 303 Power, People, Planet, and Profit 3
Earth and Environmental Sciences
EESC 172 Environment, Climate, and Resources 3
EESC 173 Natural Hazards 3
EESC 266 Hydrology 3
EESC 272 Understanding Climate Change 3
EESC 273 Health and the Environment 3
EESC 274 Health Impacts of Global Environmental Change 3
EESC 277 The Earth in Everyday Life 3
EESC 305 Geochemistry of Natural Waters  3
EESC 365 Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology 3
EESC 376 Environmental Earth Science Field Course 3
EESC 377 Earth Observing 3
EESC 406 Environmental Biogeochemistry  3
EESC 472 Climate Interactions 3
EESC 473 Sustainable Energy Systems and Infrastructure 3
ECON 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I 3
ECON 202 Intermediate Macroeconomics I 3
ECON 211 Local and Community Development Economics 3
ECON 241 Canadian Economic Prospects and Challenges 3
ECON 242 International Economic Prospects and Challenges 3
ECON 281 Environmental Economics 3
ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II 3
ECON 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics II 3
ECON 305 Economic Development I 3
ECON 306 Economic Development II 3
ECON 381 Natural Resource Economics 3
HIST 299 Selected Topics: At the Ends of the Earth 3
MATH 253 Matrix Algebra 3
MATH 254 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 287 Natural Resource Modelling 3
MATH 367 Differential Equations 3
MATH 387 Mathematical Modelling 3
PHIL 213 Philosophy of Science 3
PHIL 251 Critical Thinking 3
PHIL 333 Environmental Ethics 3
PHIL 371 Social and Political Philosophy 3
Political Science
PSCI 221 Canadian Political Institutions 3
PSCI 222 Canadian Politics and Society 3
PSCI 241 Business and Government 3
PSCI 251 Foundations of Global Politics 3
PSCI 252 Contemporary Global Politics 3
PSCI 291 Violence, Conflict and Politics 3
PSCI 303 Controversies in Contemporary Political Thought 3
PSCI 308 Global Justice 3
PSCI 321 Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations 3
PSCI 322 Atlantic Canada 3
PSCI 324 Provincial Politics 3
PSCI 325 Indigenous Politics in Canada 3
PSCI 335 Human Rights & International Justice 3
PSCI 351 Canadian Foreign Policy 3
PSCI 353 International Organizations 3
PSCI 354 Global Political Economy 3
PSCI 355 Global Issues 3
Public Policy and Governance 
PGOV 201 Public Policy 3
PGOV 299 ST: Sovereignty, Security, and Development: The Arctic in Canadian Policy 3
PGOV 301  Comparative Public Policy 3
PGOV 302 Public Administration 3
PGOV 307 Science and Public Policy 3
PGOV 355 Learning from Disaster 3
Religious Studies 
RELS 221 Religion & the Environmental Crisis 3
RELS 283 Apocalypes 3
RELS 333 Religion, Violence and Peace 3
SOCI 202 Research Principles and Practices 3
SOCI 207 Health Justice  
SOCI 237 Social Justice  
SOCI 243 Consumer Society  
SOCI 247 Environmental  Social Sciences I: Problems & Paradigms 3
SOCI 248 Environmental Social Sciences II: Power & Change 3
SOCI 301 Classical Social Theory 3
SOCI 302 Topics in Contemporary Theory 3
SOCI 303 Social and Political Thought  
SOCI 307 Qualitiative Research Methods 3
SOCI 312 Social Movements 3
SOCI 329 Climate Justice 3
SOCI 335 Indigenous Peoples in Canada 3
SOCI 341 Sociology of Agriculture 3
SOCI 364 Food and Society 3
SOCI 366 Coastal Communities 3
STAT 101 Introductory Statistics 3
STAT 231 Statistics for Students in the Sciences 3
STAT 311 Survey Sampling Design 3
STAT 331 Statistical Methods 3
STAT 333 Introductory Probability Theory 3
STAT 334  Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 357 Regression Analysis 3


Aquatic Resources

335F J. Bruce Brown Hall
2320 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5